August 31, 2022


Temple Am Shalom to celebrate first adult b'nai mitzvah class

The first adult b'nai mitzvah class at Temple Am Shalom in Mentor will culminate with a special b'nai mitzvah Shabbat Service Sept. 9 followed by an oneg Shabbat sponsored by the temple. For the last four years, the class has met for Hebrew school, but in the past year they began meeting as a b'nai mitzvah class.

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Court won't hear appeal in Oberlin College $25M judgment

The Ohio Supreme Court on Tuesday said it would not take up an appeal of a $25 million judgment against Oberlin College in a business' lawsuit claiming it was libeled by the school after a shoplifting incident involving three Black students.

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Temple Emanu El, New Fellowship Baptist Church partner to promote voting

In partnership with New Fellowship Baptist Church in Cleveland, Temple Emanu El in Orange will host the "Get Out the Vote" program on Sept. 11 to encourage Northeast Ohioans to vote in upcoming elections.

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Bedrock announces plans for streetscape improvement

Bedrock recently unveiled details of the first phase of its public space program with a streetscape improvement initiative. The beautification efforts are being made as Bedrock advances its vision to develop a 15-minute neighborhood along the Cuyahoga riverfront and the ongoing transformation of Tower City Center.

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Herzog: Gorbachev was one of the 20th century's most extraordinary figures

Israeli President Isaac Herzog and Prime Minister Yair Lapid joined international leaders on Wednesday in eulogizing former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, who died on Tuesday at age 91 after a lengthy struggle with disease. "Mikhail Gorbachev was one of the 20th century's most extraordinary figures," Herzog said in a statement.

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Leading Ukraine rabbi tells Jews to stay away from Uman this year

Rabbi Moshe Reuven Azman, one of several claimants to the position of chief rabbi of Ukraine, on Tuesday called on Jewish pilgrims to avoid their annual trip to Uman to visit the burial site of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov.

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Make your nominations for 18 Difference Makers

The CJN created the 18 Difference Makers awards to honor and celebrate individuals making invaluable contributions for the betterment of our Jewish community. 

Last chance to make nominations!

Fairmount Temple to host in-person High Holy Days services

Fairmount Temple will host High Holy Days services in person for the first time since 2019. There will be two new services for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

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