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Boone County Schools

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Tuesday December 19th, 2023

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Kelly Elementary School

The Kelly Elementary Chorus went caroling through the community last week at Kinman farms and Rabbit Hash General Store. Enjoy their pictures below.


Break The Mold

December's Break The Mold award winner is Judy Stauffer, a special education para-professional at New Haven Elementary School. According to Principal Mary Goble, Mrs. Stauffer sets an example of what a committed and caring educator looks like. She takes the initiative, brainstorms ideas and is proactive with students in all grade levels.  Mrs. Goble says Mrs. Stauffer models impeccable character traits that transfer not just to the students she works with but to her colleagues as you will get to see in this video. 

Pictured below are School Board members Cindy Young, Dr. Maria Brown, School Board Chairperson Karen Byrd, Jesse Parks, award winner Judy Stauffer, Carolyn Young, Student School Board Representative Youssef Saidi and Superintendent Matt Turner. The second picture is Mrs. Stauffer's New Haven Elementary School supporters.

Energy Star Certification

The Boone County School District Facilities Department works hard to obtain energy efficiency in the district. Not only is it important for financial and environmental reasons, but to also teach our children the importance of conserving energy. We are excited to announce six schools have earned an ENERGY STAR certification from the US Environmental Protection Agency. To be an ENERGY STAR certified school, the school has proven and verified superior energy performance over a 12-month period, performing better than 75% of similar buildings nationwide, saving energy, money and protecting the environment by generating fewer greenhouse gas emissions.


Congratulations to the following schools have received this certification:


Burlington Elementary School

Ballyshannon Middle School

Florence Elementary School

IGNITE Institute

Kelly Elementary School

Longbranch Elementary School

Superintendent's Student Advisory Council

Members of the Month

This is a new initiative from Student School Board Representative Youssef Saidi. It recognizes one high school student, one middle school student and one elementary student on the SSAC. These students are chosen by Mr. Saidi for leading discussions, posing critical thinking questions and for overall being a positive influence on the SSAC. Pictures of two are below.

The elementary student was unable to attend the school board meeting. Pictured below from left to right: Nasim Syed of Ballyshannon Middle School, Brooklyn Schaffner of Cooper High School and Youssef Saidi.

Financial Literacy State Government Tour with Children's Author


The former head of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and children’s financial author Shelia Bair visited Boone County Schools earlier this month as part of a tour of Northern Kentucky to teach young students about financial literacy. She visited at Yealey, Florence and Stephens Elementary schools to speak to students and read some of her series of books designed to teach children how to be financially savvy in fun ways that they can understand. She was visiting in cooperation and coordination with the Kentucky Financial Empowerment Corporation and the Florence Rotary Club. This event was made possible by a grant supporting the partnership with the Northern Kentucky Education Council’s One to One Reading program. Each student received a free book from the series of children’s books Mrs. Bair has written. The book donation was supported through a donation from Florence Rotary, Fidelity Investments and Fool Proof Foundation.

At Burlington Elementary School

At Florence Elementary School

At Stephens Elementary School

At Florence Rotary


Ockerman Elementary School

Collins Elementary School

Boone County High School

School Choice/Open Enrollment Information for 2024-2025 School year in Boone County:

Boone County Schools’ Board Policy 09.11 states that students will attend the school that serves their area of residence.

Effective July 1, 2022, Kentucky implemented a new statute generated by the passage of HB563 during the 2021 General Assembly. Boone County Schools had to take actions to address the new law and subsequent new Board Policy (09.1222) resulting from this action. In accordance with the new statute, Boone County Schools will utilize the district’s Facility Plan to determine student population capacity at all of our school buildings. From the assessment of student population versus school student population capacity, Attendance Services will determine if a school is open or closed to accepting any student transfers regardless of reason.  

Additional information regarding School Choice/Open Enrollment and the application can be found on the district website under “FOR PARENTS”.  

Applications will be accepted November 15th-January 15th. 

Decisions will be emailed out by June 15th.  

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