Join us on
National Immigrants' Day*
Monday, October 28th
for monologues by Motus Theater
and a diverse panel discussion:
IMMIGRANTS ARE AMERICA: How you can help in your own backyard
hosted in the
Museum of Boulder
(parking is available in the City of Boulder parking garage at Broadway & Spruce)
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Seating is VERY limited
so please click below to RSVP and plan to arrive early.

Light hors d'oeuvres will be provided.
BoldeReach is proud to partner with
The Museum of Boulder, Community Foundation Boulder County
and the following amazing organizations:
The panel discussions will each be preceded by a short monologue
created by Motus theater and will cover issues of
Legal/Policy, Settlement/Integration and Educational Opportunities.

An opportunity to interact with the panelists will be provided,
along with refreshments, after the panel discussions.
* National Immigrants Day promotes tolerance and reflection on the contributions that immigrants have made
to make the 'melting pot' United States the great country that it is today.
Thank you for all you do to make our community a better place for everyone!