In this Issue…

Board Chooses Politics Over Transparency in Redistricting – At Tuesday’s meeting, the Board voted 9-1 to adopt a redistricting map that had not been shared with the public, circulated to County staff or the Redistricting Advisory Committee, nor shared with the Supervisor whose residents were most affected by the changes. The final map took an obscure alternative plan and significantly altered it all behind closed doors without explanation. Despite my requests, the changes were not shared with me until after close of business the night before the vote even though over seventy percent of the changes impacted the Springfield district. For Chairman McKay and Supervisor Walkinshaw to say that the conclusion of redistricting process was not political is not only a blatant lie, but also an insult to the 1.2 million residents in Fairfax County and all those who participated in the process in good faith. Below I’ll share more with you on the failures of this process and how you can respond. 

Other News and Information
  • SSPA Survey (Closes December 10)
  • Meet the Commanders! (December 13)
  • Plastic Bag Tax Goes into Effect (January 1)
  • And more…