November 16, 2023

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MES Upcoming Events Calendar

November 17

  • Dolphin Dash Fun Run!

November 20-24

  • Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL

November 29

  • PTA Leadership & Nominating Committee Info Session
  • Dolphins Got Talent Live Auditions Registration Deadline

December 4-8

  • Inclusive Schools Week

December 7-8

  • Dolphins Got Talent Live Auditions

December 8

  • School Picture Make Up Day

In This Issue

MES Upcoming Events

  • See left for the list of upcoming events

MES News and Reminders

  • Family Science Night Presenters Needed
  • Yard Sign Recycling
  • Student Council Canned Food Drive
  • Morning Carpool Drop Off Reminder
  • MES STEAM Partner Survey
  • Principal's Blog

APS and Midtown Cluster Happenings

  • Family Engagement Conference - Nov 18
  • Surveys for APS's Future
  • Midtown Cluster Advisory Meeting - Nov 29
  • APS Board of Education Meeting - Dec 4
  • Midtown Cluster Resources
  • APS Calendar Links

Dolphin Donors

Keep Up With MES!

Facebook  Web  Instagram

MES Family Directory (Membership Toolkit)

Digital Dolphin Archive

Support the MES PTA:

Become a member of the MES PTA

Sign up to volunteer via Membership Toolkit

Looking for more information about something and don't see it here? Check out the A-Z Directory on the MES website!

MES Weekly To Dos:

Let us know that your students are interested in participating in Dolphins Got Talent by completing the Participant Interest Form!

MES Upcoming Events

Thursday, November 9th through Friday, November 17th - Boosterthon!

PLEDGING is RUNNING NOW, but ends soon! Get those final pledges in!

Through the hard work of our MES students and their supportive families, we are getting close to our goal of raising $100,000 for the MES PTA! We have one more night to collect pledges - please reach out to any family members to secure those pledges before Friday, November 17th. The kids really want to see Mr. Baron and Dr. Sinclair compete in an inflatable suit race and Principal Sofianos turned into a human ice cream - this will only happen if we reach our goal!


What do parents need to do?

Reach out to potential sponsors (family and friends anywhere in the world!) one last time and share your students' pledge links. Sponsors can make a pledge per lap or a flat donation. If you haven't already, don’t forget to create a Student Star Video which is great for sharing via email or social media. Get your kids involved - ask your student to call their family members to explain the program and how they are helping to raise funds for their school. 

Make a Plan to Come Cheer During the Dolphin Dash Fun Run!

Our Boosterthon fundraising drive will conclude on Friday, November 17th with the Dolphin Dash Fun Run and we would love to have as many families as possible come out to cheer on our dashing Dolphins! This fall tradition is bursting with school spirit and is always a ton of fun for everyone involved!


For this year's event, grade-levels will be split into two groups, which will both run during the same time slot (with Group 1 running first and Group 2 cheering them on, and then switching). To aid in your planning, the full schedule for the Fun Run can be found below:

Additional reminders for Dolphin Dash Race Day:

  • Each grade will have 2 running blocks within the grade time slot – the first set of classes will run while the second will cheer and vice versa. Parents are welcome to attend the entire time.  
  • Students will run about 35 laps around the field. No laps will be recorded to avoid congregation. All runners will be pre-set in the system for 35 laps. 
  • Students should wear comfortable or running shoes and bring their water bottles. 
  • Parking can be a challenge – please walk if possible!

We Still Need Volunteers for Dolphin Dash Race Day!

If you are available to help out during the day on Friday, November 17th, we'd love your assistance! You can sign up for specific volunteer slots via this SignUp Genius.

Thank you again for all your continued support! You guys are doing amazing! We know we can reach our goal!! Tonight’s challenge is the top 10 children in the school with the highest donations will get a hexaboom speaker! We can do this Morningside!  If you have any questions about Boosterthon and/or Dolphin Dash, please contact co-chairs Mallory Rahman or Mark Griffith.

Monday, November 20th - Friday, November 24th - Thanksgiving Break!

The school will be closed for the week of Monday, November 20th through Friday, November 24th in honor of the Thanksgiving holiday. We hope that everyone is able to enjoy this restful time with their loved ones. We'll see you back at school on Monday, November 27th!

Wednesday, November 29th - PTA Leadership & Nominating Committee Information Session!

With a school as busy as MES, our PTA is always planning ahead! With that in mind, we are planning to hold our next PTA General Meeting on Thursday, January 25th, 2024. During this meeting, we will be electing a new Nominating Committee, which is responsible for preparing the new slate of PTA Executive Officers for the 2024-2025 school year. Please contact Jane Park before the January 25th PTA meeting if you are interested in serving on the Nominating Committee.

Are you interested in serving on the Nominating Committee (or just curious to learn more about what they do)? Would you like more information on the election process, and learn more about PTA leadership roles? Perhaps you've always wanted to get more involved in the PTA but weren't sure how to get started. If any of these sound like you, please join us for our PTA Leadership & Nominating Committee Information Session, which will be held via Zoom on Wednesday, November 29th at 8pm. Please connect using this Zoom link (Meeting ID: 824 0433 4363, Passcode: 6FXP54). Thanks!

November 29th - Dolphins Got Talent! Registration Deadline

Unleash Your Inner Star during the return of the MES Student Talent Show, now with the new name: Dolphins Got Talent!

At our school, we believe every student possesses a unique talent waiting to shine. We’re thrilled to announce the return of the student talent showcase, where creativity knows no bounds! Writers, visual artists, singers, dancers, and performers of all types are welcome and encouraged to be part of the showcase, which will take place on Saturday, January 27th, 2024 in the MES Auditorium! This is a special opportunity for students to shine and support one another to celebrate the incredible diversity of talents within our school community. For more details on the show, please visit the Dolphins Got Talent! webpage.

Participation Interest Form and Important Info:

Are your MES students interested in participating the Dolphins Got Talent, whether you’re auditioning for live act show, submitting a writing piece or visual art? Fill out the Participant Interest Form here by November 29th at the latest. Live Act performers will then be sent a link on November 30th to sign up for an audition time slot.

“Auditions” for Live Acts will be held on December 7th and 8th from 3-6pm in MES Auditorium. There are NO CUTS and all students who want to participate are encouraged to do so. Art work and writing can be dropped off in the Front Office between November 27th and January 12th. Students' creative work will be displayed as part of the show for families to view on January 27th.

Any questions? Contact the PTA Dolphins Got Talent Co-Chairs: Blair Boyd Zant and Sanjam Duggal.

December 4th through 8th: Inclusive Schools Week!

Join us to celebrate this very important week December 4-8th! There will be a variety of activities within classrooms and across the school that week.

Please show your support by having your student(s)/child(ren) wear NAVY BLUE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6th! 

Since its inception in 2001, Inclusive Schools Week has celebrated the progress that schools have made in providing a supportive and quality education to an increasingly diverse student population, including students who are marginalized due to disability, gender, socio-economic status, cultural heritage, language preference, and other factors. Inclusive Schools Week allows us all to take a moment to applaud the progress we’ve made toward building more inclusive school communities while pledging to continue our work toward becoming a more inclusive society.

This year’s Inclusive Schools Week 2023 theme is: Draw Me In.

As far back as the days of cave drawings, art has been a way for humans to express themselves. Many children begin to communicate through the language of art even before using words. We’ve often heard, “A picture is worth a thousand words.”

Participating in art provides a pathway to self-discovery, and sharing art opens doors to understanding and respecting different ways of thinking. Do we see the faces of all children and youth drawn into the canvas of our schools and society today?

The need to belong is a basic need of all students and an integral component of effective inclusive schools. To be inclusive implies a fundamental commitment to building relationships among students, families, educators, and the community to support safe and positive learning environments.

Artist and muralist, Kyle Holbrook, founder of Moving the Lives of Kids, has joined the Inclusive Schools Network to share his vision and knowledge of public art as a way to reach and include all kids. As we celebrate Inclusive Schools Week 2023, let us ALL respond—Draw Me In!

December 8th - School Picture Make Up Day

GCI will be back on campus Friday, December 8th, 2023 for make-up day pictures. Picture proofs from Tuesday, October 17th were sent home in Wednesday Take Home Folders this week, along with instructions related to School Picture Make Up Day.. You may choose to have your student take a make-up picture if you are not pleased with the result!

To order pictures, please download THIS FORM and send directly to GCI as instructed on the order form.

MES News and Reminders

Calling all STEAM Enthusiasts!

Share your passion for your STEAM-related work or hobby by volunteering to be a presenter at Family Science Night (or recommend a friend you think might be great!). This year's event will take place from 6:00 - 8:00pm on Tuesday, February 13th (for grades K-2) and Thursday, February 15th (grades 3-5).

If you are interested in being a presenter or just have questions about the event, please contact the Family Science Night Committee at [email protected].

Yard Sign Recycling Is Back!

Do you have yard signs that need to be recycled? The MES Swag Committee will be collecting yard signs all next week in the morning before school starts! The city won't take them in our blue bins, so please consider brining them to be properly recycled at MES. Simply look for our bins at the front doors of the school to drop off your signs for recycling!

The SWAG Committee is also looking for help delivering the collected signs to the CHaRM donation center. If you can help assist with this task, please sign up HERE! There's a smooth process to follow if you're able to help.

For questions, please contact Jackie Townley.

MES Student Council Canned Food Drive

Student Council will be sponsoring a canned food drive beginning November 28th through December 12th. Please plan to send in any type of canned food item with your students (cans ONLY please, no boxed food). Student council members will also be visiting the classrooms to talk about the canned food drive with students!

Morning Carpool Drop Off Reminder!

Friendly Reminder: The ONLY safe and acceptable method of dropping off students in carpool is through our designated carpool route. There is no drop off allowed on East Rock Springs Road as it is extremely unsafe with traffic patterns. We have even noticed a few cars dropping off students in the middle of the street, which is extremely unsafe for our children during a very busy time of increased traffic. 

You can find the carpool route on the MES website Transportation page. Thank you!

STEAM Partner Interest Form 2023-2024

We need YOUR expertise, experience and help to shine a light on STEAM/STEM amazing Careers!!

We are looking for partners who are willing to share their STEAM/STEM career with students in any way that will help bring it to life:

  • field trip opportunity
  • in person speaker
  • facilitated hands-on class project
  • zoom speaker
  • donation of supplies for a project
  • OR sharing resources or contacts

If it is you or someone you know can help, please complete the form here or share it to help our MES students grow in their knowledge of diverse STEAM/STEM careers!

MES Principal Blog

Principal Sofianos has been busy updating her blog this year, with some help from Assistant Principals Dr. Sinclair and Mr. Baron. Be sure to keep up with all the school news straight from the principal's desk by bookmarking her Principal's Blog and checking back often!

APS and Midtown Cluster Happenings

Saturday, November 18th: APS Family Engagement Conference

Join us this Saturday, November 18th, at Tuskegee Airmen Global Academy from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for a transformative experience at the Family Engagement Conference. As we celebrate National Family Engagement Month, we emphasize your crucial role as parents in shaping your child's lifelong love for learning.

Our theme, "F.U.S.E.S. - Families Uniting with Schools for Engagement Success," underscores APS' commitment to a collaborative partnership with families. This conference is your gateway to identifying opportunities for you to work with your child's school to substantially impact their education. Workshops, led by experienced educators will provide insights and strategies for effective engagement. 

Benefit from a student-led session, delightful bites, and networking with community vendors. Childcare and Spanish interpreters ensure accessibility. For more info, contact Bea White. Stay updated on Twitter at @APSFam_Alumn and Facebook under APS Office of Family Engagement.

Join us this Saturday to empower your child's educational journey-let's be part of unlocking success together!

Please Participate! APS Crucial Matters Surveys are Open NOW!

At APS, we are committed to creating an educational environment that meets the needs and expectations of our diverse community. To achieve this, we need your input on several crucial matters. We acknowledge that surveys can sometimes feel overwhelming, but please bear with us - your perspective is invaluable.

Here are the surveys we kindly ask you to complete at your earliest convenience:

1. Student Calendars for School Years 2025-2026, SY 2026-2027, and SY 2027-2028 (Survey closes Dec.5th) Share your priorities regarding the student calendar.

Survey Link

2. Superintendent Search Survey: Contribute to developing the profile of the next superintendent.

Survey Link

3. Annual Family Engagement Feedback (Survey closes Dec. 8th)

Let us know what is and isn't working with your school's family engagement efforts.

Survey Link

4. Amp Up APS! Districtwide Equity Student Survey (Survey closes Nov. 30, 2023) If you have a 4th-12th grade student, please encourage them to share their unique perspective and help shape the district's efforts to advance equity for all. Students can access the survey by entering their Network ID in MyBackPack.

We understand that it may seem like a lot of surveys, but each one plays a crucial role in enhancing the educational experience for all students. Your insights guide us in making informed decisions that positively impact the entire APS community.

Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to the success of our district.

Midtown Cluster Advisory Team Meeting

The next Midtown Cluster Advisory Team meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 29th at 4:30pm. The agenda for this meeting, as well as the upcoming meeting schedule and other relevant documents can be found on the Midtown Cluster Advisory Team webpage.

Atlanta Board of Education Meeting

The next monthly APS Board of Education meeting will take place on Monday, December 4th from 2:30-8:00pm. All meetings are held at the Atlanta Public Schools Center for Learning and Leadership Auditorium and are typically livestreamed via the APS Board of Education Facebook Page. Interested parties are welcome to provide comments during the Community Meeting portion (which begins at 6:00pm) by signing up in person from 5:00-5:50pm.

Stay Up to Date with the APS Midtown Cluster

Click HERE for resources directly related to our cluster.

Stay Up to Date with the 2023-2024 APS Calendar 

Click HERE to view the district calendar and start planning for all the breaks.

Click HERE to view the Atlanta BOE 2023 Calendar.

Dolphin Donors

Thank you to our 2023-2024 Diamond Dolphin, Dolphin, and Platinum-level sponsors for supporting our school!

For more information about Dolphin Donors, please click HERE.

The Digital Dolphin is a weekly newsletter managed by the Morningside Elementary PTA - Contact Editor