July 2022
Times are Changing—and the Book Fair is Too
Our annual book sale is becoming a children's book giveaway. It's also moving from Fall to Summer. Get all the details here, and share your favorite memories of past Book Fairs!
The Book Prize Shortlists are In!

From homelessness to immigration, these exceptional books cover social justice in compelling ways for children and adults. Stay tuned: we'll announce the winners of the Goddard Riverside Stephan Russo Book Prize for Social Justice and Goddard Riverside CBC Youth Book Prize for Social Justice next month.
Celebrating the Work—and a Lot of Great Books—at the Bash
Thanks to everyone who came to our Social Justice Never Sleeps Bash on Wednesday! We loved seeing you all and deeply appreciate your support. Click through to see all the photos!
Our Executive Director Helps Spread the Word on
Nonprofit Student Loan Forgiveness
If you work in nonprofits or government, you may be eligible to have ALL your student loans wiped out. LinkedIn turned to our executive director, Roderick L. Jones, to help promote that message. Jones benefited from the Public Service Loan Fund Waiver himself, and he'd like to see others in the sector get out from under their debts too. Read the interview and go to PSLF.US to see if you qualify for relief!
Instagram of the Month
Three people pose in front of a banner with the word RESILIENCE
Our Options Center and #DegreesNYC teams went to the National Association for College Access Counseling conference last week as part of their mission to make higher education accessible to all!