Highlights for June 17, 2019
Board Notes are from the regular meeting of the Board of Education for School District No.73 (Kamloops-Thompson). Expect your next issue of Board Notes after the June 24, 2019 meeting. Read the full agenda
Young Artists Finalists Exhibition
Held in May, this year’s Young Artists hosted 120 participants from across the district.
Christy Gauley
Nora Macaulay
Rasiq Dewan
El Bethell
Eva Lipewich
Abby Shu
, who are a few of this year’s finalists. Each student read their artist’s statement and showed off their art to the Board before gifting beautiful note cards to each trustee. Their art will be on public display for a year at the School Board Office
Read more.
Canada 55+ Games Presentation
Kamloops will be hosting the Canada 55+ Games in August 2020. Alex deChantal and other members of the organizing committee were present to ask the Board for support in hosting the games. Specifically, the organizing committee is seeking the use of several school facilities, as well as buses and drivers. The Board thanked Mr. deChantal and asked staff to prepare a recommendation to be presented publicly at the August 26 public Board meeting.
The Board approved revisions to the Student Advisory Council’s Terms of Reference based on feedback from participating students. Director
Rick Kienlein
outlined the changes, which include increasing the number of students representing each school from one to two, increasing the number of meetings, and restructuring the Student Advisory Council to a District Student Council. The revised format will be more aligned to student leadership models in secondary schools. There will also be an urban and rural trustee assigned to liaise with the new District Student Council.
Sun Peaks Elementary Update for September 2019
With projections for the 2019-2020 school year showing moderate growth, discussions were held between SD73 staff and the Chief Administrative Officer for the Resort Municipality of Sun Peaks. Discussions were centered on how best to meet the needs of the students while meeting the regulations for class size and student composition. Both parties agreed that before Sept. 3, 2019, the District will purchase the furniture necessary to adapt the existing space at the school and conduct minor renovations. This is an interim measure to address short-term needs pending the future relocation of the school to a more permanent site
Chase Outdoor School Proposal
The Board agreed to defer a decision about a feasibility study for an Outdoor School in Chase until the parent working group can supplement their proposal with additional information including; a statement setting out the educational philosophy of the program; a clear understanding of the qualifications and nature of professional staff required; a clear understanding of the facilities required; and, evidence of the success of such programs offered in other districts. Assistant Superintendent
Rob Schoen
will report back to the Board once he has reviewed the revised proposal.
International Student Program Report
Providing quality education to international students also has social and economic benefits for our schools and community. SD73 International Student Program (ISP) allows for resident students to engage with students from around the world, which encourages cultural understanding amongst all students. New friendships develop and in many cases host families build lasting relationships with the students. With 274 students enrolled from 20 countries, ISP also has significant economic benefits for the district and Kamloops
Read the full report.
Leadership Development Program Report
Leadership Development Program (LDP) candidates were selected during the last week of May by committee. Program graduates serve as teacher leaders, principals, and vice-principals in SD73 and around the province. The LDP was created in 1967 and is celebrated provincially as a model for developing aspiring school leaders. SD73 partners with TRU to deliver the program, which embeds leadership theory and management skills in a 2-year long apprenticeship in local schools. This year’s LDP candidates are:
Cherie Finley, Thomas Lowe, Sharmane Baerg, Sonja Corea, Victoria Scott, Jamie Topp
Paul Patterson
Board Authority/Authorized Courses
School districts or independent schools develop Board/Authority Authorized (BAA) courses to help meet local community needs while providing choice and flexibility for students. After review by the Education Committee of the Whole, the following courses were approved by the Board:
- Human Performance 12
- Psychology 11 Biopsychology
Once approved by the
the course outlines will be posted to the SD73 website.
2020-2021 Capital Plan Priorities
Changes by Ministry of Education to the District’s capital projects submission include, separate categories for new schools and school expansions, and the addition of a rural schools program category.
The top two priorities in three of the categories are:
New School
1) Pineview Valley $25M
2) Sun Peaks $25M
School Expansion
1) Westmount Elementary $13M
2) Sa-Hali Secondary $22M
School Replacement
1) South Kamloops Secondary $87M
2) Bert Edwards $19M
Vavenby Mill Closure
The Board expressed its regret about the closure of Canfor and the impact the loss of the mill will have on families living in the communities of Vavenby and Clearwater. The Board agreed to waive the normal facility rental fee for the community meeting that will be held July 9 at Clearwater Secondary to discuss the impact of the closure. A letter will be sent by the Board Chair confirming that schools are open and will be welcoming students this September. Counselling supports are available for students and staff who are impacted.
Graduation Season
The District celebrated its highest achieving students at the annual
Honours Graduation
on May 30. The top five per cent of each schools’ graduation class were recognized for their hard work and achievements. Honour graduates have studied and excelled in science, art, and humanities and many have secured scholarships enabling them to pursue post-secondary studies across the country. Kudos to the organizing committee led by
Chris Preymak
. Honours Graduation was followed by the thirtieth annual
Aboriginal Graduation Ceremony
on June 10. 180 Indigenous students, representing all of the region’s schools celebrated their culture and accomplishments. Kudos to the organizing committee led by
Mike Bowden
. Board
Chair Karpuk
also reported that she attended graduation ceremonies at Twin Rivers Education Center, Four Directions, Street School and NorKam Senior Secondary.
Other News reported by
Chair Karpuk
included a request for trustees to support a review of the new Administrative Procedures Manual that is expected to be rolled out to staff this fall. On June 18, architects will meet with
Trustee Wade
, school and district staff to review the initial concept drawings of the Valleyview expansion. A
progress report
on the education funding model is now available from the Ministry of Education and is available for the public to review.
Trustee McKelvey
attended the June 7, Logan Lake graduation for six students. $12,000 was awarded in scholarships and bursaries.
Trustee Sim
remarked that the Presentations of Learning at Clearwater Secondary led to a high degree of student engagement and community partnerships. Student leaders have worked with the District of Clearwater to conduct a survey on single use plastic bags and are now developing an action plan to eliminate their use.
Trustee Grieve
attended her first graduation ceremony as a trustee at Westsyde Secondary on June 12, and noted that $75,000 was awarded in scholarships and bursaries to students.
Trustee Wade
attended the Kamloops School of the Arts graduation on June 14, and she noted the inspirational address by valedictorian
Maxwell Gallagher
and the excellent performances by the 23 graduates. During the Sa-Hali Secondary graduation ceremony earlier that day,
Trustee Wade
reported that 21 international students crossed the stage to earn their Dogwood. Students are going far and wide for their post-secondary choices.
Trustee Small
attended Sa-Hali Secondary’s graduation on June 14 where 185 students crossed the stage, and $500,000 was awarded in scholarships and bursaries.
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The next regular public Board Meeting is Monday, June 24, 2019
5:00 pm at the School Board Office in Kamloops, 1383 9th Avenue.