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Boats and Harbors customers have the opportunity to Buy or Sell, New or Used, Boats, Equipment, Barges Etc. to a database of 60,000+ in the Commercial Marine Business Sector approximately every 10 days.

Boats and Harbors is "THE" Marketplace Place for the
Commercial Marine Industry
McDermott Light & Signal

Goes to Individual Boat Owners, Builders and Operators, Tug, Pushboat and Barge, Owners and Builders, Boat Yards, Commercial Fishermen, Packers and Processors. Divers and Diving Companies, Docks, Dredgers, Exporters, Ferrymen, Freighters, Harbor Personnel, Longshoremen, Marinas, Steamship Companies, Marine Contractors, Off-Shore and Inland Oil Exploration Firms, Marine Construction, Pile Drivers, Marine Salvage Firms, Ship Yards, Terminals, Towing Companies, Marine Warehouses,
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Our Vision is to deliver quality content to The Commercial Marine Industry on a timely basis to ensure our customers have access to the common and unique equipment For Sale or Trade in the Maritime industry!


Greg Donnelly
Boats & Harbors
Phone: (931) 484-6100
Fax: (931) 456-2337
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