June 8, 2023
Dear Neighbor,

Happy Pride Month! I was pleased that the Board recently designated June as Pride Month in Fairfax County. Fairfax County stands proudly with the LGBTQIA+ community to ensure all are safe and free from oppression, fear, and violence. Let's come together and embrace our differences and show the world that love always wins! You can find a list of Pride events in and around the County below.

Additionally, the Board designated June 2 as Gun Violence Awareness Day, and designated June 19 as Juneteenth at Tuesday's Board Meeting. Fairfax Parks has a number of events coming up to celebrate Juneteenth.

A public vote for renaming the Providence Community Center is now open until June 23 at 11:59PM. You can find more information about the potential names and how to vote below.

Speaking of voting, an additional 13 early voting sites including Providence Community Center will open Saturday, June 10 at 9AM. You can view a list of all voting locations and what's on the ballot here.
Lastly, I want to thank you again for your support and generosity, we have now collected 1345 diapers! We will still be collecting diaper donations until June 30th. Please drop off your donations at the Providence Community Center Monday through Saturday between 9am and 10pm.

You can read about the following Providence District updates:
  • Board Meeting Highlights
  • What's New in Providence?
  • Land Use and Transportation Updates
  • Green Corner
  • Food Access Program
  • James Scott Design Awards Nominations
  • Commission for Women Student Member
  • Upcoming Events

With gratitude,
Supervisor Dalia Palchik
Board Meeting Highlights
At Tuesday's Board of Supervisors meeting, we recognized the Health Care Advisory Board on its 50th anniversary, designated June 2 as Gun Violence Awareness Day, designated June 19 as Juneteenth, and designated June 2023 as Pride Month.

Having heard feedback from the community on the need to focus on transportation impacts around and near both the Pan Am and other projects being proposed in the area, I presented a Board Matter to include the following:
  • “…any proposed development or capital projects in the Lee Community Planning Sector—not just the development of the Pan Am Shopping Center—should include an evaluation of operational and safety considerations at critical intersections such as Nutley Street and Route 29. I agree that this proposed recommendation is worth considering in conjunction with the Pan Am shopping center amendment.
  • Therefore, I move that the Board direct staff to expand the proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan for the Pam Am shopping center to also include proposed changes to the transportation recommendations for the Area II, Vienna Planning District, Lee Community Planning Sector.”

The Board also took the following actions:
  • Authorized to schedule a public hearing on June 27 at 4PM on amendments to the County Code relating to Motor Vehicles and Traffic including:
  • Authorization of the school board to install and operate a video monitoring system to enforce the law against passing stopped school buses
  • Penalty structure for using a handheld personal communication device while operating a motor vehicle
  • Increasing the maximum boundaries of a school crossing zone from 600ft. to 750ft. from the limits of school property
  • Approved to amend and readopt Chapter 127 of the County Code relating to the Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy and Resiliency Program

What's New in Providence?
Nine Capital Bikeshare Stations Coming Soon
I'm excited that nine new Capital Bikeshare stations will be installed in the Providence District this month! You can access the December 2022 proposal presentation by the Fairfax Department of Transportation here.

You will see temporary no parking signs at the following locations at least three days prior to installation:
  • Pimmit Dr. & Idyl Ln.
  • Pimmit Dr. & Los Pueblos Ln.
  • Westbranch Dr. & Jones Branch Dr.
  • Arlington Blvd. & Allen St.
  • Jones Branch Dr. & Blyton St.
  • Route 29 & Bisney Dr.
  • Emma Lee St. & Morris St.
  • Madron Ln. & Bermudez Ct.
  • Madillon Rd. & Boss St.
Renaming the Providence Community Center
On October 22, 2022, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors voted to rename the Providence Community Center in honor of former Providence District Supervisor James M. Scott. Fairfax County Neighborhood & Community Services is coordinating this process in accordance with the Board’s renaming policy.

A public vote is open until June 23, to help select the best name for the Providence Community Center. Votes are limited to one vote per device during the voting period. You can vote online here or vote in person at the Providence Community Center lobby or in my office.

Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Achievements in the Providence District
The County's Department of Public Works and Environmental Services (DPWES) is designated as the lead agency for the planning, design, and construction of capital program areas. I am thrilled to congratulate and share out the awards recognitions and certifications achieved for capital projects managed by DPWES and the project leads since FY 2022 in the Providence District:

American Public Works Association (APWA) - Mid-Atlantic Chapter Awards
  • Fairfax County Historic Jail Roof Replacement - Honorable Mention
  • Susannah Cretal, Project Manager
  • Peter Duryea, Assistant Construction Manage

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Certifications
  • Tysons East Fire Station (Scotts Run) - Silver Certification
  • Martha Sansaver, Project Manager
  • Robert Amidon, Assistant Construction Manger
  • Merrifield Fire Station - Silver Certification
  • James Sun, Project Manager
  • J. Eric James, Construction Senior Section Manager
  • Robert Amidon, Assistant Construction Manager

Food for Others is Looking for its Next Executive Director
After 7 years, Annie Turner is stepping down as Executive Director of Food for Others (FFO). Annie’s work with Food for Others first began in 2002 as a volunteer where her passion led her into becoming a board member, and then on to Executive Director.

Though FFO is sad to see Annie leave, they are excited to welcome a new member to the Food for Others community! Are you passionate about advocating for a food secure tomorrow in Fairfax County and the Food for Others mission? Read more about the position and submit your application here!
Congratulations Class of 2023!
Land Use and Transportation Updates
Route 7 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Community Meeting
The Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT) will provide an update on the Route 7 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Plan Amendment at a virtual public meeting on Thursday, June 8 at 6:30PM.

Staff will present proposed changes to the Route 7 BRT corridor from the Spring Hill Road Metrorail Station to the West Falls Church Metrorail Station (via International Drive), as well as proposed BRT station locations.

Pan Am Community Outreach Meeting Recording
A second community meeting for the redevelopment of the Pan Am Shopping Center was hosted by the Department of Planning and Development on May 22. In case you missed it, you can watch the meeting recording and read more about the project here.
Metro Summer Shutdowns
Metro is currently working to replace the original 40-year-old steel rail between Ballston-MU and Vienna stations. Replacing the track in this section is a top priority to ensure safety and increase reliability. Crews will also install fiber-optic cables during this shutdown. Due to construction, the Vienna, Dunn Loring, West Falls Church, and East Falls Church stations will be closed until June 25.

Beginning June 26 until July 16, the shutdown will continue between West Falls Church and Vienna stations. Free shuttle service will be available throughout the shutdown.

Metro Lift
For the first time, Metro will begin offering reduced fares to assist low-income customers. The new income-qualified reduced fare program, Metro Lift, launches Tuesday, June 20. Customers in DC, Maryland, and Virginia who qualify for the US Department of Agriculture's Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) are eligible to enroll.

Following the success of the DC LIFT (Low Income Fare Trial) pilot program, Metro Lift is intended to expand ridership and make it more affordable to ride public transit.

Value of Northern Virginia Transit to the Commonwealth
The Northern Virginia Transportation Commission recently released the much-anticipated Value of Northern Virginia Transit to the Commonwealth study. This study examines the impact of all transit modes on housing and employment in our region and finds that NOVA's transit network generates $1.5 billion in annual personal income and sales tax revenue for the Commonwealth.

Green Corner
Green Business Partners Program
Through the Green Business Partners program, the county is recognizing businesses that are actively engaging in or interested in sustainable business practices that advance climate action and will help create a carbon-neutral economy. Are you a Fairfax County business interested in or already taking action to adopt climate-friendly, sustainable business practices? Then the Green Business Partners program is for you—join today!

Green Business Partners/Best Workplaces for Commuters Webinar
Fairfax County’s Office of Environmental Energy and Coordination and Department of Transportation will host a joint webinar on Thursday, June 22 from 9:30AM to 10AM to showcase how businesses can benefit from the services and resources offered by the Best Workplaces for Commuters and Green Business Partners programs.

Food Access Program
Fairfax County’s Department of Neighborhood and Community Services invites nonprofit safety net organizations to apply for $4 million in food distribution grants intended to aid the community in recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Funded through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), this third investment aims to ensure our local food system remains strong and sustainable. Funding is for direct food assistance and infrastructure investments. 

Community-based organizations and Houses of Worship (501(c)3 organizations located in or serving Fairfax County) can apply for funding in two different lanes:
  • Lane 1 is for direct food assistance in the amount of $2.5 million and will be proportionately allocated according to regional needs.
  • Lane 3 is to provide $1.5 million in infrastructure investments such as refrigerated food storage, heavy-duty shelving, cargo vans, lifts, etc. 

All applications are due by Sunday, June 11 at 11:59 p.m.

James Scott Design Awards Nominations
Established in 1984, the Fairfax County Exceptional Design Awards recognize achievement in the total design of a building and its site. The awards aim to raise awareness of outstanding planning and design projects among design professionals and the general public. The design awards program is sponsored by the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors and administered by the County's Department of Planning and Development in cooperation with the County Architectural Review Board and the Northern Virginia Chapter of the American Institute of Architects.

The deadline for submissions is Friday, June 23 at 5PM.

Commission for Women Student Member
The Fairfax County Commission for Women is looking for a high school student to serve on the commission starting this September 2023. The student will be a voting member and help the commission become more aware of issues facing Fairfax County women and girls. The student will also inform students and school organizations about the work of the commission.
  • The student must be able to attend commission meetings the 2nd Monday of each month from 7:15-9:30 p.m.
  • The student must also write a summary of their commission accomplishments at the end of the school year.
  • The student must be a resident of Fairfax County age 16 or older.
To apply, email your resume by midnight June 15 to: Please put “CFW Student Rep” in the email subject line.
Upcoming Events
June: Pride & Juneteenth Events
Providence Presents
Contact Us
We want to hear from you! Please reach out to us with questions, comments or just to say hello. Please feel free to email us with events you would like to be included in my newsletter.

Office Phone: (703) 560-6946 | Email: