Volume 26. Issue 12. December 2024

The year 2024 is almost over. And what a year it has been. We worked so hard - and accomplished so much! Yes, we lost the election, but we still connected with so many Democrats through our calling, texting, knocking on doors, hosting events, and promoting candidates. We've met some wonderful people and had some great times. Although I am still heartsick at the results of the election and fearful for the future, I look forward to BAD continuing to thrive and serve as a voice for the people.

It has been an honor and a privilege for me to be your president for the past few years. We have grown our membership and morphed into an important force in our community. We've done this by focusing on our goals, building strong teams and partnerships, and being optimistic. The thread that binds us together is our absolute belief in our core Democratic values.

As important as it is to learn from and embrace our past, it is just as important to embrace what lies ahead. One of my favorite sayings is "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger". With that said, I will leave you with some words of wisdom from the League of Women Voters:


  • Reflect on your progress:  Take time to analyze what you did well. Voters received accurate non-partisan information on when, where and how to vote. They were encouraged to participate in democracy.
  • Acknowledge your effort:  Recognize the hard work and dedication you put into the elections in 2024.
  • Share your experience:  Talk to friends, family and neighbors about what you learned.
  • Practice gratitude: Focus on the positive aspects of the experience and be thankful for the opportunity to participate.
  • Support others:  Cheer on everyone who participated in the democratic process.
  • Set new goals:  Use the experience as motivation to set new goals and work toward them.
  • Treat yourself:  Spend time with friends who support each other.

Threads of Hope

wisp away in the wind on this November day,

Too much of a stretch to catch and weave them

back together.  I ache with inner twists and turns

over hours. With our schisms large and small,

with deliberate and repeated efforts

trained to focus on our differences,

is the hope of coming together unrealistic,

simply over loose and lost stitching

that neither time nor effort can mend?  

But who truly wants to view our rents

as irreparable, fruitless effort, blind optimism

or simply an audacious hope

aimed at the greater common good of us all?

Even as a young nation, naïve, we are not. 

How then to embrace hope when

such coming together proves knotty?

One expects to find natural flaws and frays

woven into a republic’s loose fabric.

Human interaction both strengthens

and tests such cloth. Yes, we’ve learned. 

Learned the cost of civil war, of dangerous divisiveness

among fractious factions.  Not easy, this work of mending,

weaving us back into whole cloth.

No skilled shuttle nor practiced needle can perform a quick fix.

When taken on as ongoing, open-minded effort,

can the woof and warp of the material make up

of our country wear well in this current age?

While wavery, my own fragile hope returns. 

I again pick up my weaving comb

 to do hard and trusting work. 

When our goals value, versus deride, differences

we will weave a stronger democratic union. 


Judith Youngers, Nov. 6, 2024

Comfort Democrat

NOTE: There is no December BAD meeting.

Instead, make plans to join us at the Holiday Party on December 15!

You are invited to the


Sunday, December 15

3:30 p.m.

Fajita Street restaurant in Comfort

Now, more than ever, we need to stick together and get together for some happier times. Make plans to attend our end-of-year celebration! Come hungry – the buffet will include a taco bar, nachos, quesadillas, flautas, chips, dips, and guacamole; sodas/tea/water will be provided and a cash bar will be available. 

Tickets are $20 per person. You can purchase tickets online here:

Congratulations to the newly elected BAD Board Members:

President: Whitney White

Vice President: Rachel Kilgore

Secretary: Robin Prescott

Treasurer: Michele Smith

Membership: Shawn Bonner

Publicity: Corrine Castillo

Webmaster: Andy Wine


Kendall County Democratic Party Chair


On November 15, the State Board of Education approved a Bible-infused elementary school curriculum. Schools don’t have to use it, but those who do will receive an extra $60 per student from the state. According to the Texas Tribune, “Critics, which included religious studies scholars, say the curriculum’s lessons allude to Christianity more than any other religion, which they say could lead to the bullying and isolation of non-Christian students, undermine church-state separation and grant the state far-reaching control over how children learn about religion. They also questioned the accuracy of some lessons.”

The Texas Democratic Party issued a statement that said, in part, “This move has ultimately violated parents' rights to guide their children’s faith while presenting teachers with additional needless challenges. Our public schools should be focused on equipping students with the education and skills they need to succeed beyond grade school. The teaching of religious doctrine should stay in our places of worship where it belongs.”

The Texas Legislature begins its next session on Tuesday, January 14. The Kendall County Democratic Party (KCDP) will be watching the bills filed during the session and encouraging our volunteers to make phone calls and send emails to our legislators expressing opposition to any bill that would further weaken public education, whether that be a voucher program or religious content in the classroom. In fact, I encourage you to put these phone numbers and email links in your address book now:

·      Sen. Donna Campbell, 512-463-0125, email here:

·      Rep. Ellen Troxclair, 512-463-0490, email here:


Some time in January or February, KCDP will hold a facilitated Strategic Planning meeting where we’ll focus on two things:

·      A discussion on what worked and what didn’t during our 2024 efforts;  

·      A discussion on how we want to focus our efforts/spend our time on for the non-election year of 2025.

Stay tuned for more details as we get our plans finalized. I hope many of you will join us to share your insights. Thank you for everything you do to work for equality and justice in Texas!

We had a great meeting in November with State Representative Trey Martinez Fischer! A full house was on hand to listen to his comments about the election results - and what we can do going forward.

Trey invited us to visit him in Austin next spring, so watch this space for details on a future road trip!

We had another full house at the screening of the documentary, Chasing the Tide on November 13. Many thanks to Gilda Duffy for organizing the event and for hosting Jay Kleberg, the producer of the film.

You can stream Chasing the Tide on PBS. You can also watch Jay's other two documentaries online.

The River and the Wall:

Deep in the Heart of Texas:

Jay is Executive Director of The Gulf of Mexico Trust. You can read more about it here:

Many thanks to Mary Richards for her beautiful holiday wreaths that she created and donated to the Patrick Heath Public Library auction. The money raised supports library activities.

Kudos to BAD member

Barbara Baruch!

In November, Barbara testified before the Texas State Board of Education in Austin. She was featured in a news segment on CNN! Barbara voiced her concerns about the proposed K-5 Christian curriculum.

Thank you from CRS!

Thanks to our generous donors and volunteers, including BAD members, the Center for Refugee Services was able to provide winter-weather clothing to 231 families. Our warm clothing and blankets distribution is an annual event at CRS. Without this event, our families would have to buy clothes for the coming cold weather months from their limited incomes. Our client families typically have at least four or five young children and a single-earner working for low wages. Our clothing drive is a meaningful help for these families.


The BAD Book Club will not meet in December.

We will resume our monthly meetings on Wednesday, January 15, at 5:30 p.m. at the Dem headquarters, 216 E. Blanco, Suite 201.

The book selection for January is King: A Life, by Jonathan Eig.


Join Susan on Thursday, December 12, at 10:00 a.m. at the Dem office for an introduction to the basics of knitting. No need to bring anything other than your curiosity and interest!

The class will continue to meet on Thursday mornings (except for BAD meeting days) through March 6.

The first BAD meeting of 2025 will be on Thursday, January 9.

Please plan to arrive around 11:30 a.m. so that food orders can be received and the meeting can start on time.


Donations are still critical so that we can continue to support important causes, our scholarship program, and our Democratic office. Please consider becoming a recurring donor!

It’s really easy to set up your recurring donation via ActBlue, Simply go to and click on Sign In to enter your information. You can also donate via a credit card, an auto-withdrawal from your bank, or by mailing a check to BAD, P.O. Box 2132, Boerne, TX, 78006.

If you prefer to pay regular annual dues ($10 for students, $35 for those 60 or over, and $50 for everyone else), you can do so online by clicking here: and by completing the online payment form. You can also mail a check or pay in person at a BAD meeting.


The office is now open on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Many thanks to Laura, Robin, Peg, Shawn, and Susan for cleaning out the office and getting it ready for the new year!

Click on any of these icons to be taken to their web pages.
Let your voices be heard by attending these community meetings.
Click on any of the icons for more information.
Boerne City Council meets at 6:00 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall, 447 N. Main Street, Boerne.

The Planning and Zoning Commission meetings are held on the first Monday of each month in the Ronald C. Bowman Council Chambers at City Hall, 447 N. Main Street, Boerne.
The Kendall County Commissioner's Court meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday at 9:00 a.m. in the County Courthouse, 201 E. San Antonio Street, 3rd floor.
The Fair Oaks City Council meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at the FOR City Hall, 7286 Dietz Elkhorn Road, FOR.
The Comfort ISD Board of Trustees meets on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the CISD Central Office, 327 High Street, Comfort.

The Boerne ISD Board of Trustees meets on the 4th Monday of each month at 5:00 p.m. in the Administrative Offices, 235 Johns Road.
The Cow Creek Groundwater Conservation District meets on the 2nd Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at 9 Topperwein Road, Boerne.


President: Susan Dollar

Vice President: Whitney White

Secretary: Robin Prescott

Treasurer: Michele Smith

Membership: Shawn Bonner

Publicity: Gloria Villanueva

Webmaster: Andy Wine

Ex Officio member: Laura Bray, KCDP

Connect with us!


Notice Regarding Photography and/or Audio/Video Recording
The Boerne Area Democrats captures photographs and/or audio/video recordings during our events.
Such photographs and recordings may be used in BAD's advertising and social media relations to let others
know of our events. In addition, local news organizations may hear of our events, and BAD may allow
them to record events for news reporting. If you do not wish to be in photos/videos,
please let the photographer/videographer know in advance.

This newsletter is intended for people interested in the work of the Boerne Area Democrats and the Democratic Party in general. To be removed from this mailing list, please click on Unsubscribe below
or email us at

Volume 26. Issue 9. September 2024

Wow, the enthusiasm continues! There is joy in the air! What a relief to finally feel hope instead of dread. What a great feeling to be optimistic instead of cynical. It feels good to be a part of a political party that values common sense over nonsense and inclusion over retribution. We are united in our spirit of hope!

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz exemplify our values. They show true leadership and character, unlike the opposition. What a contrast! Our candidates, coupled with the incredible, inspiring, confidence-instilling Democratic National Convention, have given us a renewed sense of purpose to work for the promise of a better tomorrow.

However, we still have work to do. Recently I read this by Ezra Levin, cofounder of Indivisible: "This is not a party that is unified on all issues -- it’s a big tent party with some reasonable disagreements -- but it is deeply unified in its purpose. The vibes are so good, in fact, that there’s almost a sense of historic inevitability. But we all have to fight that feeling. Nothing about this is naturally inevitable -- it’s our work that will make it so."

There are still 58 days until the election. We have work to do. Everyone must step up and DO SOMETHING. And there's plenty to be done. You can write postcards. You can make phone calls. You can talk to your neighbors, friends, and family. You can block-walk and knock on doors. Some of these things are easy and some are hard - but they need to be done - and they can make the difference between winning and losing. We don't want to be on the losing side ever again, so please - step up and volunteer to do something!

As Tim Walz has said, we can sleep when we're dead. Now it the time to give it all we've got for a better tomorrow for everyone! Remember - when we fight, we win!


Thursday, September 12, 2024

6:00 p.m.

Longhorn Cafe, 369 S. Esser, Boerne (upstairs)

Guest Speaker:


 Joseph Kopser is a serial entrepreneur and leadership development expert. Prior to that his company, RideScout, was acquired by Mercedes. He served in the Army for 20 years after graduating from West Point and Harvard. He was recognized as a White House Champion of Change in clean energy and won the U.S. DOT Data Innovation Award. Co-author of Catalyst, he is an advisor for CleanTX.

Also speaking: SUSAN KORBEL, candidate for Bexar County Commissioners Court, Precinct 3

Korbel earned a bachelor's degree from Cornell University in 1971, a graduate degree from the University of Michigan in 1973, and a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in 1975. Her career experience includes working as a chief operating officer. As of her 2022 campaign, Korbel has worked in public and commercial media (TV & radio) for over six years. She previously taught middle school and undergraduate courses in marketing and public administration. Korbel has been affiliated with the American Association of Public Opinion Researchers and the Qualitative Research Consultants Association. 


Thursday, October 10

12:00 p.m.

Guest Speaker: Herb Krasner

"What You Should Know About School Vouchers"


Kendall County Democratic Party Chair

Before you read my Convention report below:

Many of you shared that you watched the Convention and were completely energized.


Now what’s ONE THING MORE you can sign up to do to help???

 If you need ideas, email me at

The Democratic National Convention (DNC) was truly one of the most amazing experiences of my life! By my count, I heard speeches from:

·       Three Presidents (favorite speech: Barack Obama)

·       One Vice President (favorite speech: Kamala Harris)

·       Four First Ladies/Second Gentleman (favorite speech: Michelle Obama)

·       Five sitting or former Cabinet Secretaries (favorite speech: Pete Buttigieg)

·       Eleven Governors (favorite speech: Andy Beshear)

·       Eighteen US Senators (favorite speech: Elizabeth Warren)

·       27 US Representatives (favorite speech: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez)

among countless others. Visit the DNC’s YouTube channel to have another look at the speeches.

And saw performances by (among other, lesser-known performers):

·       Stevie Wonder

·       Patti LaBelle

·       John Legend and Sheila E

·       Pink

·       The Chicks

My sister saw me on CNN that first night (see photo below), but other than that, I didn’t “pop up” anywhere else in the national coverage, as far as I know. Not hardly surprising, given that there were 10K people on/near the floor.

Tuesday night’s Roll Call of the States was surprisingly entertaining. I’ve reported before that, due to some screwy filing deadlines in Ohio, the DNC held a Virtual Roll Call about ten days prior to the Convention to officially nominate VP Harris. So the Tuesday night Roll Call was purely ceremonial. DJ Griffith kept the energy going as the DNC Secretary called on each state/territory to report its vote. When a state was called, its seating area was illuminated (a masterwork of lighting logistics), and the designated speaker appeared on the JumboTron (and your TV screens). Georgia “won” the “Best Roll Call Announcement” when they rolled out rapper Lil Jon to introduce their segment. Texas’s announcement focused on the state’s strict abortion ban and featured Eva Longoria, former Planned Parenthood Chair Cecile Richards, and Kate Cox, the woman who had to flee the state to get a life-saving abortion. TDP Chair Gilberto Hinojosa then announced the Texas vote (rather ungraciously, I might add).

The days were long (credential pick-up every day at 6am at the Texas hotel, and evening speeches weren’t over until 11pm). But the energy every evening at the United Center was completely electric. Security was tight, and despite some protestors, everything proceeded mostly without incident. (Some logistical problems notwithstanding.)

I met some amazing folks from around the state and around the world. (US territories abroad had delegations, and I traded a pin with Angelo (pictured below) from the Northern Marianas!)

When I walked into the arena that first night, I stopped and did two things: 1) Told my Mom, “Look Mom, I made it!” and 2) felt your presence behind and around me, and wrapped myself up in it. You were *absolutely* there with me in spirit. It was truly my honor to represent you on the national level.

Let’s go WIN THIS in November!

Our new Democratic billboard is up along IH-10 just south of Comfort!

This sign will be displayed until Election Day.

We need to raise $3,000 to fund this sign.

This sign is an important tool in our "Get Out the Vote" efforts. We want folks in Kendall to know that there are Democratic candidates on the ticket - the only candidates who will save our Democracy.

Any funds raised above the $3K goal will fund more Get Out the Vote efforts to make sure every Kendall Democrat gets to the polls this November.

Can you help us cross the finish line?

To make a donation online through ActBlue, click here:

Or you can go to the Kendall County Democratic Party website and click the "Donate" button on the top menu bar. If you'd prefer to send a check, make it out to KCDP and send to PO Box 2321, Boerne, 78006. Please mark the check "billboard" in the memo field.

As always, thanks for your support of the Kendall County Democratic Party!


Office is open from 11-2, Monday-Saturday


Your HOA cannot prevent you from putting up yard signs

as long as they don't block a walkway or interfere with roads.

Texas Election Code:


The Kendall County Democratic Party is sending out hundreds of postcards this fall to encourage people to vote. To do this, we need hundreds of postcard stamps! If you would like to donate some stamps to this good cause, please bring them to the BAD meeting in August or drop them off at the office.

Important Voting Information:

Last day to register to vote:

October 7

Last day to apply for ballot-by-mail: October 25

Last day to return ballot-by-mail: November 5

Early Voting:

October 21-November 1

Election Day:

Tuesday, November 5


Vote at any Kendall or Bexar County polling location.

Kendall County Elections Office

221 Fawn Valley Drive, Boerne


Bexar County Elections Office

1103 S. Frio St, San Antonio


58 DAYS!

The Comfort Area Democrats, Independents, and Others

will meet on

Tuesday, September 10, at noon

at the Comfort Library.

Everyone is invited!

Email for more information or to RSVP.

Join your friends & neighbors in support of our

 LGBTQIA+ community members!

Next meeting:

Tuesday, September 17, at 6:30 pm

at the Patrick Heath Public Library, 451 N. Main Street

Guest Speaker: Tony Metraux of the ACLU.

He will discuss voting rights in regards to the upcoming national election.

For more information:


The BAD Book Club will meet on Wednesday, September 18, at 5:30 p.m. at the Dem headquarters, 216 E. Blanco, Suite 201.

The book is Prequel by Rachel Maddow.


September 28

5:30 p.m. Location : TBD


October 3 @ 5:00p.m.

Cibolo Creek Brewing Company

448 S. Main Street, Boerne



Merri Fox, candidate for Texas State Senate, District 25 

(against Donna Campbell)

Dwain Handley, candidate for Texas House of Representatives, District 19 

(against Ellen Troxclair) 

Kristin Hook, candidate for U.S. House, District 21

(against Chip Roy)

Wednesday, October 9

6:00 p.m.

Patrick Heath Public Library, Boerne

This is your chance to get to know these candidates that are running for state and federal offices. Make plans to come out and meet them!

Our August 8 BAD meeting featured Dr. Hector Garcia, a clinical psychologist who spoke about evolutionary biology and partisanship - it was fascinating!

After the BAD meeting, Kevin Henning presented Monika and Norbert Schulze with a commemorative photo of the July 4 Float.

A crowd of 32 Dems showed up at 28 Song Brewery & Kitchen

for our monthly Thirsty Thursday on August 22!

Six BAD members attended the Braver Angels workshop,

"How to Disagree Better" on Saturday, August 24.


BEFORE...decorating the float on August 30 for the

Kendall County Fair Association Parade.

Many thanks to Joyce and Dan Basarich for letting us use their yard!

DURING...the KCFA parade on Main Street in Boerne on August 31.

We were honored to have candidates

Dr. Merrie Fox and Dr. Kristin Hook ride along with us!

AFTER...taking down the float after the parade.

Special thanks to JIM KILGORE and SCOTT SANDERS for

hauling, building, decorating, towing, and being the

all-around best guys of the parade!

Fun Stuff!

Stacey Gilfillan, former BAD member and president in 2021, shows off the quilt that she made from old candidate and campaign t-shirts! Stacey and her husband, Chris, moved to Massachusetts and she now owns her own quilting business, Little Gilly Quilts. Check it out here:

Candace Dudden (feet pictured) shows off her brand new Kamala Harris shoes! You can order a pair here:


Now, more than ever, we need your donations to help fund candidates, causes, and the get-out-the-vote effort!

It’s really easy to set up your recurring donation via ActBlue, Simply go to and click on Sign In to enter your information. You can also donate via a credit card, an auto-withdrawal from your bank, or by mailing a check to BAD, P.O. Box 2132, Boerne, TX, 78006.

If you prefer to pay regular annual dues ($10 for students, $35 for those 60 or over, and $50 for everyone else), you can do so online by clicking here: and by completing the online payment form. You can also mail a check or pay in person at a BAD meeting.


If you want to understand more about hot-button political issues or learn more about major issues facing our country, then take a look at these talking points - simple, concise summaries on the major topics listed below. You can find them on the Boerne Area Democrats website: at - click on "More" in the top right corner or click on the individual topics below:


Border Security and Immigration

Children and Families

Climate Change

The Economy


The Environment

Gun Safety

Health Care

National Security and Foreign Affairs

Voting Rights

Women’s Health and Reproductive Rights

Also of importance:

Project 2025

What Biden and Democrats Did

The office is now open on Monday-Saturday from 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. and there is a Voter Deputy Registrar available on Saturdays to register voters and answer any questions about voting in Texas. Stop by and visit - or better yet, stop in and help work on getting out the vote!

Click on any of these icons to be taken to their web pages.
Let your voices be heard by attending these community meetings.
Click on any of the icons for more information.
Boerne City Council meets at 6:00 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall, 447 N. Main Street, Boerne.

The Planning and Zoning Commission meetings are held on the first Monday of each month in the Ronald C. Bowman Council Chambers at City Hall, 447 N. Main Street, Boerne.
The Kendall County Commissioner's Court meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday at 9:00 a.m. in the County Courthouse, 201 E. San Antonio Street, 3rd floor.
The Fair Oaks City Council meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at the FOR City Hall, 7286 Dietz Elkhorn Road, FOR.
The Comfort ISD Board of Trustees meets on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the CISD Central Office, 327 High Street, Comfort.

The Boerne ISD Board of Trustees meets on the 4th Monday of each month at 5:00 p.m. in the Administrative Offices, 235 Johns Road.
The Cow Creek Groundwater Conservation District meets on the 2nd Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at 9 Topperwein Road, Boerne.


President: Susan Dollar

Vice President: Whitney White

Secretary: Robin Prescott

Treasurer: Michele Smith

Membership: Shawn Bonner

Publicity: Gloria Villanueva

Webmaster: Andy Wine

Ex Officio member: Laura Bray, KCDP

Connect with us!


Notice Regarding Photography and/or Audio/Video Recording
The Boerne Area Democrats captures photographs and/or audio/video recordings during our events.
Such photographs and recordings may be used in BAD's advertising and social media relations to let others
know of our events. In addition, local news organizations may hear of our events, and BAD may allow
them to record events for news reporting. If you do not wish to be in photos/videos,
please let the photographer/videographer know in advance.

This newsletter is intended for people interested in the work of the Boerne Area Democrats and the Democratic Party in general. To be removed from this mailing list, please click on Unsubscribe below
or email us at