Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on January 31, 2023 which we will be back in person (at a location to be named) from 6:30-8:30 pm. We are looking forward to connecting with all of you and sharing the results of 2022.

Our skills-based matrix for the Board of Directors identifies the skills, knowledge, experience, and competencies desired by our Board to meet the current and future challenges of Ottawa TFC. This year, there are four positions up for election. The Board is looking for candidates with the following skills and expertise:


Governance, Strategic Planning and Leadership

Experience in leading teams, knowledge and/or experience in developing structure and processes for decision-making, accountability, control, and behaviour for organizations. Experience in developing a strategic direction for an organization, identifying strategic objectives, and long-term action plans.


Financial Planning and Oversight

Knowledge and experience in developing financial plans and providing financial advice on strategic objectives. In depth knowledge of accounting and financial management practices. Certification as a management accountant and/or professional accountant is a requirement. 

Diversity and Inclusion

Knowledge and/or experience in developing strategies and practices that encourage and support a diverse and inclusive environment.  Experience and/or interest in community engagement and outreach to establish networks and community participation.


Legal and governance

Knowledge of relevant law relating to Ottawa TFC and its mandate. Understanding of policies, procedures and requirements of not-for-profit governing bodies and experience in providing legal and strategic advice to the Board of Directors and management. 

If you are interested in being a candidate, or if you would like to nominate someone for a Director position, please submit the following to [email protected] by January 11, 2023:

  1. A signed document stating your name, signature, date and the name of the member you wish to nominate for a director position or your name, signature and date if you wish to nominate yourself for a director position.
  2. A brief letter outlining the nominee’s skills and expertise in one or more of the areas mentioned above.
  3. The nominee’s resume with emphasis on experience related to the key competencies identified in the above-mentioned letter.

Nominations from the floor will NOT be accepted during the AGM so please submit your documents as soon as possible. The Nominations Committee will review all submissions and a special meeting will be held, prior to the AGM, for all candidates who meet the nomination requirements for the election. This meeting will provide candidates with details on the responsibilities and commitments expected of a Director and to answer any questions. 

Ottawa TFC Board of Directors

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