Thursday, May 5, 2022
Summer Learning - Your Adventure Awaits!
Boise School District is proud to offer a wide variety of summer school programs for students to enhance their educational experiences.
Elementary Summer Program: Focused intervention for qualifying students in grades K-6.
Alternative Junior High Summer Program: Offers students an opportunity to develop and strengthen their math and language usage skills. For incoming students in grades 7th through 8th grades who qualify as at-risk, as well as for English Language Learning students.
Traditional Secondary Summer Program: Offers incoming 7th through 12th grade students courses such as English, Math, History, Health, PE, Economics, Speech and Critical Literacy.
Alternative High School Summer Program: Offers incoming eligible at-risk students in grades 9th through 12th grades classes that may be taken for credit recovery or course advancement. For example, English, Math, History, Health, PE, Economics, Speech and Critical Literacy.
Idaho Digital Learning Online Course Options: During the Summer of 2022, Boise School District students have the option to register for online classes through IDLA.
Extended School Year Program: Boise School District will offer an Extended School Year Program for qualified Boise School District students during the Summer of 2022.
Summer Music Program: Boise School District will offer a comprehensive summer music program for incoming 5th through 12th grade students.
Summer Driver Education Program: Our Driver Education courses are available to persons between the ages of 14½ and 21 inclusive.
Interested in Science, Technology, Engineering or Math? Attend Girls Powered STEM Camp
Boise School District's popular Girls Powered STEM Camp is back! Open to girls entering grades 3-6, the two-day event will be held June 7th from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Taft Elementary School, 3722 N. Anderson St., Boise and on June 8th from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Monroe Elementary School, 3615 W. Cassia St., Boise. Online registration opens at 8 a.m. on Monday, May 16, 2022.
Free Summer Meals Program
Boise School District will once again participate in the federally-funded Summer Food Service Program. Breakfast and/or lunch will be provided to children ages 1 through 18 at a number of school and park sites without charge. Depending upon the site, meals will be available beginning June 6th through August 12th.
Artwork Inspires Students
Thanks to artist Bobby Gaytan, Whitney Elementary School students are inspired to do their very best each and every day. Over the last few months, Mr. Gaytan has worked evenings and weekends to design and create two murals in the hallways of the school. Whitney is one of six Community Schools in the Boise School District that fosters shared resources which enhance pathways to learning in a welcoming culture of high expectations. Mr. Gaytan's artwork is made possible thanks to donations made by the Whitney PTO and Boise Rotary. Learn more by watching the following video.
Announcing the 2022 Arbor Day Photo Contest Award Recipients
To celebrate Arbor Day, the Idaho Forest Products Commission sponsors a Photo Contest each year. The competition is open to all Idaho youth in 5th-12th grades. For the 2022 contest, young photographers addressed the theme, Healthy Tree, Healthy Me. Boise School District is well represented among this year's winners and honorable mentions! Click on the link below to learn more.
Photo credit above: "A Golden October" by Julia Bilimoria, Timberline High School; First Place, 9th-10th grade division
Students Participate in Adopt a Pollinator Garden Event
Recently, fifth and sixth-grade students from Horizon Elementary visited a local park to learn about the economic, ecological, and social value of pollinators in our community. Volunteers from Albertsons, as well as their intermountain division produce manager spoke about the role pollinators play in ensuring the vegetables and fruits they like to eat end up in the grocery store. The event was organized by Idaho Business for the Outdoors. Additional partners included Ada County Soil and Water Conservation District, which brought pollinator plants and helped run a station; Boise Parks and Recreation, which helped facilitate; Treasure Valley Bee Club, which brought a live honey bee viewing hive; and Symms Fruit Ranch, which shared how they rent honey bees to pollinate their fruit trees. KTVB and Idaho Press provided news coverage of this event.
Track and Field Athletes From Boise High Win Oregon Team Competition
A total of thirty-one Boise High School track and field athletes took part in the Oregon Relays at the new Hayward Field in Eugene, Oregon on April 22nd and 23rd, 2022. Over 70 teams and hundreds of individuals from all over the west took part in the only coed team competition in the country. The boys and girls team scores are combined for the final team standings. The Brave ended up winning the team competition, scoring 122 points over the two day meet. Boise High had multiple individual and relay winners, including Jamie Hamlin (steeplechase), Liam Murray (400m), Mason Lawyer, Liam Murray, Cooper Smith, Porter Coffield (4 x 200m relay), and Logan Smith, Jamie Hamlin, Allie Bruce, Lydia Nance (4 x 800m relay- broke the meet record).
This is a great time to show your support for Boise High School Track and Field, as Boise High is currently working on a fundraising drive to offset costs for the school's new Track and Field and multipurpose athletic/outdoor physical education instructional space.
Boise High School track and field athletes
Longfellow Students Raise Funds to Support Clean Water
Students from Longfellow Elementary School recently helped raise more than $1,725.00 through the selling of t-shirts that supported Just One Africa, a program that provides access to clean water to residents of Kenya in East Africa. That's enough money to provide over 26 clean water filtration systems, which will support the filtering of more than 26 million gallons of water, and provide clean water to 633 people. Longfellow students participated in a Walk for Water event (see photos). Just One Africa shared a thank-you video with Longfellow students. Longfellow staff members Mrs. Poppy organized the event along with assistance from Mrs. Beddoes.
AVID Scholarship Recipients
Annual Spring Plant Sales
Just in time for Mother's Day, and spring gardening, Borah, Capital and Frank Church high schools will once again hold plant sales at the following dates and times. Proceeds from the plant sales support the schools' Horticulture classes. Choose from vegetables, herbs, annuals, perennials, hanging baskets, and more!
Borah High School Plant Sale
- Friday, May 6th from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Saturday, May 7th from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Capital High School Plant Sale
- Friday, May 6th from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
- Saturday, May 7th, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Frank Church High School Plant Sale
- Thursday, May 5th from 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
- Friday, May 6th, 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Saturday, May 7th, 11:00 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Now Enrolling: Spring Community Education
Do you love to learn? Community Education has a class for you! Our spring session of courses is in full swing. Choose from nearly 200 personal enrichment classes. Online registration is going on now! The Spring Community Education session runs April 18th through May 12th. Learn more at
Gifts. Passions. Dreams. Possibilities.
Boise School District's Everything's Possible movement shares the dreams, aspirations and experiences of our students and teachers. As a parent, you see your child’s potential. And we see it, too. Everything’s possible.
Come Serve With Us
Do you want to make a positive difference in a student's life? Currently, Boise School District has a number of open positions. Review our current job postings and apply online.
Emergency Broadband Benefit
Emergency Broadband Benefit: The Emergency Broadband Benefit is an FCC program to help families and households struggling to afford internet service during the COVID-19 pandemic. Eligible households can access the Emergency Broadband Benefit that provides a discount up to $50 per month toward broadband service. Learn more about the Emergency Broadband Benefit.
Student Device Monitoring
A reminder to parents that Boise School District provides parents/guardians with the ability to monitor your student’s activity on their District-assigned digital device via the GoGuardian Parent App:
Parents - Sign-Up for Emergency Text Messaging: The Boise School District offers emergency text messaging for parents/guardians. Learn more and sign-up.
Non-Parents - Mobile App Available: Boise School District has a mobile app to improve communication to you. The app offers emergency alerts and is available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
Spring High School Graduation Dates
ExtraMile Arena, 7:00 p.m.
(unless otherwise noted)
May 19: Frank Church High School (graduation ceremony to held at the school, 6:00 p.m.)
May 23: Capital High School
May 24: Timberline High School
May 20: STEP Program Graduation, South Junior High auditorium,10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
May 20: Boise Online Secondary School Graduation, Frank Church Athletic Field, 4:30 p.m.
May 25: Boise High School
May 26: Borah High School
May 18: Last Day of School for Seniors and Early Childhood Special Education Programs
May 20: Early Release K-6, No School Pre-K
May 23, 24, 25: Secondary End of Semester Testing - Early Release 7-12
May 25: Last Day of School - Early Release K-6, No School Pre K
June 6 - June 30: Secondary Summer School - Semester 1
July 5 - July 29: Secondary Summer School - Semester 2
July 4: No Summer School
August 17: First Day of School for 2022-2023 School Year
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Boise School District | 208-854-4000 | 8169 W. Victory Rd., Boise, Idaho
Boise School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to all individuals. Learn more...