Generational Giving - Part 2:
What is it, and why it is valuable
In our most recent edition of Board Notes, we introduced the topic of understanding Generational Giving. In this issue, we dive a little deeper into how different generations differ in their view of giving and their giving preferences. As we identified in the last issue, different generations have different cultures, values and ways of engaging in philanthropy.
Gaining knowledge of the differences in generations and their giving traits is critical for nonprofit organizations, especially as it pertains to specific preferences for donation channels. While your largest donors may utilize more traditional giving methods, it is also vital to meet the needs for technological expectations of younger generations and how they prefer to give.
What do we know about the various generations? Quite a lot actually. There is much research about the similarities as well as the differences. As a nonprofit, it is worth the effort to learn as much as possible about the preferences of each generation and how one can best reach them and appeal to them in communications from your organization.
Here Are Some General Things We Do Know Broken Down By Generation