At the June 6 Board meeting, the Board heard an update on the district's latest diversity, equity, and inclusion work, and how it aligns with the Framework 220 strategic plan. Specifically, one of the six strategic priorities in the plan is Inclusive Education. Currently, the district is focused on providing professional development to staff members in order to support this priority. This has primarily included professional development that focuses on the revised Danielson Framework for Teaching. The Danielson Framework is a research-validated evaluation tool for teacher observation, evaluation, and development. It was developed by acclaimed educator Charlotte Danielson. It has been used in Barrington 220 since 2011 and it is used as a teacher evaluation tool in many school districts across the country.
In 2022, the Danielson Group revised its framework to reflect new research and feedback from educators in the field. The revised framework further advances principles of equity and social-emotional learning concepts. Barrington 220 will implement the revised evaluation tool at the start of the 2023-24 school year.