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Boone County Schools

  Achieving Excellence Together

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Tuesday January 16, 2023

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Break The Mold

Congratulations to Boone County High School Business Teacher Kristin Morvik! Mrs. Morvik is part of the Career and Technical Education program providing pathways for student post-secondary opportunities. Principal Stacey Black says Mrs. Morvik made a major transition to education after an extensive career in the business world and has provided her students so much more than her working knowledge of corporate life as you will see in this video.  

Pictured below are Superintendent Matt Turner, School Board members Cindy Young, Karen Byrd, award winner Kristin Morvik, School Board Vice Chairperson Dr. Maria Brown, Carolyn Wolfe, Student School Board Representative Youssef Saidi, and new School Board Chairperson Jesse Parks.

School Board Member Recognition Month

This month the Boone County School district joins 170 other public school districts across the Commonwealth to celebrate January as “School Board Recognition Month.” School board members spend countless hours of unpaid time working to provide the best possible education for our students. They also serve as the corporate board of directors for one of our community’s largest employers. Celebrating School Board Recognition Month is one way to say thank each of you. Boone County Judge Executive Gary Moore presented the proclamation. 

Boone County Education Foundation Grant Presentation


The Boone County Education Foundation is awarding mini-Innovation Grants to the following teachers from several of our schools for their projects. On behalf of the Foundation, and the students we serve, thank you for your demonstrated commitment to the educational process in the Boone County School District39 teachers received grants for a total of just over $59,000.



From Conner High

Ginger McClung for ASL focused classroom


From Cooper High

Caylen Knight for Laser cutter for CTE Department


From Ryle High School

Barrett Bradshaw for Engineering Makerspace

Alexander Miosi for Gross Motor Development Track & Field Day

Jennifer Warford for Youth Science Reports

TJ Pelfry for TSA Drone Course Challenge (UAV)

Trevor Holtman for Foam Cutter 



From Camp Ernst Middle School

Sara List for Adaptive STEM Class

Shannon McDonald for ELL Translation Devices

From Conner Middle School

Caren Enderle for Outdoor Student Center

Kelly King for Practical Living Room Enhancement


Ockerman Middle School

Jennifer Davis for Understanding Water Pollution


Jones Middle School

Evan Akers & Brooklyn Steele for Jones Advisory and Intramural Period



Burlington Elementary

Alyson Ober for Sphero Bolt Robotics


Collins Elementary

Dana Wilde for Collins Coffee Cart


Collins Preschool

Cherrie Adams for Fine Motor: Kindergarten Readiness


Erpenbeck Elementary

Sara Schreckenhofer for Science of Reading Resources and Materials


Florence Elementary

Stacey Welden for Student Created ELL Library


Goodridge Elementary

Melissa Craddock for One World, Many Cultures Experience


Kelly Elementary

Kelly Hahlbeck for 3D Printing

Longbranch Elementary

Amanda Leatherman for Coding with Littles

Regina Melvin for Drums Alive

Olivia Ballou for Presentation from Tara Brown

Elementary cont.

Mann Elementary

Anne Oney for Storytelling 360

Heather Main for Fine Motor Skills Excellence in Kindergarteners

Katie Hiatt for Differentiated Instruction

Lauren Wingrove for Ready, Set, Read!


New Haven Elementary

Melissa Huff for Appalachian Inspired Basket Weaving

Shannon Kay for Tiger Tales


North Pointe Elementary

Akrivi Watson & Abbey Kuhn for You Can’t Put us Down

Tricia Ober for Enhanced Student Support /STEM Upgrade


Ockerman Elementary

Kendall Bisig for MakerSpace in the Library

Sarah Arthur for Character Building Literacy


Steeplechase Elementary

Jerra Wood for First Lego League Explore Club


Stephens Elementary

Schuyler Tymula for Enhancing Calming Supports

Melissa Clark for Bring Science Alive

Helen Potraffke for STEM Resources

Katie Dankel for Multicultural Library 

High Attendance Day Competition Winner


Each year The Kentucky Directors of Pupil Personnel sponsor a High Attendance Day competition. This year, September 20th was designated as High Attendance Day statewide to emphasize that consistent attendance is essential for success in school. 


On High Attendance Day, Kentucky’s public elementary, middle, and high schools compete in small-school or large-school categories. Six winners were determined statewide. The school in each category with the highest percentage attendance for September 20 receives a prize of $500.


Congratulations to North Pointe Elementary and Principal Kelly Smith for winning this year’s High Attendance Day with a rate of 99.02%.

Pictured below center left Chris Brauch, Attendance Services Director and center right Principal Kelly Smith.

We proudly announce two Boone County Schools administrators to be inducted into KWEL

The Kentucky Association of School Administrators just announced their 2024 cohort for Kentucky Women in Education Leadership or KWEL. Jones Middle School Principal Stacy Park and School Choice and Transition Coordinator Katie Parks are among 27 accomplished school leaders carefully selected through a rigorous application process that evaluated them against specific leadership criteria. KWEL says each new member brings a wealth of educational experiences, unique talents, and a commitment to ensure the children of Kentucky receive a world class education. Congratulations to Stacy and Katie!

Pictured below center left is Katie Parks and center right Stacy Park.

Superintendent's Student Advisory Council

Members of the Month

This is a new initiative from Student School Board Representative Youssef Saidi. It recognizes one high school student, one middle school student and one elementary student on the SSAC. These students are chosen by Mr. Saidi for leading discussions, posing critical thinking questions and for overall being a positive influence on the SSAC. Pictures of two are below.

Pictured below from left to right: Superintendent Matt Turner, Austin Reed of Boone County High School, Lucy Howard of Gray Middle School and Youssef Saidi.

During this month's SSAC meeting students learned about what Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging means through an ice breaker activity. Students stood up in a big group and looked for other students that had something in common with them, then they broke off and found other students who had something else in common. As another part of this activity SSAC members were also asked to bring in foods that either relate to their culture or just a favorite family staple. They broke down DEI-B into other relatable meanings using food and how different families celebrate through meals. The food was obviously a BIG hit! One student explained that perspective can affect how we look at diversity. The students assigned themselves a 'call to action' with things they learned from this activity that they can take back to their schools.

Erpenbeck Elementary School

Erpenbeck Elementary celebrated the Magic of Science and Engineering Harry Potter style. The school was transformed into Hogwarts and our students were able to participate in several Harry Potter themed engineering sessions as well as activity of stations. Enjoy the images below.

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