Update on Board of Trustees Meeting
Regular Board Meeting: Thursday, November 12, 2020
Board Approves 2021-2022 Academic Calendar
The Board approved the 2021-2022 Academic Calendar, which meets legal mandates, and the holidays and breaks coincide with those scheduled by the Napa Valley Unified School District.

Academic Calendar
TLD Architecture
Board Approves Contract with TLCD Architecture
for Building 3100
The Board approved a contract with TLCD Architecture to provide architectural and engineering services for a Preliminary Design (Schematic and Design Development) for the renovation and modernization of the existing Industrial Technology Building 3100 (Machine Tool and Welding). Built in 1968 and approximately 10,000 square feet, the building contains the welding shop and machine tool shop along with associated classrooms, office and support spaces. The Board approved the contract, which Bob Parker shared, includes funds set aside as part of NVC's five-year capital outlay plan as well as matching funds from the state.

Board Approves Resolution to Exempt Student Housing Project from Local Zoning and Land Use Ordinances

Erin Stagg, Napa Valley College legal counsel, provided some background and the Board adopted a resolution exempting the Napa Valley College Student Housing Project From local zoning and land use ordinances Under Government Code Section 53094.

Board Approves Updated Advisory Committees
for Career Education

Per the California Code of Regulations, the Board approved program advisory committees for NVC's career education programs at its October meeting. Some changes were subsequently made to the list so it was placed on the November agenda for board approval.

Board Approves Institutional Learning Outcomes/General Education Learning Outcomes

At the October board meeting, Dr. Sara Parker presented an update on NVC's Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILO), which are now the same as our General Education Learning Outcomes (GELO). The Board approved the outcomes at the November meeting.

Board Approves Curriculum Changes

The Board approved curriculum changes for fall 2020 as provided by the Curriculum Committee and the Academic Senate.

Board Approves Contract with
David F. Trujillo & Associates

Oscar De Haro, assistant superintendent/vice president, shared plans to contract with David F. Trujillo & Associates to work with Napa Valley College to plan, develop, write and submit a grant application for the anticipated 2021 competition for the Federal Department of Education Hispanic Serving Institutions - Science Technology Engineering Math (HSI STEM) Title III Part F 2021-2026 grant cycle.

Board Approves MOU with
Institute for Higher Education Policy (IHEP)
Napa Valley College was approved by the Institute for Higher Education Policy (IHEP) to participate in Degrees When Due, a national three-year initiative to help postsecondary institutions close attainment gaps and improve degree completion, especially for students with some college, but no degree. Dr. Parker shared additional background about how the program can build capacity to improve degree completion for underserved populations through reverse transfer and stopout reengagement. 

Degrees when Due
Agreements Approved
The Board of Trustees approved partnership agreements with:

California Department of Education: amendment to the existing agreement for childcare services.

Jobspeaker, Inc.: to provide a platform for Adult Education students to utilize labor market information and identify jobs with sustainable wage and sufficient annual openings to meet their career goals.

Internship Program Contracts for the Human Services and Addiction Studies Program with Alternatives for Better Living, Center Point Napa and House of Acts.

Board Adopts Board Policy 2015

The Napa Valley College District is in the process of updating and revising its Board Policy Manual with the assistance of the Community College of California (CCLC) Policy and Procedure Service. This was the second reading and the Board approved BP 2015.

BP 2015 Student Member: Adopt change approved at October meeting, removing privilege to attend closed session.

The Board Policies manual is available in Board Docs.
Click on "policies" top right.
Initial Proposal for Negotiations
with Union of Classified Professionals

Charo Albarrán, associate vice president, human resources, training and development, shared the District's initial proposal for the contract period beginning July 1, 2021 for negotiations with the Napa Valley College Union of Classified Professionals, represented by SEIU Local 1021.
Next Board of Trustees Meeting: 12/17/20