Board of Directors Election Results
Final Vote Tally
Candidates in order of votes received
Chuck Cunningham (3129)*
Tom Dunipace (3006)*
Don Bowden (2726)*
Alice Crawford (2015)
Kathy Shaddox (1342)
*Elected to the Board
In total, 4187 ballots were received by the Inspector of Elections, which represents 61.7% of the community. Final election results have been posted on the bulletin board in Orchard Creek Lodge and will be available in the final Board of Directors meeting minutes.
2022 Board of Directors
President: Craig Fraser
Vice-President: Robert Copp
Treasurer: Laura Thiele
Secretary: Marie Barnes
Director: Chuck Cunningham
Director: Tom Dunipace
Director: Don Bowden
Next Board Meeting of Directors Meeting
Thursday, May 26
9:00 AM | Hybrid Meeting
Presentation Hall (KS) / Zoom
Reminder: Political Signage Removal
All political signs must be removed by Thursday, May 26. This is covered in Design Guideline 2.12.2 which states signs "shall be removed within seven (7) days after Election Day." Please contact the appropriate Board Candidate if you have campaign signage in your yard for removal.

Questions? Contact Community Standards Manager Wendy Moulder at [email protected].
Executive Assistant | [email protected]