Update on Board of Trustees Meeting
Regular Board Meeting: Thursday, October 8, 2020
Board Swears in New Student Trustee William Shull
Congratulations to William Shull, who was sworn in as the student trustee after running unopposed in the recent Associated Students of Napa Valley College (ASNVC) elections. The Board also reviewed and approved Board Policy BP 2015, which outlines the privileges afforded to the student trustee. Usually, the student trustee's term starts on May 15 each year; however, elections were postponed this year due to COVID. Yusbi Jimenez, the newly elected ASNVC president, was also introduced at the board meeting.
William Shull
Board Approves 2020-2021 Final Budget
The Board approved the 2020-2021 final budget, which was reviewed by the Audit and Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees on October 6, 2020.

Board Approves Revisions to 2018-2021
Institutional Strategic Plan
Dr. Robyn Wornall, senior dean of research, planning and institutional effectiveness, provided an overview of the changes to Napa Valley College's current Institutional Strategic Plan, which spans 2018-2021. The goal referencing community support was revised and a new goal was added: Achieve equity in student outcomes and promote equity-mindedness as a. means to evaluate all District practices.

Board Approves Advisory Committees for Career Ed
California Code of Regulations, Title 5, requires that local boards appoint program advisory committees for career education programs to help develop recommendations and to provide liaison between the district and potential employers. NVC's advisory committees are made up of industry professionals, program faculty, and other experts.

Agreements Approved
The Board of Trustees approved partnership agreements with:

California Department of Education: amendment to the existing agreement for childcare services.

Napa County Office of Education: operation of the Napa Valley College Child Care Center.

San Bernardino Community College: provide access to Employment Training Panel (ETP) funding for employer training locally in the Napa Valley region.

Humboldt State University Sponsored Programs Foundation: sub-agreement with State of California Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development for Technical Assistance Expansion Program. Also approved renewal of the cooperative agreement for the 2020/21 Capital Infusion Program.

Sutter Health: clinical experience for Napa Valley College Health Occupations' students.
Board Policy Adoption

The Napa Valley College District is in the process of updating and revising its Board Policy Manual with the assistance of the Community College of California (CCLC) Policy and Procedure Service. This was the second reading and the Board approved BP 2355.

BP 2355 Decorum: Legal update to be consistent with recent First Amendment decisions

The Board Policies manual is available in Board Docs.
Click on "policies" top right.
animal shelter
President and Cabinet Updates

  • Dr. Sara Parker provided an update on Upper Valley Campus (UVC) and fall enrollment.
  • Chief Amber Wade provided an update on the county evacuation center at NVC.
  • Bob Parker provided an update on the student housing project.
  • Robin Darcangelo provided an update on Student Equity and Inclusivity activities.
  • Charo Albarrán provided an update on HR activities.
  • Oscar De Haro introduced the Student Affairs Annual Report 2019-2020.
Institutional Learning Outcomes/General Education Learning Outcomes

Dr. Sara Parker, asst. superintendent/vice president, academic affairs, presented an update on NVC's Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILO), which are now the same as our General Education Learning Outcomes (GELO). Additionally, a new outcome related to career and academic development was added. The ILOs/GELOs were approved at the Council of Presidents meeting on May 20, 2020.

Four Indicators
Core Indicators Report 2019-2020
Dr. Robyn Wornall provided an update on the Core Indicators Report, an institutional effectiveness report that is produced each year. It compares institution-level performance in the most recent academic year to institution-set standards, which define academic quality. The standards were identified for the following measures: successful course completion rate, fall-to-fall persistence rate, the number of degree and certificate recipients, and the number of transfers to four-year institutions (within the CSU and UC systems).

Next Board of Trustees Meeting: 11/12/20