Thursday, October 20, 2022
Timberline High School Girls Varsity Golf Team Earns State Academic Championship
The Idaho High School Activities Association is pleased to announce the 2022 fall sports Academic State Champions, including the Timberline High School Girls Varsity Team, which was selected to receive this state award after earning the highest cumulative grade point average of 3.942. This award is presented to the varsity team in each classification that achieves the highest cumulative grade point average. The IHSAA congratulates these student-athletes for their academic achievement and commitment to excellence through activities.
Timberline High School
Girls Varsity Golf Team
3.942 GPA
5A 2022 Fall Sports Academic State Champions
Pictured L to R: Mac Stockdale, Madeline Veis, Ella Arnzen, Sydney Simpson, Anna Li
Shadow Hill Elementary Student Receives Bob Wand Memorial Art Award
Finley Powell, 2nd grade, Shadow Hills Elementary, has received the 2022 Bob Wand Memorial Art Award. Finley's artwork was chosen from hundreds of pieces of art submitted by elementary students across the District. During the October 10, 2022 Boise School Board meeting, Finley received the award for her artwork depicting Splat the Cat, aka “Binley.” Coincidentally, it was six years ago that Finley's sister Gentry also received the Bob Wand Memorial Art Award, which is named after former Boise School District Art Supervisor Bob Wand. Mr. Wand believed in the power and value of art education as part of a comprehensive and high quality education for each and every child.
Finley Powell is pictured with her family and Benji Simmonds, District Fine & Performing Arts Supervisor (far right).
Medevac Helicopter Provides Student Training
Students enrolled at Boise School District's Dennis Technical Education Center received some important hands-on training when an Idaho Army National Guard Medevac Helicopter landed on the school campus on October 5, 2022.
The purpose of this landing/demonstration was to support and educate students in Mr. Adam Ward’s Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) and Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) classes. The students were able to witness and participate in supplemental training for their Landing Zone Officer Certificate, which is a part of the curriculum that teaches students how and why helicopters are used for medical air transport. Watch following video to learn more.
Caring About Our Community
Our students and staff members care about our community! Recently, our Dennis Technical Education Center carpentry students built two changing tables for our Madison Early Childhood Center, which provides services to children 3-5 years old, who qualify for special education services. Thanks to DTEC carpentry students Cesar Andrade-Chavez; Jordan Feese; Hunter Marlatt; Teagan McClenny & Kameron Carlson.
Fairmont Junior High School Earns State Recognition For Fitness
Fairmont Junior High School is one of three schools in Idaho selected as the state's most outstanding schools for demonstrating leadership in getting and keeping our students fit. On Tuesday, October 11, 2022 Jake Steinfeld, Chairman of the National Foundation for Governors' Fitness Councils celebrated Fairmont receiving a brand new $100,000 DON'T QUIT (TM) Fitness Center. Watch the following video to learn more.
Honoring Those Who Serve Our Students
Each month during the school year, the Boise School Board honors deserving teachers and support staff through the District's highest awards program - the Red Apple Award for teachers and the Golden Apple Award for classified employees.
For October 2022, we congratulate Kelly Fossceco, Assistant Principal, Boise High School & Rhonda Hilburn, Librarian & Technology Lead, Owyhee Elementary School for being selected to receive the Red & Golden Apple Awards. Watch the following award presentation videos to learn more.
Kelly Fossceco, Assistant Principal, Boise High School receives the Red Apple Award as presented by the Boise School Board on October 10 2022. Pictured (L to R); Kelly Fossceco, Assistant Principal, Boise High School; and Maria Greeley, Vice President, Boise School Board.
Rhonda Hilburn, Librarian & Technology Lead, Owyhee Elementary School receives the Golden Apple Award as presented by the Boise School Board on October 10, 2022. Pictured (L to R): Shiva Rajbhandari, Trustee, Boise School Board; and Rhonda Hilburn, Librarian & Technology Lead, Owyhee Elementary School.
October 2022 Red & Golden Apple Award Videos
Come Serve With Us
Do you want to make a positive difference in a student's life? Currently, Boise School District has a number of open positions, including Special Education Paraprofessionals, Just for Kids Childcare Providers, Food & Nutrition Services, Title I Tutors, School Nurse, School Support Assistants, School Custodians, HVAC Technician, Warehouse Delivery Driver, and more. Review our current job postings and apply online.
Substitutes Needed
Boise School District is seeking qualified individuals to fill our classified and certified substitute pool. We currently have openings and encourage you to apply online today!
Now Hiring Crossing Guards, Bus Drivers & Monitors
Our outside contractors have job openings for crossing guards, bus drivers and bus monitors. Learn more....
Boise School District has always been highly regarded for academic achievements. At the same time, we have always been considered a leader throughout Idaho and the Pacific Northwest in the area of athletics. Many of our programs have become models for other districts. Below are the try-out dates and first days of practice for the 2022-2023 athletics program. Please contact your school for more information.
Love Sports? Become A Certified Official!
Do you love sports and want to support our student-athletes? The Idaho High School Activities Association (IHSAA) certifies officials in the following sports: baseball, basketball, football, soccer, softball, track and field, volleyball and wrestling. All officials must be at least 16 years of age. To learn more, including how to register to become an IHSAA official, review How To Become an IHSAA Certified Official.
COVID-19 Vaccine Information
As we move into fall and winter, here’s a brief update on COVID-19 vaccinations & information.
What’s New
Vaccination Clinics
Local pharmacies and urgent care clinics also offer COVID-19 vaccinations:
Visit to locate vaccine providers near you, as well as additional information on the COVID-19 vaccine.
Gifts. Passions. Dreams. Possibilities.
Boise School District's Everything's Possible movement shares the dreams, aspirations and experiences of our students and teachers. As a parent, you see your child’s potential. And we see it, too. Everything’s possible.
"My passion for teaching comes from the kids. They are my favorite part of this job and the reason why I wanted to be a teacher. The uniqueness that they bring into the classroom allows me to adapt what we learn and how we learn." - Ms. Rebich, a teacher at Cynthia Mann Elementary
"When I'm older I want to be an interior designer. I think it would be cool to make customers happy with design. My math class is helping me build the skills I will need like measuring for cabinets and mapping out floor plans." - Charlie, a 5th grader at Adams Elementary
"The pandemic brought out good and bad in all of us. I think the district did an amazing job in trying to stick with it and constantly tried to solve the problem. They were hit with things left and right, and I think they responded better than I expected. Lots of folks would have given up. There were times in my own office that I was wondering, how are we gonna make this work? But they kept at it. And I know everyone's got their own story, but I think that the Boise School District gave 150% to keep education flowing." - Amber Van Ocker, community leader
Affordable Connectivity Program
The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) provides eligible households with a discount on broadband service and connected devices. Learn more about the Affordable Connectivity Program.
Student Device Monitoring
A reminder to parents that Boise School District provides parents/guardians with the ability to monitor your student’s activity on their District-assigned digital device via the GoGuardian Parent App:
Parents - Sign-Up for Emergency Text Messaging: The Boise School District offers emergency text messaging for parents/guardians. Learn more and sign-up.
Non-Parents - Mobile App Available: Boise School District has a mobile app to improve communication to you. The app offers emergency alerts and is available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
October 20: No Pre K-6 Elementary Classes - Parent Conferences
- Elementary evening conferences will be held Wednesday, October 19 & Thursday, October 20 until 7:30 p.m.
- Junior high evening conferences will be held Wednesday, October 19 & Thursday, October 20, 4 -7 p.m.
- High school evening conferences will be held Tuesday, October 18 & Wednesday, October 19, 4-7 p.m.
October 21: No School Pre K-12
November 21-25: Thanksgiving Holiday Break - No School Pre K-12
Notice: If you are a Boise School District staff member, you are provided a District email address. This email address is provided to you in part for the distribution of District communications; as such, you are required to check your email and remain active on District mailing lists. If you are an employee of the Boise School District, please do not unsubscribe from this mailing list. If you are a parent or guardian of a student in the Boise School District, this newsletter is intended to inform you about happenings in the Boise School District. As such, we ask that you please do not unsubscribe from these emails.
Boise School District | 208-854-4000 | 8169 W. Victory Rd., Boise, Idaho
Boise School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to all individuals. Learn more...