Book Life, Barn Life, My Life!
Welcome to the bits and pieces of my life!

My Life

I’m not sure if summers were less brutal when I was a child or if running barefoot in shorts and sleeveless tops just made it seem that way. We were children, happy and without a care, and life was so very good. I often remind myself that life is still good. I just have to slow down and look around.

What were some of your favorite summer memories? Share with me through the contact page on my website or post to Facebook on my author’s page.

Barn Life

Twinkie and I have been working as much as is safe in this heat. I’m blessed when we can ride in the morning. We can’t always but, oh, I enjoy when we do. Twinkie does, too, although she still has to be rinsed and she still doesn’t like it!

As I was walking out to the barn one morning, the sun was coming up on one side and the moon was just sinking on the other. You have to look closely, but I thought it was cool the way the moon was captured exactly in a circle of leaves.

My niece and nephew (I could say nephew-in-law but he’s so much more than that at this point!) who raised and taught Beau to carry a saddle (and a human!) spent some time with us, helping to determine where we are and what our next steps should be. I’m confident we’ll get through everything we’re up against. Beau is a fighter and so am I.

Book Life

June 28th saw the release of the first story in The Bellamy Legacy series. As happy as I was, it was also a little scary…like sending my first born to school, with no older sibling to show her the way in a confusing new place. That was not easy for this mama because never had she ever been apart from me for that long.

For a few days, she allowed me to drive her to school. Then she announced she would ride the bus. I waited with her at the end of the drive before I ran back to the car and followed the bus to school. I thought she wouldn’t see. She did.

The next day she told me I was not to follow the bus because she was a big girl. Again, I waited with her at the end of the drive and watched as she climbed those steps and disappeared from my sight.

That afternoon, she said I was also not to walk with her or wait for the bus because she was a big girl. For the rest of the school year, I sat on my kitchen counter, bare feet in the sink, so I could see out the window until my tiny child was aboard that big, yellow bus.

I survived. She thrived.

Remind me to tell you about the day she changed her name. My characters do that to me, too!

Like a mama, all an author really wants, is for their creation to thrive and be appreciated by the world around them.

What have I been writing

As happy as I am with the release of the first book in the Bellamy Legacy series, an author must always move forward; and, so far, I’m happy with progress on the second book in the series.

Book Review

None this month.

Want to see all of my reviews? Follow me on BookBub!

See you in September,

Susan Y Tanner


Links to my books!

Storm Out of Texas

Winds Across Texas

Fire Across Texas

Highland Captive

Captive to a Dream

Exiled Heart

A Warm Southern Christmas

Bellamy Legacy Series:

A Dangerous Inheritance

Check out my website!