Update on Board of Trustees Meeting
Regular Board Meeting: Thursday, April 23, 2020
The Board approved employment for the following individuals. Please join us in welcoming:

Patrick Bynum , Instructional Support Specialist, Math Success Center
Cynthia Jimenez , Bilingual Instructional Support Specialist, Learning Services
Joshua Murillo , Instructional Support Specialist, Math Success Center
Campus Housing
Ann Volz, The Scion Group; Stephen Siri, The Martin Group; and Jeff Bacurin, HPI Architects provided an update on the most recent activities of the campus student housing project. They shared an overview of
the strategic objectives for the campus housing project and presented the site plans, which includes three buildings (two for single students with 394 beds and one flex building with 40 family units. All three are four-story buildings with an architectural character meant to complement other buildings on campus. The team responded to questions from the board and will continue to move the project forward.
Dr. Kraft presented the 2019 State of the College report, a community-oriented annual publication intended to highlight some of the College's accomplishments and celebrate our staff, faculty, students and community partners. The 2018-19 report is not a comprehensive overview, but instead a snapshot of some of our successes and a valuable tool for trustees. Note: the final document will be issued next week and shared with all staff.

Annual Report
Guided Pathways
Members of the Guided Pathways Leadership Team (Jessica Erickson, Dean, Enrollment & Outreach Services; Faye Smyle, Interim VP, Academic Affairs;
Eileene Tejada, Academic Senate President; and Robyn Wornall, Senior Dean, Research, Planning & Institutional Effectiveness) presented an update on Guided Pathways, including NVC's Scale of Adoption Self-Assessment (SOAA) submitted to the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office earlier this semester. Guided Pathways is an opportunity for Napa Valley College to provide a clear path for student success by utilizing a holistic approach to identify obstacles to student achievement and implementing coordinated institution-wide solutions.
Bob Parker, VP, Administrative Services, provided an overview on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic emergency on the 2019-2020 budget and the budget development process for 2020-2021.

The Audit and Finance Committee reviewed the audit report, which included District Auxiliary Services and VWT Foundation, at its meeting held April 14, 2020 and the Board of Trustees approved the report.
The Board of Trustees approved partnership agreements with:

Marin General Hospital: Approved amendment to the contract with Marin General Hospital to extend our existing contract for the Respiratory Care and Paramedic programs, so that our students have another option for clinical experience/internship.

CWDL : Approved a one-year agreement with CWDL for the review and audit of District records for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2020.
The Board of Trustees approved curriculum changes as recommended by the Curriculum Committee and the Academic Senate.
The Napa Valley College District is in the process of updating and revising its Board Policy Manual with the assistance of the Community College of California (CCLC) Policy and Procedure Service.

The Board adopted the following policies:

BP 3570 Smoking
BP 3820 Gifts
BP 5030 Fees
BP 5070 Attendance
BP 5205 Student Accident Insurance
BP 6700 Civic Center and Other Facilities Use
Dr. Kraft provided a written update from the President's Office as well as Cabinet. The report provided an overview of recent District activities in response to COVID-19.
Dr. Eileene Tejada (Academic Senate)
Dr. Tejada acknowledged the faculty for their efforts to assure a seamless transition from face-to-face to online and their demonstrated commitment to student success. She also noted that the Academic Senate continues its important work to approve curriculum, review board policies, create new distance education training structures, policies, etc. The Senate recently approved the Guided Pathways Scales of Adoption scales as well as general education learning outcomes.

Kristie Iwamoto (Faculty Association)
Ms. Iwamoto announced that the Association recently elected its officers and she was reelected as president for another two years. Joining her on the executive board are Sean McCann, vice president; Melinda Tran, secretary, Terry Wegner, treasurer; and Carlene Coury, part-time representative. She noted that negotiations are ongoing and she is confident the Association will be able to settle on a contract by the end of the year.

Valerie Mull (Union of Classified Professionals)
Ms. Mull submitted a written report, which said that every classified employee is now working under a modified schedule of some sort. VPN access has been provided to all who require it in order to telecommute. Online training opportunities that previously may not have been available are now a large part of our daily routines. This “new normal” work style will serve us well through our careers at Napa Valley College. Like the economic recession of the prior decade, we are learning new skills that will no doubt change the way we will work from now on. Ms. Mull welcomed the new classified staff and acknowledged NVC's commitment to student success during the pandemic.

Robert Harris (Academic Senate)
Mr. Harris announced that while there are many obstacles, everyone is working collaboratively to support our students. Last week, nominations opened for Administrative Confidential Employee of the Year. Voting will close on May 1 and the selected honoree will be presented at the May board meeting. Everyone will continue to work together and maintain a positive attitude as we will emerge from this as an even stronger college.
Next Board of Trustees Meeting: 5/14/20