Information for ministers, educators, church administrators, clerks, and congregations | |
In This Issue
- Presbytery Enacts Boundaries Training Policy
- Apply for Grant Program Starting March 18
- Dunkin Retires From Brandermill Church
- Welcome New Pastoral Leaders
- Salisbury Hosts Hymn Festival
- Next PW Book Discussion Coming Up in March
- Monthly Prayer
- Join Local Churches in Earth Care Conversation
- Tracing the Roots That Connect Us
- Photo: Don't Veto Our Safety Rally
- Presbytery Events
- Church and Community Events
- Employment Opportunities
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Presbytery Enacts Boundaries Training Policy | |
Healthy and vital ministries rely on trust and mutual support to create spaces of welcome and safety for all. On February 17, the presbytery approved a policy that requires leaders to complete training on creating and maintaining healthy boundaries. All individuals affected by the policy (ministers, commissioned ruling elders, certified Christian educators, inquirers, candidates, and ruling elders serving the presbytery) must complete training by May 1, 2024. Two opportunities are available: a self-guided virtual course and an in-person course on March 21 at Ginter Park Church. | |
Apply for Grant Program Starting March 18 | |
Duke Divinity's Leadership Education program offers grants of up to $15,000 to help Christian leaders reflect on accomplishments, broaden perspectives, and discern next steps. Applications open March 18. Join a Q&A session via Zoom to learn more. | |
Dunkin Retires From Brandermill Church | Happy retirement to Rev. James "Jim" Dunkin, whose last Sunday at the Brandermill Church was February 18. He had served as pastor there since 2016. We are grateful for his service to the church and its people. | |
Welcome to Presbytery of the James |
POJ's Commission on Ministry has recently approved the following for service in our presbytery:
- Rev. Elizabeth Smith-Bartlett - Transferred from Hudson River Presbytery to serve as a chaplain with the VCU Health System
- Rev. Jay Sanderford - Transferred from Presbytery of Detroit to serve as a covenant pastor at First Church in Charlottesville
- Patricia Higgins - Approved to serve at Ashland Church as a commissioned ruling elder
We ask the Holy Spirit to guide Elizabeth, Jay, and Patricia and the communities they serve as they create connections together.
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Salisbury Hosts Hymn Festival | Both a concert and a congregational hymn-sing, Salisbury Church's Hymn festival will feature more than 100 voices from the church's various choirs, along with hand bells and guest instrumentalists. On March 3, hear performances by the Chancel Choir, Sunrise Singers, Youth Choir, Junior Choir, Jubilation Choir, and Salisbury Ringers. All are welcome, admission is free, and there is a reception following the festival. | |
Next PW Book Discussion Coming Up in March | Presbyterian Women Churchwide’s Justice and Peace Committee is hosting book discussion groups again in 2024. The discussions will be held on Zoom on the second Monday of every other month. Registration for each meeting is required. You will receive questions for reflection/discussion and a Zoom link 24 hours before each session. The next event is March 11 to discuss Our Missing Hearts: A Novel by Celeste Ng. | |
Monthly Prayer
Read Embroiderers of Hope and Help, a prayer written by Peggy Fox, commissioned ruling elder serving Woodville Presbyterian Church.
We invite you to use this in your personal devotions or during a meeting of your church, committee, or team.
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Join Local Churches in Earth Care Conversation | Is your church considering becoming a PC(USA) Earth Care Congregation or have you already been certified? Join with other churches to share ideas and resources. Bon Air Church hosts the networking event on March 3, at 2:30 p.m. RSVP to Sally Johnston or Deborah Houghton. | |
Tracing the Roots That Connect Us | On March 9 and 10, Providence Church in Gum Spring will host genealogist, recording artist, educator, and author Orice Jenkins. Jenkins has traced his ancestry to 1756 in Central Virginia, uncovering the stories of family members who were enslaved by two of the founders of Providence Church. Learn more on March 9 at 10 a.m. when Jenkins shares his findings. All are invited to a potluck lunch following the presentation; bring a dish to share. RSVP to Providence’s pastor, Susan Steinberg. Jenkins also will sing during Providence’s 11 a.m. worship on March 10. | |
On February 24, presbytery churches participated in a rally at the Bell Tower in Richmond with a specific message to Governor Youngkin: "Don't veto our safety." Commonsense gun reform bills that have passed both chambers head next to the Governor's desk for signature or veto. Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy--which Presbytery of the James supports--opened the rally. Representatives from these churches attended: Second Church (Richmond), Bon Air Church, and Westminster Church (Charlottesville). | |
117th Meeting
June 18
Invitation needed
Call to Order: 9:30 a.m.
Overture deadline: April 23, noon
Packet online: June 4
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Church & Community Events | |
St. Paul's Lenten Speaker Series
February 21-March 20
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Richmond
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Benefit Concert
February 29, 6:30 p.m.
New Hanover Church, Mechanicsville
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The Gift of Small Conference
February 29-March 4
St. Simons Island, Georgia
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Eco-Palms Order Deadline
March 1
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Earth Care Congregation Conversation
March 3, 2:30 p.m.
Bon Air Church
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Salisbury Hymn Festival
March 3, 5 p.m.
Salisbury Church, Midlothian
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LGBTQIA+ Youth Ministry Course
March 5-26
APCE, via Zoom
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Tracing the Roots That Connect Us
March 9 & 10
Providence Church, Gum Spring
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PW Book Discussion
March 11
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Reflective Leadership Grant Application Open
March 18
Duke Divinity
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Mr Rogers Day Resources
March 20
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NEXT Church National Gathering
April 8-11
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Legacies of the Holocaust Seminar
April 9-11
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Women's Retreat
April 19-20
Camp Hanover
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Family Camp
May 17-19
Camp Hanover
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Clergy Couple Retreat
July 29-August 1
Massanetta Springs, Harrisonburg
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Scotland Trip
September 13-23
With Three Chopt Church, Henrico
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Learn about church employment opportunities or submit an opportunity to POJ's calls and jobs board. | |
- Installed minister, Amelia Church (Amelia)
- Interim senior pastor/head of staff, River Road Church (Richmond)
- Synod administrator, Synod of the Mid-Atlantic (Richmond)
- Director of traditional music, River Road Church (Richmond)
- Organist, Ashland Church (Ashland)
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Calls and Jobs in Nearby Presbyteries
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The Current is published weekly. Submit an announcement for an upcoming issue by emailing editor Kelley Hope. Submissions due Thursday at 5 p.m. for the following week. Send text (including a link to your website/Facebook page) in the body of your email or in a Word document. Attach photos to your email if desired. Please do not send graphics or flyers. | Office Telephone | (804) 262-2074 | | | | |