Board approves architect for design work on potential new fine arts center
At the December 20 Barrington 220 Board of Education meeting, the Board approved a contract with DLA Architects to create the architectural design work for a potential new fine arts center at Barrington High School.
DLA provided a presentation to the Board at the Dec. 6 meeting about the process to create the design work, which was an identified project within the $147 million dollar referendum that Barrington 220 area voters approved in March 2020. Although the cost to build a new fine arts center was not included in the referendum, creating the design work will provide the Board of Education and community with the necessary information to determine appropriate next steps.
During the second half of the school year, the district is planning to work with DLA to gather data about the existing space and engage stakeholders in order to create conceptual designs and a shared vision for a fine arts center that will meet the needs of the school and community. The assessment and architectural design concepts are anticipated to be completed in June 2023. At this time, the Board of Education will make decisions on next steps in terms of funding and timeline.
Reminder of D220's inclement weather protocol
During his Superintendent's Report at the Dec. 20 Board meeting, Dr. Robert Hunt shared the district's inclement weather protocol. As a reminder, the district will always post information on the Barrington 220 website and social media pages, and send text messages and recorded voice messages to parents' phone numbers regarding inclement weather decisions.
Board approves 2022 tax levy
At the Dec. 20 Board meeting, the Board approved the district's share of the local property taxes for 2023. Barrington 220 collects property taxes from Kane, Lake, Cook and McHenry Counties, and property taxes account for approximately 81% of the district's annual operating revenues. The district expects the overall levy to increase by 3.6% based on an assumption of $18 million in new construction. Excluding bond and interest, the total expected tax revenue to be collected in 2023 is $140,589,973. Click here to learn more about the property tax levy.
Please note, the Board will not issue Debt Service Extension Base (DSEB) bonds this year due to the high level of inflation impacting taxpayers. This decision will save local taxpayers approximately $2.4 million.
2023 summer school fees to remain flat
At the Dec. 20 Board meeting, the Board approved 2023 summer school fees, which will mostly remain the same as 2022 fees. Lab fees will increase by $5.00 for select courses at the elementary level to cover increased costs. Similar to 2022, the 2023 Summer School Program will offer traditional in-person summer courses at all levels, the Barrington Online Summer School (BOSS) program at the elementary level, and Illinois Virtual School courses for high school students. More information about summer school, including courses and fees, will be made available in February.
23-24 kindergarten enrichment fee to remain flat
At the Dec. 20 Board meeting, the Board approved the Kindergarten Enrichment fee for the 2023-24 school year, which will be $3,776. The fee for the current school year is $3,776. Beginning in the 2022-2023 school year, the Kindergarten Spanish Dual Language Program relocated from the Early Learning Center to students’ home schools at Lines, Grove, or Roslyn in order to ensure a consistent elementary experience. Students that opt to stay for the enrichment program, which runs from 1:40pm – 2:40pm, will be assessed a proportionate fee of $944. The Kindergarten Enrichment Program allows students to attend class for an entire school day for an enrichment experience, instead of the standard half day. In addition to lessons in the standard academic areas, the full day includes lunch, recess, enrichment activities and play-based learning. Click here to learn more about kindergarten in Barrington 220.
Board approves summer capital projects
At the Dec. 20 Board meeting, the Board approved bids for summer capital projects that will be completed across several school buildings this summer. Projects include roof replacements at Countryside and Roslyn Road Elementary Schools, parking lot rejuvenation at the District Administrative Center, Countryside and Roslyn, as well as pavement and sidewalk maintenance at Grove Avenue Elementary, Sunny Hill Elementary, Prairie Campus, and the District Administrative Center. Every summer the district allocates approximately $3 million in its operating budget for school building improvement and maintenance projects.
Roslyn student selected as Star-Spangled Student
At the Dec. 20 Board meeting, Roslyn Road Elementary student Logan Tuchband led meeting attendees in reciting the pledge of allegiance. This is part of an initiative at Board meetings called the "Star-Spangled Student" which recognizes exemplary students. Logan is a 5th grade student who is an officer in Roslyn's Early Act Club, which focuses on service and civic duty. Staff say he goes above and beyond in his leadership role within the group. Congrats Logan!