Vol 6
November 2018
Photo: Nogales Border Fence at Night by Hugh Cabot
THE BORDER LINE…One of the best ways to get a handle on the current debate about immigration policies in this country is to study our history. In that regard, I’m delighted to announce that Dr. Jim Hoff will be leading a class on “U.S. Immigration Then & Now” for the Borderlands Forum. Jim is a careful researcher, able to trace the link between historical precedent and
today’s conflicted situation. Session one on November sixth will take us through the first two centuries of our nation’s story; session two (Nov. 13) will summarize the various visas and realities for today. And in session three (Nov. 20) we’ll struggle together to identify what we believe is most important for the future. The first two sessions are in the mornings (9:30 – 11:00); session three is in the afternoon (2:00 to 3:30). All class sessions will be at BMO Harris Bank, 270 W Continental in Green Valley. Only after we booked the venue did we realize that the first session is on Election Day (Tuesday, Nov. 6). While simple answers may be tempting, intuitively most of us know that type of response is not enough to address the complex issues involved.
 Sign up online or call Shauna to register (520-398-3229)    Jerry Haas, Executive Director
BCA Officers Elected
BCA OFFICERS ELECTED: At the regular BCA Board of Directors meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 17, a new slate of officers was elected for a two year term. Our President, Cecilia Quade is a retired nurse whose last position was CEO of a hospice in Indianapolis. She and her husband Richard have a home in Rio Rico and love exploring Arizona and Sonora with BCA. (Ask Richard to show you some of his pictures from birdwatching ventures.) Vice-president Marty Bronstein lives in Tubac where he continues to run an online business selling Japanese prints. Marty came to Arizona from Chicago after a career in information technology and banking. Treasurer John James’ career was in administration and technology in higher education, including a stint as librarian at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire. John also volunteers for the Tubac Center for the Arts and the Tubac Historical Society. Graduate Intern Leila Castro will serve as Recording Secretary and Jerry Haas as Secretary. Jerry will also continue as volunteer Executive Director. Other BCA Board members are Bob Reid, Nancy Bennett, Pat Trulock, Larry Mello, Jim Hoff and Diane Brooks. Board member terms are for three years but can be renewed once for a total of six years. Officers serve for two years. BCA was incorporated in December 2013 and received its approval as a charitable non-profit (501 c 3) a year later.    Jerry Haas, Secretary
We are pleased to announce that BCA has established a permanent endowment fund to secure the future of social investment in the border regions of the Santa Cruz River Valley. The mission of this fund is to provide an ongoing source of funding for social investments to promote learning, communication, and cultural exchange within the border region. A significant incentive for starting this fund came in the form of a matching grant from the Greater Green Valley Community Foundation (GGVCF). With this grant, GGVCF matched dollar-for-dollar the first $12,500 contributed by BCA, giving us an initial balance of $25,000. In addition to the matching grant, GGVCF will provide the financial administration of the endowment, with BCA retaining exclusive authority for the selection of grants. This arrangement will help BCA “hit the ground running” with a viable endowment that can start to make an impact almost immediately. Additional funding for the Endowment will be derived primarily from legacy donations and major contributions. Grants funded by the endowment will focus on projects designed to achieve quantifiable and lasting social outcomes consistent with the values of BCA and which cannot adequately be supported using normal BCA operational funding sources. In order to take advantage of the unique matching grant and to get the BCA Endowment started on the road to lasting success, interested members of BCA and the broader Borderlands community are invited to contact the BCA office for more information or to schedule an in-person meeting to discuss the endowment. Jim Hoff, BCA Board member 

Borderland Forum
January 15
Whenever I’ve asked about the best places to go in Mexico, I know that pretty soon I’ll be hearing about Oaxaca. Friends describe this region in southern Mexico with a soft warm glow in their eyes and a wistful sigh. The food, the culture, the people, the fantastic colors and stunning sights all seem beyond description. The Lonely Planet guidebook says this about Oaxaca: “A bastion of indigenous culture, it is home to the country’s most vibrant crafts and art scene, some outstandingly colorful and extroverted festivities, a uniquely savory cuisine and diverse natural riches.” On Tuesday, January 15 BCA will give you a chance to explore this region, thanks to a visit by a well-known cultural interpreter at the West Center in Green Valley. Porfirio Gutiérrez is a Zapotec artist but also a highly respected advocate, researcher and ethnic ambassador for Oaxaca. The story of his art has been told in publications such as the New York Times and through media outlets including PBS, Univision and the Smithsonian Institute’s NMAI. Plan now to attend this FREE event on the morning of January 15 from 9:30 to 11:00 at the West Center. Please register through BCA’s website to assure your seat. Recent article in the NY Times. JerryHass Click here for a recent New York Times Article    
Breakfast & the Border
Our October 23 gathering at Canoe Ranch Golf Resort was a huge success with over 90 people registered. We welcomed US Consul General Virginia Staab and Greater Green Valley Community Foundation Executive Director Michelle Phillips, and then heard brief updates on FESAC from Alma Cota de Yanez and Luis Torres. The crowd loved hearing Richard Collins, author of the book Riding Behind the Padre: Horseback Views from Both Sides of the Border, tell stories about riding with others as part of Los Caminos de Kino.  His dry humor and insightful commentary on the current situation kept us all fully engaged, so much so that we have invited him back next year. Copies of his book are available in the BCA office; the $20 donation will go to Kino Border Initiative. 
2018 TOURS
click date to sign up
Gastronomic Tour
Cross Border
Tour Nogales
Nov 30 Dec 14 Magdalena Here & Now Tour
Surprising Hermosillo
with Dia de los Muertos &
Sonoran Book Festival
Cross Border Tour Round Up
NOV 6 - 11:15
If you’ve never been on a BCA cross border tour or you want to learn about our NEW tours, come, find out what’s happening. 
(I mmediately following the US Immigration Class)
BMO Harris Bank 270 W. Continental Rd. Green Valley
May 27-June 8
Madrid - Caceres - Merida, - Sevilla - Cadiz - Cordoba - Castilla La Mancha
Extremadura and Andalucia

What does Spain have to do with the border? Alex La Pierre will talk about the cultural and gastronomic conncections between Spain and the Arizona/Sonoran borderlands
Join us Nov 5 @ 11:00 to learn about BCA’s new tour :
“Gateway to a New World: Extremadura and Andalucia" May 27-June 8 2019
Click date to sign up.
For more information on our tour schedule and Borderland Forums
Update on National Park Service/BCA Documentary on the Pilgrimage to Magdalena
At the beginning of the month on October 2 nd and the 3 rd Alex LaPierre, Mike Foster, Angela Gervasi and Leila Castro traveled to Magdalena, Sonora to begin preliminary filming for the BCA documentary that is being funded by a National Park Service Grant. We were there for the days leading up to the Fiesta and we got to see multiple groups of people walking and riding horses on their way to pay respects to Saint Francis. Once we arrived to Magdalena the main square was full of street vendors, tents, and people. We had the opportunity to talk to some people about their journeys and to interview them about the overall significance of the tradition. We were able to film various scenes and we are excited for what the future of this documentary will Read more- Magdalena Pilgrimage
BCA Book Club
If you are interested in reading books about the Borderlands and about border issues, fiction and nonfiction, you may want to sign up. Monthly meetings may be attended in person or virtually. Group size will be kept small, so email me and we’ll get you matched up. There’s so much good stuff to read out there!                                    
  Jerry Haas – [email protected]
BCA is looking for volunteers to help host various events and receptions, including Borderlands Forum classes, tours and special gatherings. If you are interested, please fill out and return a Volunteer Application or call the office (520-398-3229). Thanks!
BCA T-Shirts

Available at the BCA Office and most events.
Short Sleeve $15 ~ Long Sleeve $20 M-XXL
Check out our NEW WEBSITE for the latest
Tour and Borderland Forum event news.
Tubac Office now open!

Summer hours
Tuesday & Wednesday
9:00 am -12:00 pm.
Additional hours by appointment.
I-19 2221 E. Frontage Rd.
PO Box 1863
Tubac, AZ 85646