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Exhibitor Newsletter Sponsored by:

Boat Handling & Crane Forms

If your exhibit requires Boat Handling/ Crane Lifts for the 2025 Boat Show, please complete and return your boat handling request.

Exhibitors with Boats will begin hearing from Shawn McConnell, Move In/Out Coordinator, about their move in (date and time) the first week of December.

Crane service is included in your space contract.

Boats not designated for the show will be subject to an off-loading fee.

Exhibitors are reminded that it is their responsibility to provide cradles, dollies and blocks for each of their own boats following crane lifts.

Please submit the form below by November 15th to:

Shawn McConnell

Phone (416) 574-9826, Fax (855) 263-8675 s6mcconnell@gmail.com


Move-in schedules for the remaining bulk spaces and booths can be found within the Exhibitor Kit. Stay tuned for more information about move-in dates and times in future newsletters.

Large Platforms, Stairs and Railings require approval

If your exhibit includes platforms or structures with an area of 107 sq.ft. or greater, those structures are subject to compliance with the current Ontario Building Code and must receive the approval of the City of Toronto, Urban Planning and Development Services and the Department of Buildings and Inspections.

Stairs and railings for a safe public access to the displayed boats should also receive the engineer approval.

To avoid individual exhibitors having to apply for their own building permits, each year the Toronto Boat Show obtains a general permit for the show floor and contracts a structural engineer to help exhibitors comply with the Ontario Building Code. 

Please submit your display diagram in the form below by November 15h

to Shawn McConnell, Move In/Out Coordinator;

Phone (416) 574-9826,

Fax (855) 263-8675

Email s6mcconnell@gmail.com


Increasing Weekday Attendance

Increasing weekday attendance continues to be a focus for the 2025 show and exhibitor feedback verifies you want to see more traffic in your spaces Monday – Friday.

In our efforts to increase the attendance we are introducing two new special weekday offers for attendees that will be supported by the show’s marketing campaign.

More Shoppers on weekdays is our mutual goal!

Late Night Thursday – extended hours for shopping until 10 pm!

Your customers tell us through surveys and TIBS social media channels that there is not enough evening time to shop the show. Over the years the evening hours have been reduced so much that closing on weekends at 6pm and weeknights at 7pm has eliminated the evening shopper!

Consumers want at least one day with extended evening hours!  

By having a late night this creates a show environment that provides for a shopping experience that is relaxed and not rushed. It gives time to visit all the vendors across the show floor to allow consumers to browse, shop compare and BUY!

Survey results have also identified that Thursday night is the most preferred day of the week to have the extended shopping.

Late Night Thursday, January 23, 11 am to 10 pm is not a replacement for First Look Friday, there is no additional ticket required. 

Stay tuned for the information about special programming for Late Night Thursday (music, Sunset Dockside Lounge at the Lake, Silent Auction and more).

Take advantage of these extended hours to invite your customers and be creative with your promos and specials.

Please take note of the new Thursday hours 11 am -10 pm and plan accordingly.

Together we can create a very special sales push on that day leading to the busy closing weekend of the Show!

Monday and Tuesday ticket offer

This promotion will make an unbeatable offer to increase traffic on Monday and Tuesday, which historically have been the lower attendance days. The focus will be on bringing extra shoppers in! Details will be revealed after our annual 50% off Black Friday and Cyber Monday 5-day ticket sale (November 28th - December 2).

Stay tuned for more details!

Show Hours: New Late Night Thursday!

Saturday, January 18

Sunday, January 19

Monday, January 20

Tuesday, January 21

Wednesday, January 22

Thursday, January 23

Friday, January 24

Saturday, January 25

Sunday, January 26

10am to 6pm

10am to 6pm

11am to 7pm

11am to 7pm

11am to 7pm

11am to 10pm Late Night Thursday!

11am to 7pm

10am to 6pm

10am to 5pm

Please take note of the new Thursday Show Hours!

Health & Safety Procedures - Safety Acknowledgement

All exhibitors are required to ensure the safety of their workers and should plan for this prior to move-in to act in accordance with legislation – this compliance will be crucial to guarantee an efficient move-in/move-out with no work stoppages or Ministry fines.

According to the Occupational Health & Safety Act, everyone on the show floor needs to be responsible for ensuring a safe working environment. It is very important every exhibitor is familiar with the safety procedures being implemented at the Toronto Boat Show and is also educated on the Occupational Health & Safety Act overall.

Please complete and return the waiver by November 15, 2024

Move-In will not be permitted until this form has been received by show management.

Please email the completed form to:

Niamh Conlan

nconlan@canadianboatshows.com or Fax to 855-263-8675


Call for Speakers - Boathouse/ Ask The Experts and Women's Day

2025 Seminar Program in underway, and we are looking for inspiring presenters in two categories of the schedule. If you have a seminar topic in mind or would like to recommend a speaker, please let us know.

Boat House - Ask the Experts

The Boathouse is a DIY stage where attendees get the opportunity to learn and ask questions about all things boating - including the topics such as: the ins & outs of boat systems, accessories, maintenance and repairs, for example fiberglass and gel coat restoration. This is a great way to promote your business and be featured at the show as an expert in your field!  

Women's Day - January 19, 2024

Included in the cost of general admission on Sunday January 19th, Woman’s Day will showcase a full day of seminars geared to educating & inspiring women boaters. Speakers will offer a variety of “how-to” seminars along with an informative panel discussion on "Women & Cruising". It is going to be a great day of women empowering women both on & off the water!

We encourage any exhibitors wanting to participate to please let us know as soon as possible by contacting:

Kim Blair I Seminar Manager:

 kblair@canadianboatshows.com I 416- 209-2108

Boats! Boats! Boats!

Virtual Boat Listing Showroom needs Your Boats!

Consumers want to see More Boats!

Take advantage to generate Interest before and after the show

The Toronto Boat Show website features a ‘Virtual Showroom’ - a comprehensive listing of boats on display at the 2025 show.

Submit the boat listings by:

December 4th, 2024

BoatDealers.ca will be operating the showroom as the “Official Boat Listing Service”.

Short Video “how to upload boats” to the website

will help you create your boat listings in few easy steps



Media day: New Product Launches


(show closed for the public)


Please continue to submit New Products for the website to showcase: all new 2025, first time in Canada, first time at the Show, innovations and award winning products you are highlighting in your display.

All New Products will receive a balloon to make your product stand out from the crowd and an entry in the New Product Showcase on the Show's website.

Each year Toronto Boat Show's PR Agency, Centric PR will look through submitted new products to make a selection for Media - 'What's New?'. Exhibitors who have benefitted from the show's PR efforts in the past are aware of how effective show publicity can be for their business.

All products will not gain media attention, but Centric PR will make best efforts to gain exposure to as many unique products and services as possible.

If you are submitting New Product entries continue to do so, but if you have a special unveiling, planned launch, VIP in attendance, interactive demonstration for the media on Friday, January 17th – we want to HELP maximize your potential exposure!


Let us know your plans by sending email to Katya Sundukova

marking it 'Media Day' in the subject line:

katya@canadianboatshows.com or call 905.951.4050 if you have any questions 


Official Hotel Room Blocks going fast!

Show Dates:

January 18 - 26, 2025

Book Now! Cut off date January 3

(subject to availability) 

Please note there will not be Shuttle Bus service between the Hotels and Venue for the 2025 Show (see the section below that explains further) .

Sheraton Centre Toronto

Official Host Hotel

Special Boat Show Rates starting from $215/night

To Book Your Room at Sheraton Online: CLICK HERE

Reservation By Phone: (1 888) 627-7175 or (416) 361-1000 and ask to reserve in the "Toronto Boat Show 2025 block" to secure the group rate.

Westin Harbour Castle Toronto

Special Boat Show Rates starting from $215/night


To Book Your Room at Westin Online: CLICK HERE

Reservation By Phone: (1 888) 627-8559 or (416) 869-1600 and ask to reserve in the

"Toronto Boat Show 2025" group rate or quoting the group code "TOR"

Chelsea Hotel Toronto

New! Fully renovated Chelsea rooms for 2025!

Special Boat Show Rates starting from $179/night

To Book Your Room at Chelsea: CLICK HERE


Reservation by Phone: (1 800) 243-5732 or (416) 595-1975 and ask to reserve in the "Toronto International Boat Show" room block.

Hotel X Toronto

Hotel closest to the Show! Located across the street from Hall A/B Show's Main Entrances.

Special Boat Show Rates starting from $ 280/night


To Book Hotel X Toronto Online: CLICK HERE


Reservations by phone: 855-943-9300 and ask to reserve in the "Toronto Boat Show" room block.

Reminder: No Hotel Shuttle Buses This Year

If you have missed this information in the previous newsletters, please note there will not be Shuttle Bus service between the Hotels and Venue for the 2025 Show.

We want to explain Why! 

The reasons are to i) help you with the lowest hotel rates possible in the City, and ii) eliminate lengthy waiting times to get between the show and hotels

We have continued to prioritize negotiating excellent hotel rates for Exhibitors and Attendees. The Special Boat Show Rates are incredible, especially for downtown Toronto!!

We have consistently heard how important and appreciated the low room rates are. As well, in recent years we have received a high amount of feedback that most Exhibitors & Attendees have been shifting to use Uber/Lift/Taxi services; or drive their own vehicle between the hotels and venue. Many do not want to wait times required to operate shuttle buses in the city.

To maintain the low rates, the hotels are no longer able to offer shuttles. To operate a 9-day shuttle service with the number of buses required to meet the expectations of minimal wait-times, would put the rates at $50-$75 per night, per room, higher. This would result in a significant increase in your expenses, combined with longer than desired wait times. 

Thank you to our Official Show Hotels for working together with the Toronto Boat Show!

Exhibitor and Working Dealer Badges

Exhibitor & Working Dealer Badges can be ordered in your company’s profile on the Exhibitor Online Platform.

Mailing of ordered badges is optional - click on mailing option if you require delivery by mail before December 23rd and verify mailing address for December/January.

Badges ordered online with mailing option selected before December 23rd will be mailed and after this date all ordered badges will be held in the show office (salon 103) for pick up.

In your Company Profile you will see how many Exhibitor & Working Dealer badges you are eligible for depending on the total exhibit area occupied:

200 sq. ft or less = 6 Badges

201 – 500 sq. ft = 10 Badges

501 – 2000 sq. ft = 12 Badges

2001 – 3500 sq. ft = 15 Badges

3501 sq. ft or more = 20 badges

If you require more than the standard allowance, additional badges can be purchased on the same Online Platform for the price of $25 plus HST each.

Please note Exhibitor & Working Dealer badges are necessary for those who are working an exhibit.

For other employees of your company or marine industry partners you would be able to order Trade Badges (allows you on the show floor during show hours only).


If you have questions about Exhibitor Badges please contact:

Niamh Conlan

905 951-0009 nconlan@canadianboatshows.com


Important Links

Important Deadlines

Update your Digital Listing

Submit New Products

Upload Boat for Virtual Show Room

Exhibitor Kit

Below are some QUICK LINKS for online ordering:

Booth Décor CLICK HERE

Carpet, Furniture (chairs, tables), Labour, Modular exhibits, Plants & Signage

Electrical & Lighting  CLICK HERE

Parking & Enercare Services CLICK HERE

Booth Cleaning, Catering Menu, Internet, Parking Passes, Signage Installation & Telecoms

For Show Hotel Discounts CLICK HERE

Order Exhibitor Guest Tickets CLICK HERE

New Exhibitors: 2025 Space Application

Scam Alert - Exhibitors Beware!

It is unfortunate but a reality that fraudulent emails and calls reach Exhibitors with misleading information.

These annoying and frustrating emails and calls happen to almost every major trade and consumer show in North America. Please ignore them.

These parties claim to represent the Toronto Boat show but have NO relationship with the Toronto Boat Show.

We ask you to remain cautious and do not enter into agreements, contracts or release information to any callers asking:

  • to buy or sell database of consumers or other exhibitors
  • to help you book show hotels
  • ask you about the number of staff you have or how many staff members will be attending the show
  • for release of information about the number of boats and their logistics to and from the show
  • for credit card information for show guide listing or ads

Exhibitor Newsletters

2025 Show Newsletters


The Toronto Boat Show newsletters are the main source of communication. They come from this email address: chare@canadianboatshows.com so please add to your contacts and acceptable lists of emails. 

Some exhibitors report that they don’t receive the newsletter, or it lands in their junk folder. We suggest to please check your junk or clutter folders periodically.

If you have not been receiving our Newsletters, please let us know to add your email address to the distribution list. If anyone else from your company should be receiving the newsletters, please send us their email.

All exhibitor newsletters are located on the show's website, so you can also keep up to date on communications if your email filters don't consistently display them in your in-box.

Click Here for past newsletters.


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