Increasing weekday attendance continues to be a focus for the 2025 show and exhibitor feedback verifies you want to see more traffic in your spaces Monday – Friday.
In our efforts to increase the attendance we are introducing two new special weekday offers for attendees that will be supported by the show’s marketing campaign.
More Shoppers on weekdays is our mutual goal!
Late Night Thursday – extended hours for shopping until 10 pm!
Your customers tell us through surveys and TIBS social media channels that there is not enough evening time to shop the show. Over the years the evening hours have been reduced so much that closing on weekends at 6pm and weeknights at 7pm has eliminated the evening shopper!
Consumers want at least one day with extended evening hours!
By having a late night this creates a show environment that provides for a shopping experience that is relaxed and not rushed. It gives time to visit all the vendors across the show floor to allow consumers to browse, shop compare and BUY!
Survey results have also identified that Thursday night is the most preferred day of the week to have the extended shopping.
Late Night Thursday, January 23, 11 am to 10 pm is not a replacement for First Look Friday, there is no additional ticket required.
Stay tuned for the information about special programming for Late Night Thursday (music, Sunset Dockside Lounge at the Lake, Silent Auction and more).
Take advantage of these extended hours to invite your customers and be creative with your promos and specials.
Please take note of the new Thursday hours 11 am -10 pm and plan accordingly.
Together we can create a very special sales push on that day leading to the busy closing weekend of the Show!
Monday and Tuesday ticket offer
This promotion will make an unbeatable offer to increase traffic on Monday and Tuesday, which historically have been the lower attendance days. The focus will be on bringing extra shoppers in! Details will be revealed after our annual 50% off Black Friday and Cyber Monday 5-day ticket sale (November 28th - December 2).
Stay tuned for more details!