"Why & How I Use a Mid-Tone for my Drawing Paper."

Welcome Back to Another BobBlast!

In the previous BobBlast, I demonstrated and explained why I start out with a mid-tone warm red background on my painting surface.

In this BobBlast, I'll show you two ways how I start a charcoal drawing with a mid-tone of grey all over the surface. But why? Simply... because I'm halfway done even before I begin drawing!

For drawings, I use Three Values: Black, Grey and White. I have my two favorite ways to start... 

#1 - On a sheet of white BFK Rives Drawing Paper - I rub in powdered charcoal all over, making the paper grey. I make my darkest black lines, using black, soft vine charcoal sticks. Then, the highlights are drawn with white pastel blocks.

#2 - The second way is to start out with a toned grey sketch paper, like Strathmore Toned Gray pad. These papers are also available in different grays as well as tan. If the paper is already grey, you're halfway there! All you need to do is sketch with black and white. The mid-tone has already been established.

One of my favorite books for drawing the figure is Henry Yan's Figure Drawing - Techniques and Tips. Wow! Can he draw! Very disciplined, yet powerful. He does workshops, so check him out.

Now... let's get your hands dirty!

Thanks again for watching and telling your friends! All my BobBlasts are archived on my website and my YouTube Channel. We post new studio tips weekly that offer real content, substance and useful techniques that work for me. And they're free!  We appreciate your interest, questions, comments and support!

Here's a quick reminder about some upcoming workshops and dates. 
If interested, sign up now!

Featured Workshops :

Art of the Carolinas - Workshops & Art Materials Exhibition
November 9-12, 2017
Sponsored by Jerry's Artarama
Raleigh, North Carolina
Contact Sharon DiGiulio (800) 827-8478 ext 156 sharon@jerrysartarama.com

Abstract Acrylic Painting & Collage
November 15-19, 2017
Ocean Springs Art Association
Ocean Springs, Mississippi
Contact Carole Marie Stuart, carole1947@bellsouth.net

Abstract Acrylic Painting & Collage
January 9-12, 2018
San Diego Watercolor Society
Demo: Member Meeting, Tuesday 1/9
Contact Susanne Slater, slater12@cox.net

Abstract Acrylic Painting & Collage in Mexico
January 20-27, 2018
Casa de Los Artistas
Boca de Tomatlan, 10 miles South of Puerto Vallarta
Contact Robert Masla, (413) 625-8383

Abstract Acrylic Painting & Collage
February 5-9, 2018
Donna Downey Studios
Huntersville, NC 28078
Contact Bill Downey, (704) 948-4627 or
email bill@donnadowney.com

Loose, Impressionistic Sketching & Painting Workshop
International Trip to France!
April 13-24, 2018
Contact Dillman's (715) 588-3143

View Bob's Workshop Schedule, click here.

Hope you have enjoyed these short, weekly blasts! Sign up on my website and keep watching. There are lots of them! 

Click  HERE  to view  BobBlast Issue 174
"Why & How I Use a Mid-Tone for my Drawing Paper"

Mid-Tone for Drawing Paper

Love, Peace & Happiness,
Robert Burridge

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