Update on Board of Trustees Meeting
Regular Board Meeting: Thursday, February 11, 2021
Board Approves Redistricting Contract with County of Napa

The Board approved a contract with the County of Napa to provide support for redistricting of trustee areas as required by law following the census. The County takes the lead on the redistricting process, working with Napa Valley College and the Napa County Office of Education. John Tuteur, Registrar of Voters, who worked with the college during redistricting in 1990, 2000 and 2010, was in attendance
and shared an overview of the process.
Ultimately, there will be a proposed plan and maps for each trustee area and there will be public meetings for review.

County of Napa Redistricting
Board Appointments to Committees and Boards

Board chair Jennifer Baker made the following appointments for 2021:

  • McPherson Distinguished Teaching Award Selection Committee: Beth Goff
  • Accreditation Steering Committee: Ines DeLuna
Board Approves 2021-2022 Nonresident Tuition Fee

 The Board approved the District's 2021-2022 Nonresident Tuition Fee as required in February each year to determine the appropriate rate to be charged in the following academic year. Using information provided by the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office regarding the average expense of education per full-time equivalent student, the tuition charge per semester unit for nonresident students (including international students) will increase to $307 for the 2021-2022 academic year (the current charge is $290 per semester unit).

Board Approves 2021-2022 Academic Personnel Status

 The Board approved the 2021-2022 Academic Personnel Status Document, which lists each contract (tenure-track) and regular (tenured) faculty member by contract status, salary step, and anniversary date and tenure status for applicable academic administrators for the academic year 2021-2022.

Board Approves 2021-2022 Legislative Priorities

 The Board approved the following legislative priorities as proposed by the Legislative Committee for advocacy activities.

  • Equity for Students
  • Equity for Academic Opportunity
  • Equity for Educational Quality

Michael Baldini Nominated to Run for CCCCT Board

The board nominated trustee Michael Baldini to run for the statewide California Community College Trustees (CCCT) board, which makes positions on and formulates education policy issues that come before the California Community Colleges Board of Governors, the State Legislature, and other relevant state-level boards and commissions. 

Agreements Approved
The Board of Trustees approved agreements with:

St. Joseph Health Northern California, LLC: renewal of clinical and non-clinical training affiliation agreement for Health Occupation students' clinical experience.

Human Services and Addiction Studies internship programs contract for off-campus internship sites with the following agencies: Progress House Inc., Napa Valley Unified School District, Berkeley Food and Housing Project, and MedMark Treatment Center.
Board Reviews Board Policies

The Napa Valley College District continues to update and revise its Board Policy Manual with the assistance of the Community College of California (CCLC) Policy and Procedure Service. This was the second reading of BP 4020 and BP 4029.

BP 4020 Program, Curriculum and Course Development: Revision proposed by Academic Senate
BP 4029 Units and Hours: Revision proposed by Academic Senate

The Board Policies manual is available in Board Docs.
Click on "policies" top right.
As part of the President's Report, Dr. Kraft presented an update on the President's and Administrative Services Areas Reorganization and Realignment (Enterprise Auxiliary Services and Public Affairs & Communications)

  • Bob Parker provided additional information on Enterprise Auxiliary Services, formerly District Auxiliary Services, and now part of Administrative Services. He also provided an update on technology and the Campus Student Housing project.
  • Dr. Sara Parker provided an update on the spring schedule and plans underway for summer and fall.
  • Oscar DeHaro shared plans for a new virtual high school luncheon to take place May 6 as well as an update on current discussions about commencement.
  • Charo Albarrán provided an update on training and development activities, including Leadership II, Caring Campus, Administrative Assistant Certification Program and KEYSS.
  • Jessica Thomason, executive director of the Napa Valley College Foundation, provided an update on the Wine Education Center campaign.
Next Board of Trustees Meeting: 3/11/21