The Lyons Township High School District 204 Board of Education conducted a Committee of the Whole Meeting on Monday December 4 , 2023 and a Regular Action Meeting on Monday, December 18, 2023. The following information includes action items, discussion items, and reports from the Board’s two most recent meetings. For more information regarding the Board of Education, which includes a link to view the livestream recording of all meetings, minutes, and additional materials, please visit the LTHS Board of Education website.

Action Items

2023 Tax Levy Approved

Director of Business Services, Brian Stachacz, shared an initial presentation regarding the 2023 Property Tax Levy on November 6. Tentative approval happened during the meeting on November 20. Final approval happened during the meeting on December 18.

Below are items shared during the 2023 Tax Levy:

• The Consumer Price Index in December of 2022 was 6.5%. School Districts are capped at 5% so the increase to the total 2023 levy can be 5%.

• Including additional amounts for new property, the likely request will be an increase to the

2023 levy of 5%-7% over the 2022 levy.

• With an expected increase of over 5%, the District will hold a Truth-in-Taxation Hearing

before final adoption in December.

• A 5% increase will bring an estimated increase to the 2023 levy of $3.8 million.

For homeowners within District 204, the amount of increased taxes paid to D204 will be a calculation based on the value of the home. The below four scenarios provide a general model of what the increased taxes for the expected 2023 levy could result in for houses valued at or near these amounts. 

• A house valued at $1.1 million would receive an increase of approximately $190 per year.

• A house valued at $775,000 would receive an increase of approximately $139 per year.

• A house valued at $550,000 would receive an increase of approximately $95 per year.

• A house valued at $500,000 would receive an increase of approximately $55 per year.

For additional information regarding the District 204 Tax Levy, please click here

FY23 Audited Financial Statements Approved

The Financial Statements and Audit from Fiscal Year 2022-2023 was presented and discussed during the meeting on December 18. It is worth noting that the auditors did not identify any significant findings as a result of this audit. It is also worth noting that the District’s cumulative fund balance in the Operating Funds (Education Fund, Operations & Maintenance Fund, Transportation Fund, IMR/Social Security Fund and Working Cash Fund) increased by roughly $5.4 million (including construction obligations). The majority of the surplus is directly related to revenue for the year developing favorably due the continued increase in the Corporate Personal Property Replacement Taxes.

FY24 Tax Relief Grant Application Approved

In 2017, the State of Illinois changed the process for school funding. As part of that

legislation, a Property Tax Relief Grant was created in order for school district’s to have the

opportunity to reduce their tax levy and in doing so receive a grant from the State of Illinois to

replace some or all of the lost revenue in the tax levy. In applying for the grant and possibly receiving it, the Board could potentially provide the taxpayers in the community with property tax relief of $2.8 million in the 2023 and 2024 Tax Year tax levies for a total of $5.6 million over the two years. In those years, the District would then receive a grant of $1.2 million from the State of Illinois for each year to help cover the reduction of funds from the tax levy. The State of Illinois has allocated $49.3 million in Property Tax Relief Grants for the upcoming year. Currently, Lyons Township High School is 534th on the list for a grant with a total dollar amount of $736 million in possible grants available to the districts above LT on the list. While there is a small chance that the District will receive a grant, the Board of Education would like to have the opportunity to provide property tax relief to the LT community if the opportunity arises through this grant process.   

Voris Mechanical Change Order Approved

Voris Mechanical is the company that completed the replacement of the air-handlers in the North Campus Library and LTTV Studio. Additionally, they added the air-conditioning to the J-Wing at South Campus. The contract with Voris Mechanical included a $100,000 allowance to address unknown issues during the project. During the project, $54,125.95 of the allowance was used for unforeseen issues but the remainder of $45,874.05 will be deducted from the final contract amount with this Change Order. (A list of the unforeseen issues is presented on the Change Order with a corresponding cost.)

The original contract amount was $2,262,500 and the final amount, including this deductive Change Order, will be $2,216,625.95. This contract will be complete and closed after approval of this Change Order.

Board of Education Reimbursement Expenses for 2023 Joint Annual Conference Approved

The Board of Education attended the 2023 Joint Annual Conference which is one of the nation’s largest state education conferences. The conference offers opportunities for training, personal and professional development, and networking. On October 16, the board approved the costs incurred for conference registrations totaling $3225.00. At the December 20 meeting, the board approved an additional $1070.86 in expenses that were incurred during the conference. 

Discussion Items

Strategic Plan Goal 4 Update

During the December 18 Regular Action Meeting, the leadership team shared an update

regarding Goal Four (Family and Community Partnerships) of LT’s Strategic Plan. The update included a brief overview of Goal Four, including the tasks identified for completion for the 2023-24 school year, and a progress update on each of the three strategies. The primary topics covered during the presentation included:

● Strategic Communications Plan

● Collaboration with LT Associate Schools

● 8th to 9th Grade Transition Timeline

● Career Pathways Update

More information can be found on the LTHS Strategic Plan Website.

Superintendent’s District Report

LT Superintendent, Dr. Brian Waterman, highlighted the following information during his monthly report.

  • The District received 3 FOIA requests since the November meeting and those items were included within the Board member packet. 
  • Dr. Waterman and Board President, Dawn Aubert, recognized the following students, staff, community members, and programs:
  • IncubatorEDU
  • LION Newspaper
  • LTTV Student Television
  • Menagerie Literary and Art Magazine
  • Tabulae Yearbook
  • WLTL Radio Station
  • Vita Plena Award Recipient, Pauline Beach

Student Representative to the Board Report

Student Representative to the Board, Sophia Szymanski, presented an update that included a variety of academic, athletic, and extra-curricular highlights. 

LTEA Report 

LT Education Association President Andrew Johannes shared that many students are starting to get their acceptance letters and we wish them the best. Andrew also expressed support for all employee workgroups, including para educators, administrative assistants, student assistants, IT support, and building and grounds personnel. In addition, Andrew acknowledged the Board’s support of all programs at the school and shared that the LTEA is truly grateful. Finally, Andrew highlighted two teachers, Patti Cryer and Dawn Saukstelis, who coordinate the Child Development 1 and 2 classes.

Public Participation

There were no individuals who participated in public participation.

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