Body of Christ in Action
“I have compassion for these People…” Matthew 15:32 NIV
When I took the job of Regional Disaster Response Coordinator on March 1, I never dreamed the first major disaster I’d be responding to would be in my very community! If you don’t know I live in Rogers, AR in the NW corner of the state. We were hit by several tornadoes on Sunday, May 26. Those storms continued across the state causing damage and loss of life in 10 counties. The destruction is hard to imagine, and I don’t have words to describe the miles and miles of homes damaged and destroyed, 100-year-old trees uprooted and laying everywhere. Tens of thousands of us are without power with no real estimate of when that work might be completed. Several of our churches sustained damage as well. But amid all this tragedy one thing shines through every day and that is the kindness of people to each other. Neighbor helping neighbor. People driving around passing out cold water to workers. The Line Workers who have come in from all over the US to work in these hot and dangerous situations to try and restore our electrical grid. This list could go on forever, but you get the point. If you look for God’s action, you are sure to find it, even in a disaster.
Matthew 15:32 (NIV)
"Jesus called his disciples to him and said, “I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry, or they may collapse on the way.” This may very well be becoming my new guiding verse in this disaster work. Jesus looks out at the crowds of people hurting and in need and has compassion. That compassion led him to action, and he performed a miracle, feeding 4,000 people. As we strive to be Disciples of Christ and to imitate His life and work, our compassion leads us to meet the needs of others. I am honored that I have the joy of being a representative of the Great River Region and Week of Compassion as I offer words of hope and support.
Through our partnership with Week of Compassion, we can allow our compassion to move us to meet the needs of the people. Many of you have been through disasters and know what a beautiful thing it is to witness the Body of Christ in action. I appreciate your prayers for all impacted by this storm and all those who are here helping rebuild.
The biggest need right now is for people who can help with debris and tree removal around homes. In the future there may be some rebuilding opportunities for volunteer groups, but not yet. The best thing you can do right now is to pray and give. Week of Compassion will be helping to fund repairs at churches and for individuals.
You can give by going to and choose the US Storms designation.
If you would like to send a check to the Northwest Arkansas Storm you can send it to Great River Region @ 4724 Hillcrest Little Rock, Arkansas 72205
Yours in Christ,
Rev. Ronny Nowell
Regional Disaster Response Coordinator