Board Meeting Summary | September 2023

Tuesday, September 19, 2023 Meeting Notes

Each month throughout the year, we will provide an LPS Board of Education Meeting Summary on the Wednesday following the regular Board meeting to all QuickNews subscribers. We hope you find this information beneficial as we include our stakeholders with district-level updates. All regular monthly meetings are also streamed live on our LPS YouTube page.

Honoring Excellence

This month, as part of Honoring Excellence, we had the opportunity to officially kickoff our LPS employee recognition program, the SOAR Awards. In attendance to receive the first award was Manor Hill Elementary Kindergarten Teacher Ms. Amy May. According to the nomination form, Ms. May has always been extremely patient, supportive, and kind. Making the presentation extra special was that Ms. Jodi Homan and her daughter, Faith, were also in attendance. Ms. Homan nomination Ms. May for this award due to the support she has provided to her daughter throughout her LPS experience. Members of the LPS cabinet team will be surprising members of our staff in the coming weeks with SOAR Awards. To learn more about this program, or to nominate someone, click here.

Board Business

Business items on the agenda this month included the following:

Tax Rate Hearing Held/Tax Rate Set

To open the regular Board of Education meeting, the annual tax rate hearing was held.

Based on State Auditor Office calculation data, a recommendation to set the tax rate for 2023 at $4.5200 Operating, $1.0477 Debt Service and $0.36 Capital Projects is provided. The total levy recommended for the 2023-2024 fiscal year is $5.9277, maintaining the same levy as the previous year.

Staff Benefits Renewal Presented

A staff benefits renewal recommendation was presented to the Board by Dr. Tucker for consideration. The staff committee, Team Liberty, has worked in recent weeks to formulate a recommendation for the 2024 fiscal year. This recommendation is now being reviewed by the Board and would be formally approved at the regular October Board meeting. Details related to the staff benefits renewal can be accessed by clicking here.

Personnel Report

There were several staff appointments and resignations this month for both exempt and non-exempt staff. To view the June 2023 exempt report, click here. To view the non-exempt staff report, click here.

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