Update on Board of Trustees Meeting
Regular Board Meeting: Thursday, May 14, 2020
Dr. Sara Parker
Dr. Sara Parker
New VPAA Approved
The Board of Trustees unanimously approved the contract for Dr. Sara Parker to join Napa Valley College as our Assistant Superintendent/Vice President, Academic Affairs, effective July 1, 2020. Dr. Parker currently serves as administrator in charge of science and mathematics and dean of social sciences at Chabot Community College in Hayward. She brings an array of impressive experience to NVC, including a sustained interest in excellent teaching, a performance record of equity and inclusion, a career-long commitment to transformational education and a wonderfully collaborative way of working.
Greg Miraglia to Continue as Acting Senior Dean

The Board also extended the contract for Greg Miraglia to continue to serve as Acting Senior Dean, Career Education and Academic Pathways, through June 30, 2020, or until the position is filled. Thank you for your continued service!
Storm Athletics
Outstanding NVC Storm Athletes 2019-2020

Associate Dean & Athletic Director Jerry Dunlap recognized 43 outstanding scholar athletes for the 2019-2020 year. Students who participate in intercollegiate athletics are required by the governing body of California Community College Athletic Association to carry a minimum load of 12 units per semester and pass a minimum of 24 units per year. Students must also maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA in order to be eligible to compete on an intercollegiate team. 

Phi Theta Kap[a
Phi Theta Kappa Awards for 2019-2020

Napa Valley College's honor society chapter received multiple honors this year at the Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Honor Society regional and international awards. Phi Theta Kappa faculty advisor Cathy Gillis shared the impressive list of honors, which included individual awards for PTK students Huzaifa Kamran Khawaja and Tyler Kirby as well regional and national awards for the chapter itself. NVC's PTK Chapter was once again awarded 5 star status (highest achievable) as well as Top 100 Honor Society Chapter in PTK International Society.

Classified Apprecation
Resolution in Honor of Classified Professionals

In 2006, the Board of Trustees approved designating time each April to celebrate Napa Valley College's classified professionals and the contributions they make to our educational community. Matt Christensen, director of facilities services, recognized three classified professionals who have reached or exceeded 15 years of employment.

  • Ian Holbrook, building mechanic/ painter
  • Geverson Mattei, lead custodian
  • Richard Nixon, lead groundskeeper

They join more than 68 classified professionals who have reached or exceeded 15 years of employment at the college since 2006. Congratulations!

National Nurses Week
Resolution in Honor of National Nurses Week

The Board of Trustees adopted a resolution to acknowledge and honor the nurse faculty, both full-time and adjunct, of the Associate Degree in Nursing Program, the Vocational Nursing Program, the Psychiatric Technician Program, the EMS Program and other nurses at Napa Valley College. This resolution is presented annually in conjunction with National Nurses Week (May 6-12 this year). Bob Harris, senior dean, health & safety, congratulated the nurses and noted that the nursing faculty and vocational nurses in the program requested to dedicate the resolution to two former staff who recently passed away: Barbara Wukas, who was a professor, associate degree nursing program a nd Margaret Craig, who served as the associate dean, associate degree nursing program.

McPherson Distinguished Teaching Award
McPherson Distinguished Teaching Award
Administrative/ Confidential Employee of the Year
Sally Baldwin
Sally Baldwin, Ph.D
Instructor, Kinesiology and Health

Faye Smyle and Bob Harris recognized Sally Baldwin for being selected to receive the Napa Valley College McPherson Distinguished Teaching Award for Excellence.

Lisa Yanover
Lisa Yanover, Ph.D.
English Professor

Faye Smyle and María Villagómez recognized Lisa Yanover for being selected to receive the Napa Valley College McPherson Distinguished Teaching Award for Excellence.

Bob Van Der Velde
Bob Van Der Velde
Senior Dean of Arts & Sciences

Bob Harris announced the Administrative/Confidential Employee of the Year on behalf of the Administrative Senate and Selection Committee.

Ann Gross
Ann Gross
Resolution Honoring Retiring Faculty Member
Faye Smyle, interim assistant superintendent/vice president of academic affairs, introduced Ann Gross, professor of communication studies, who is retiring at the end of spring 2020. María Villagómez, senior dean, language arts, library and social sciences read the resolution honoring Professor Gross. Thank you for your many years of service. You will be missed!

Emeritus Status Awarded

Emeritus status is an honorary title awarded to recognize the distinguished and honorable service of retirees and to encourage continued association with the college. Emeritus status may be granted to qualified academic, classified, and administrative staff who have served for ten years upon retirement or other separation from the district. Congratulations to:

Mary S. Shea, Professor of Spanish and English
Ann Gross , Professor of Communication Studies
Housing Presentation
Ann Volz, The Scion Group, and Stephen Siri, The Martin Group, provided an update on the most recent activities of the campus student housing project and addressed questions raised at the April board meeting. The project is currently targeted to start construction in summer 2021 with the design development drawings completed in August 2020 and the construction drawings and submission to the DSA (Division of the State Architect) in December 2020.
Dr. Kraft presented current planning efforts for the restructuring of the NVC Upper Valley Campus in St. Helena. He shared history about the Upper Valley Campus as well as an overview of the current configuration, current education/training and partnerships, budget and planning considerations, and timeline and phases. The Board of Trustees discussed the potential effects of COVID-19 on the development of the Center, and encouraged the District to explore opportunities for collaboration, including partnerships and facility rental or leases.

Upper Valley Campus
Napa Valley College's next comprehensive review for accreditation, including an Institutional Self-Evaluation Report (ISER) and site visit by an external team, is scheduled for 2022. Dr. Robyn Wornall, senior dean, RPIE and accreditation liaison officer, provided an overview of changes to the accreditation process and shared NVC's timeline for the 2022 comprehensive review. 
The Board of Trustees approved a resolution to delay student elections of new officers to represent the student body, Associated Students of Napa Valley College (ASNVC). The delay was requested due to difficulties created by the pandemic emergency.
The Board of Trustees approved partnership agreements with:

San Francisco Wine School : Agreement for Napa Valley College Contract Education to offer a 16-hour program management webinar that helps students grasp the art and science of Wine List Development, Beverage Cost Control, Vendor Relations, Beverage Law and Cellar Management and bring their career to the next level. 

Kensington Subtenant LP, by SRG Pacific Mgmt. LLC : MOU for NVC's nursing students to have an opportunity for face-to-face clinical experience with Kensington Subtenant, LP, by SRG Pacific Mgmt. LLC. Given the current circumstances, this clinical agency is an excellent opportunity for NVC's nursing students to have a real hands-on experience.
The Board of Trustees approved curriculum changes as recommended by the Curriculum Committee and the Academic Senate.
Next Board of Trustees Meeting: 6/11/20