September 7, 2022
Board discusses next steps in Framework 220 strategic planning process
At the Sept. 6 Barrington 220 Board of Education meeting, district leaders shared a presentation which outlined the next steps in the district's strategic planning process "Framework 220".
During the 2021-22 school year more than 4,000 stakeholders engaged in the process, ultimately helping to create a Mission, Core Beliefs, Learner Profile and Strategic Priorities for the district.
This fall the district will create a design team for each strategic priority. These teams will establish goals and measurable action steps under each priority that the district will focus on over the next few years. The teams will seek community feedback on their plans in the spring and present them to the Board of Education in June 2023. 
Board approves priorities for 2022-23 school year
Every fall the Board of Education selects its priorities for the upcoming school year. At its Sept. 6 meeting, Board members approved six priorities for the 2022-23 school year. Each priority correlates to the district's strategic priorities that were developed during the Framework 220 strategic planning process. The priorities include:

  • Personalized Learning
  • Future Readiness
  • Inclusive Education
  • Health & Well-being
  • Community Partnerships & Communication
  • Stewardship
New Board of Education email address
At the Sept. 6 Board meeting, Board President Sandra Ficke-Bradford shared that the Board will no longer be using the email address due to an unexpected issue when completing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. Moving forward, if you would like to contact the Board via email, please visit the Board webpage.
Board to engage with stakeholders at Oct. 18 meeting
At the Sept. 6 Board meeting, the Board voted to revise the Board meeting schedule in October. The previously scheduled regular Board meeting on Oct. 18 will now be a Committee of the Whole meeting, which will provide community members a chance to have an open dialogue with Board members. More details about the format and topics will be provided in the coming weeks. The meeting will begin at 7pm and it will take place at the District Administrative Center. 
Board holds public hearing on tentative FY23 budget
At the Sept. 6 Board meeting, the Board held a public hearing on the proposed FY23 budget. The Board is giving preliminary review to a tentative budget that is balanced for the 26th consecutive year. Approximately 86% of the district's revenue comes from local property taxes. The balance comes from state and federal funding, and other local revenues such as registration fees and donations. The final budget is anticipated to be approved on Sept. 20. Click here to view the tentative budget packet
Lines student selected "Star-Spangled Student"
At the Sept. 6 Board meeting, Arnett C. Lines Elementary student Maddox Schaefer led meeting attendees in reciting the pledge of allegiance. This is part of an initiative at Board meetings called the "Star-Spangled Student" which recognizes exemplary students. Maddox is a 5th grader at Lines. Staff members say he embodies #WeBelong220, which is the district's theme for the 2022-23 school year. He works hard, is a leader in the classroom, and helps others to feel included. He brings a positive attitude into the classroom each day. Congrats Maddox!
During this Superintendent's Report at the Sept. 6 Board meeting, Dr. Hunt shared several district updates:

  • Barrington 220 had a successful opening of the 2022-23 school year for staff and students. Dr. Hunt expressed his appreciation for the flexibility of parents and staff with traffic delays due to road construction and ongoing Build 220 projects happening across the district. 

  • Like many school districts across the country, Barrington Transportation Company is experiencing a bus driver shortage which is impacting routes. If you or someone you know is interested in applying to become a bus driver, click here.

  • The district's Communications Department recently received an award from the Illinois Chapter of the National School Public Relations Association (INSPRA). The award recognizes high-quality PR materials that promote the mission and message of a school district. Director of Communications Samantha Ptashkin and Graphic Designer/Print and Web Specialist Annie Loizzi received the award for marketing materials related to the district's Build 220 initiative.