Thursday, December 22, 2022
Holiday Art Card Contest Award Recipients
Each year, Boise School District holds a holiday card art contest for students in the District. The contest is held in conjunction with the Saint Alphonsus Festival of Trees, which also holds a holiday card art contest for students. Below is the student artwork chosen as this year's recipients of the holiday card contest for the Boise School District and the Saint Alphonsus Festival of Trees.
Boise School District Holiday Card Contest Award Recipient
Andy Johnson
4th Grade
Cynthia Mann Elementary School
Festival of Trees Holiday Card Contest Award Recipient
Elizabeth Allen
2nd Grade
Mountain View Elementary School
Students Win Festival of Trees Contest
Congratulations to Capital High School art students Ginger Stocker, Savina Tulilova and Faith Hollenbaugh for winning first place for their large tree in the non-traditional school division at the 2022 Saint Alphonsus Festival of Trees. Proceeds from the 2022 Festival of Trees will fund priority capital projects at Saint Alphonsus Health System with the focus on the new Neuro Surgical Trauma Intensive Care Unit, the first and only critical care unit in Idaho.
Pictured L to R: Cathy Younger (supervisor), Ginger Stocker, Faith Hollenbaugh and Savina Tulilova (Capital High art students).
Capital High School's winning first place large holiday tree in the non-traditional school division at the 2022 Saint Alphonsus Festival of Trees.
Holiday Music Video Sampler
Boise School District is proud to offer our students the finest comprehensive education possible, including an award-winning music program. Please enjoy the following sampling of holiday music performed by some of our outstanding music students.
District Jazz Bands Achievements
On Thursday-Friday, December 1-2, 2022 the Instrumental Jazz Ensembles from Boise, Borah, Capital and Timberline high schools, as well as Hillside, East and North junior high schools performed at the District III Jazz Festival at Columbia High School in Nampa. The bands from Boise, Borah and Timberline high schools as well as East Junior High School all received Division I (Superior) Ratings, and accounted for four of only 10 total Superior Ratings out of all 41 bands that performed at this year's festival. Directors of these ensembles are Meghan Fay Olswanger - Boise High; Matt Clay - Borah High; Jose Rodriguez II - Timberline High; and Enrique Martinez - East Junior High.
Students Participate in Habitat Restoration Project
On December 17, 2022 members of Boise School District's Sustainability Club worked with City of Boise personnel to harvest sagebrush seeds for future habitat restoration projects. At Boise Schools, we believe that stewardship of the natural world begins here on our school grounds, in our neighborhoods, and in Boise's beautiful wild habitats. 
Some members of the Boise School District's Sustainability Club recently harvested sagebrush seeds in the Boise Foothills (Polecat Gulch Reserve) as part of efforts to restore sagebrush habitat.
Love Math & Science?
Treasure Valley Math and Science Center is an award winning, nationally recognized, free, public school magnet program of the Boise School District that prepares students for success in college, career and life. TVMSC students are focused on advanced studies in the areas of Math, Science, Research, and Computer Science. 

All interested students & families are invited to attend the TVMSC Information Night on Monday, February 6, 2023 at Riverglen Junior High School, 6801 N. Gary Lane, Boise, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Further information about the screening and the application process can be found on the link below. Have questions? Please call TVMSC Principal Helga Frankenstein at 208-854-6803 or email her at
Timberline Athletic Director to Serve as President of National Organization
Congratulations to Tol Gropp, the first Idaho Athletic Director (Timberline High School) to ever be selected to serve as President of the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (NIAAA).
Learn Something New This Winter
This Winter, Boise School District is excited to offer you both in-person Community Education classes, as well as online courses.  

Select from more than two hundred personal enrichment classes! From Active Aging, Arts, Culinary Arts, Music, Leisure, to Dance, Fitness, Photography, Health & Wellness, Computers & Technology, Culture & History, Garden & The Great Outdoors, and much more! Review our Winter 2022 Community Education catalog.

Registration for our Winter Community ED classes opens on Sunday, January 8, 2023 online at  
Winter Powerdown Challenge
In an effort to be good stewards of our energy resources, Boise School District is asking our staff and students to participate in the Winter Powerdown Challenge. This comes on the heels of our Fall Powerdown Challenge that resulted in saving 243,202 kWh of energy in five days over Fall break, when school was not in session. This energy savings was due to the efforts of our Facilities & Operations Department and the HVAC settings adjusted for Fall break, as well as the individual efforts of students and staff members who participated in the Fall Powerdown Challenge by unplugging and powering down energy usage in classrooms and offices. The total savings during the Fall Powerdown Challenge was equivalent to the annual average electricity use of 24 U.S. homes.

On Thursday, December 22, 2022, before the end of the school day, students are encouraged to help their teachers and staff members go through the following simple checklist and enter the data online so the District can track these sustainability efforts. Results from the Winter Powerdown challenge will be made available later in the school year. For more highlights of Boise School’s sustainability efforts, please follow us on Instagram @BoiseSchools_Sustainability.
Spring 2023 Graduation Information
Boise School District is pleased to announce the following spring 2023 graduation dates.

Spring 2023 Graduation Dates
ExtraMile Arena, 7:00 p.m.
(unless otherwise noted)

  • Thursday, May 18, 2023 - STEP Program (10 a.m.; South Junior High School Auditorium)
  • Monday, May 22, 2023 - Boise Online School (3:00 p.m.; Morrison Center)
  • Monday, May 22, 2023 - Frank Church High School (7:00 p.m.; Morrison Center)
  • Tuesday, May 23, 2023 – Borah High School
  • Wednesday, May 24, 2023 – Capital High School
  • Thursday, May 25, 2023 – Timberline High School
  • Friday, May 26, 2023 – Boise High School
Healthy Habits to Prevent Illness
As we celebrate the holiday season, with travel and gatherings planned and with RSV and influenza on the rise in the community, please review the following information on how to keep you, your friends, and your loved ones healthy. 

Healthcare professionals remind us there’s steps you can take to limit the spread of respiratory viruses like respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), flu, and COVID-19.

St. Luke’s Health System is currently reporting an increase in hospitalizations and emergency department visits from a spike in RSV cases, especially among children, along with other illnesses. The St. Luke’s team is working hard to meet the health care needs of the community during this spike in illness and encourages everyone to do what they can to stay healthy.

Though it can be tough to tell the common cold apart from COVID, flu or RSV without testing, there are many other tools to help stop all viruses from spreading: 

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze (and then put the tissue in the trash right away); teach children to do this.
  • It’s OK to wear a mask: According to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, wearing a mask in public can help prevent COVID, flu and other viruses from spreading. 
  • Regularly wash your hands with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. 
  • Stay home when sick and stay away from people who are sick. Follow Boise School District’s Illness Procedure
  • Make sure you’re up to date on all eligible vaccines. 
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.

Learn more about RSV prevention, symptoms and care on the CDC’s website,
Show Your Pride With Boise Schools Gear!
Boise School District is proud to announce the launch of our new online store where all District staff, students and families can purchase items with the District's new logo. Below are just a few of the items available for purchase. Visit Boise School District's Online Store to find more BSD swag and show your Boise Schools Pride!
We Are Dedicated To Creating Tomorrow's Leaders
Gifts. Passions. Dreams. Possibilities.
Boise School District's Everything's Possible movement shares the dreams, aspirations and experiences of our students and teachers. As a parent, you see your child’s potential. And we see it, too. Everything’s possible.

"When you meet a person that went to the Boise schools, they'll say, 'I'm an alum of this high school, or I went to that elementary school.' And I think it's so great that even as adults they still identify with the schools they went to. It just shows that the roots run very richly throughout this community." - Ms. Orler, a 6th grade teacher at Liberty Elementary
"I am really thankful for my teachers. One day I was having a really hard time in math and I got really upset over this problem. My teacher came over, calmed me down, helped me solve it, and gave me a hug and was just really helpful. -Kyler, a 7th grader in the Boise School District
"A fun part of teaching for me is getting students to be more confident, and seeing how they become more comfortable with expressing their views in front of the class." - Mr. Crisp, a teacher at Timberline High School
Important Bus Transportation Information
Boise School District's school bus provider, Durham Transportation Services, would like to remind parents/guardians to download the Durham Bus Tracker app to receive late bus notifications and to be able to track the location of your student's school bus.

Winter Weather Procedures
Education is important and every missed day of school represents lost learning opportunities. However, Boise School District’s primary concern is for the safety of all students, including students riding busses and walking or biking to school. If students cannot safely travel to school or if schools are not able to operate safely because of citywide dangerous weather conditions, school may be cancelled. Watch the following video to learn more about Boise School District's Inclement Weather Procedures.
Early Childhood Special Education - FREE Developmental Screener Available
Boise School District's Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) program provides services to children 3-5 years old, who qualify for special education services. The program goals, curriculum and materials are developmentally appropriate and geared to the differing ability levels of each child. Children attending the ECSE classroom are provided a high quality program, and a safe and nurturing environment. This program promotes and integrates the cognitive, communication, physical, social, emotional, and self-help areas of development through classroom activities.

Boise School District offers a Free Developmental Screener for children ages 3-5 years old with developmental concerns.
Learn About Special Education
On March 8, 2022 the Boise School District will offer a course to parents/guardians to provide information about the District's Special Education Program. Parent/guardian learning targets include:

  • Describe what Special Education is and how a student qualifies for Special Education Services.
  • Articulate what the parent's/guardian's role is as a member of the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team.
  • Locate resources and support available if there are questions to Special Education.

To register/sign-up, call Shelley Rhinehart at 208-854-4170 or email
Come Serve With Us

Do you want to make a positive difference in a student's life? Currently, Boise School District has a number of open positions, including Special Education Paraprofessionals, Just for Kids Childcare Providers, Food & Nutrition Services, School Support Assistants, School Custodians, Warehouse Delivery Driver, and more. Review our current job postings and apply online.

Substitutes Needed

Boise School District is seeking qualified individuals to fill our classified and certified substitute pool. We currently have openings and encourage you to apply online today!

Now Hiring Crossing Guards, Bus Drivers & Monitors

Our outside contractors have job openings for crossing guards, bus drivers and bus monitors. Learn more....
Interested in Athletics?
Boise School District has always been highly regarded for academic achievements. At the same time, we have always been considered a leader throughout Idaho and the Pacific Northwest in the area of athletics. Many of our programs have become models for other districts. Below are the try-out dates and first days of practice for the 2022-2023 athletics program. Please contact your school for more information.
Love Sports? Become A Certified Official!
Do you love sports and want to support our student-athletes? The Idaho High School Activities Association (IHSAA) certifies officials in the following sports: baseball, basketball, football, soccer, softball, track and field, volleyball and wrestling. All officials must be at least 16 years of age. To learn more, including how to register to become an IHSAA official, review How To Become an IHSAA Certified Official.

In addition, we are currently recruiting for basketball officials for the upcoming winter season. Review further details here.
Affordable Connectivity Program
The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) provides eligible households with a discount on broadband service and connected devices. Learn more about the Affordable Connectivity Program.
Student Device Monitoring 

A reminder to parents that Boise School District provides parents/guardians with the ability to monitor your student’s activity on their District-assigned digital device via the GoGuardian Parent App: 

Keep In Contact
Parents - Sign-Up for Emergency Text Messaging: The Boise School District offers emergency text messaging for parents/guardians. Learn more and sign-up.

Non-Parents - Mobile App Available: Boise School District has a mobile app to improve communication to you. The app offers emergency alerts and is available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
2023-2024 Student School Year Calendar Approved
On Monday, November 14, 2022 the Boise School Board approved the 2023-2024 Student School Year Calendar. Review the approved calendar on our School Year Calendars webpage.
Dates of Interest
  • December 23 - January 6: Winter Holiday Break - No School Pre K-12
  • January 8: Online Registration for Winter Community Education Session Opens
  • January 9: School Resumes
  • January 16: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - No School Pre K-12
  • February 6: TVMSC Information Night, 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (see article above).
  • February 20: Presidents' Day - No School Pre K-12
  • March 2: Kindergarten Registration
  • March 17: End of Third Quarter - Early Release K-6, No School Pre K
  • March 20-24: Spring Break - No School Pre K-12
Notice: If you are a Boise School District staff member, you are provided a District email address. This email address is provided to you in part for the distribution of District communications; as such, you are required to check your email and remain active on District mailing lists. If you are an employee of the Boise School District, please do not unsubscribe from this mailing list. If you are a parent or guardian of a student in the Boise School District, this newsletter is intended to inform you about happenings in the Boise School District. As such, we ask that you please do not unsubscribe from these emails.