Update on Board of Trustees Meeting
Regular Board Meeting: Thursday, December 17, 2020
Board Approves Certification of Election and Welcomes Trustees
The Board of Trustees approved the Certification of the November 3rd Election as submitted by John Tuteur, registrar of voters for Napa County, and Dr. Kraft administered the oath of office and ceremonial swearing in. Please welcome
newly elected trustee Inez DeLuna, elected to represent District 6, and returning board members Jennifer Baker, reelected to represent District 1, and Raphael Rios, reelected to represent District 7.

Kraft and DeLuna
Dr. Ron Kraft and newly elected trustee Inez DeLuna
Welcome the 2021 Board President/Chair and Vice President
Jennifer Baker
Jeff Dodd
The NVC Board of Trustees has elected Jennifer Baker as board president for 2021. Trustee Baker was first elected to the NVC Board in 2016 and was reelected for her second four-year term in November 2020. Jeff Dodd, who is serving his first term after being elected to the NVC Board in 2018, was elected vice president for 2021. Congratulations!
Passing the Gavel
Board Recognizes Outgoing Trustee Rosaura Segura
Dr. Kraft and the board virtually presented a special gavel to outgoing president Rosaura Segura in recognition of her service as 2020 Napa Valley College Board of Trustees president/chair. The Board also approved a resolution recognizing Trustee Segura.

Board Recognizes Retiring DSPS Dean Sheryl Fernandez
The Board of Trustees recognized Sheryl Fernandez for her service as an administrator and a member of the counseling faculty. Dean Fernandez's expertise in serving students with disabilities as a counselor and administrator will be greatly missed, but her legacy will continue on with the DSPS department that she worked so diligently to create.

Sheryl Fernandez
Board Approves Mitigated Negative Declaration

Bob Parker, Asst. Superintendent/VP, Academic Services; Erin Stagg, legal counsel; and Brian Bacciarini, Senior Environmental Scientist with GHD provided an update on the CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) process for the NVC Campus Student Housing Project. The Board of Trustees approved a Mitigated Negative Declaration/Initial Study and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, which allows plans to be filed with the Division of State Architect next week.

Board Approves Board Calendar for 2021

The Board of Trustees approved the board calendar for 2021.

Board Approves Curriculum Changes

The Board approved curriculum changes for fall 2020 as provided by the Curriculum Committee and the Academic Senate.

Board Approves NVC Union of Classified Professional Initial Proposal for Reopeners

The Board approved the Napa Valley College Union of Classified Professionals Initial Proposal for Reopeners dated October 29, 2020.

Board Approves NVC Proposal for Negotiations with NVC Union of Classified Professionals

The Board approved the Napa Valley Community College District Initial Proposal for Negotiations with the Napa Valley College Union of Classified Professionals for the contract period beginning July 1, 2021.

Partnerships and Agreements Approved
The Board of Trustees approved partnership agreements with:

Chancellor's Office: three-year agreement to assist the District with data collection to support the District’s reporting requirements under the federal Student Right-to-Know Act.

San Diego State University Research Foundation: Community College Equity Assessment Lab (CCEAL) partnership agreement to assess the needs and experiences of historically underrepresented and underserved students at NVC.

Humboldt State University Sponsored Programs Foundation: renewal of cooperative agreement for the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) program.

Knock'em Out Pest Control: agreement for pest control services for Napa Valley College.
Board Adopts Board Policies 4220 and 4235

The Napa Valley College District is in the process of updating and revising its Board Policy Manual with the assistance of the Community College of California (CCLC) Policy and Procedure Service. This was the second reading and the Board approved BP 2015.

So that Napa Valley College can be in compliance with a recent legislative mandate that requires the District to have this policy in place by December 30, the Board approved a waiver of first reading and adoption of:

BP 4220 Standards of Scholarship: Revision to comply with changes in the law related to BP 4235.
BP 4235 Credit by Examination (Credit for Prior Learning): Revised to address changes in the law.

The Board Policies manual is available in Board Docs.
Click on "policies" top right.
Police Chief Amber Wade Presents Annual Notification of Student Right to Know (Clery) Report

Police Chief Amber Wade presented the Annual Notification of Students Right to Know (Clery) Report as required by federal law titled the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. The law typically requires the “Clery” report to be published by October 1 each year; however, due to COVID-19, the publication dates for 2020 were pushed back to January 14, 2021. A notice of the report is sent to all current students and staff, and the Board of Trustees.
Dr. Robyn Wornall Presents Updates on Progress Report, Vision for Success and Accreditation

Dr. Robyn Wornall, Senior Dean, Research, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness, presented the 2019-2020 Progress Report, which summarizes the progress made toward achieving the institutional goals and strategic initiatives outlined in the Institutional Strategic Plan. She also presented the Vision for Success Goals and Performance, which focuses on NVC's performance on the Vision for Success metrics and compares recent performance against the targets identified for 2021-2022. Finally, Dr. Wornall presented an update on accreditation, which includes the internal self-evaluation currently underway.
Report from Closed Session

The Board determined that Resolution #20-20 warranted additional discussion and agreed to postpone to the January board meeting. The resolution would authorize the lease of certain real property located on the Upper Valley Campus to the City of St. Helena for municipal purposes.
Next Board of Trustees Meeting: 1/14/21