Winter Newsletter 2024

Hello Halima,

We hope you share our excitement about the holiday season! Here at the Club, we are busy preparing to celebrate it, and the goals we have accomplished this year. And while we have cause to celebrate, there is also the reality we face, as many of our youth are struggling with anxiety and depression. 


  • 12.6 million people in the U.S. between the ages of 18 and 25 experienced a mental, behavioral, or emotional health issue in the past year - 1 in 3 young adults.
  • This rate has increased significantly over the past several years, from 22.1% in 2016, as 19.5% of teens aged 12 to 17 had a major depressive episode in the past year.
  • 42% of high school students reported feelings of sadness or hopelessness in the past year. (source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) 

To help us respond to this existential crisis here in Mount Vernon, BGCMV launched a mental health pilot program last summer for our kids, led by our Mental Health Counselor, Steve Vaccaro. Since we tested this program, the Club has continued it, and today we have over 50 kids working with Steve to help them build their confidence, improve their self-esteem, and prepare for a Brighter Future.   

In this edition of our newsletter, we recap recent events and programs we offered and share news about exciting programs and events coming up in the months ahead, including our Winter Holiday Celebration at the Club this Friday, December 13th. You will also see something new- the first in a series of stories about the people who make this such a special place for our kids, starting with our longest tenured staff member, Mr. Joseph Johnson.  

We hope you’ll consider supporting us by clicking here. Your gift, no matter the size, will make a lasting impact on the kids who need us most—and who depend on us just as much as we depend on you. 

Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful, peaceful and joyful holiday season! 

With warm regards,

Rob Potack
Board President 
Boys & Girls Club of Mount Vernon
Mel Campos
Chief Executive Officer
Boys & Girls Club of Mount Vernon 

Club Hosts Annual Thanksgiving Community Dinner

We had a tremendous turnout for our Annual Thanksgiving Community Dinner this year, as the Club welcomed Mount Vernon area residents for a special evening.

Everyone seemed to enjoy the sense of community we served with traditional Thanksgiving food prepared at our kitchen served by our volunteers, and music played by DJ Brother Ali. 

A very special note of gratitude to Club Board Member Rob Kestenbaum and everyone at IMA Financial Group for their support; to DeCicco & Sons, Sally Sherman, King Delight, and Deli King for their kind donations of food; and to our committee - Ivy Torres, Ed Shaw, Edwin Lopez, Deja Fuller, Tarsha West - for their effort to make this event happen! 

Celebrated Author and Producer Pays it Forward 

BGCMV kids gathered at the Club for an unforgettable experience to learn about the exciting field of media as we hosted NY Times Best-Selling Author, NY Yankees Executive, Producer and Inspirational Speaker Ray Negron.

Ray spent time with our Club Members when he visited with us to share his uniquely inspiring story as he battled (or “batted”) through tremendous adversity when, at age 16, Yankees Owner George Steinbrenner gave him a choice – go to jail for spraying graffiti, or take a job as Yankees Bat Boy. Eventually, after trying out to play in the Major Leagues, Ray ended up working as a Special Assistant to Steinbrenner in Baseball Operations with the Yankees. Since then, he has come to the BGCMV and other area Clubs, and brought MLB players to meet our kids and be with their heroes on the field. 

Today, Ray works with the Yankees as an Assistant and Community Consultant with team president Randy Levine, and he continues to be motivated to help kids by extending a helping hand to youth who need it, and to make a difference in their lives. 

“It is profoundly humbling when I think of the mentors I worked with who stayed with me through some very difficult times as a youth. My brothers and cousins never got the big break that I did at a time when my life could have gone down a dark and different path. Today, when I look back, I see that It was my mentors who kept me on the right track and moving forward, as they made me who I am today. This is why I continue to remain committed as a mentor myself, paying it forward to kids at the Club who just need some time and inspiration to reach their potential. Thank you Mel and to your entire staff for what you do!”

Ray Negron

Thank you Ray for your tireless and true commitment to helping our kids and many others find their pathways forward!

Board Member Hosts Kids On Tour of Grand Central, Donates Laptops

Club Board member Bonnie Rudin, her husband Mitch, and Savills IT Manager Tony DiDino came to BGCMV recently to present laptops to 36 Club Members selected by our staff. The laptops offer opportunities for kids who do not have access to technology at home for their schoolwork and for personal use.

The children were very happy to receive them, and their parents also expressed their appreciation, including one who said her son has wanted a laptop for a couple of years, but she could not afford to get him one. Mitch spoke with the kids about his company and the available jobs in Real Estate. Following this event, we took the kids on a field visit to Savillis. Thank you Bonnie, Mitch,& Tony for helping our kids, and for providing them with these memorable experiences! 

Kids Visit Friends at American Christmas  

Earlier this month, Club kids were on hand to kick off the Holiday Lane at American Christmas, and our CEO Mel Campos was interviewed by News12. This is the third year the Club was invited to partner with American Christmas, along with two other Youth Development Organizations in Mount Vernon.

We have received over $47K from donors to this event in the first two years, and we thank American Christmas CEO Dan Casterella and Board Member Fred Schwam (former President & CEO) for initiating this special partnership over 12 years ago.

Ballet Lessons Put Kids Best Feet Forward  

A group of our young members enjoyed a unique learning experience at the Boys & Girls Club of Mount Vernon, as we partnered with Bronxville Ballet NFS led by their Community Director Susie McCloskey. who arranged for our kids to experience a fun and different approach to goal-oriented learning.


Using the teaching methods of classic dance. Bronxville Ballet offers ballet, pointe, tap and jazz classes for dancers 2-14 years of age. Their philosophy offers individual advancement through collective instruction in 3 principal ​components of the dance development cycle – mental, emotional and physical progress.


Thank you Susie for enabling our kids to learn something new and put their “best feet” forward!

Chapters Community Network Donates to Club

Chapters Community Network, a 501c3 non-profit program, held a Community Fundraising event at Maggie Spillane’s in Mt.Vernon.


Steven Vaccaro, Chapters Community Network Founder/ Executive Director and Community Leader Toni Burden (formally of the now defunct Hempstead Boys & Girls Club) presented BGRCMV CEO Mel Campos and Board Members Rhonda L. Fountain and Dan Aronson with a check donated from the Hempstead Club. We are thankful for their generous donation & passion to pay it forward.

Featured Club Staff Member: Joseph Johnson  

It’s not often that we recognize individual staff here at the Club, as it's always about the team and the collective effort to do what we do for the kids here. But once in a while we realize the quiet heroes in our midst who show up here every day and go about their business.


And that's exactly why we are turning up the lights on Joseph Johnson. "Mr. Johnson", as he is affectionately known at the Club, commands respect from our kids and he is so well loved by everyone in our community.


Mr. Johnson worked very hard to become who he is today, having grown up as a restless young man who was constantly getting himself into and out of trouble. But he started to change when he enrolled at Westchester Community College where he initially struggled, but eventually graduated. And then he found the Club.


Though his title is Club Gym Coordinator, everyone who knows him understands he is so much more, as his colleague Director of Club Security Edwin Lopez has said that he is the “glue that holds this place together.” Mr. Johnson is also a Gym Teacher at the Nelly Thornton School at Grimes for the past 28 years, and works part time at FedEx.

“When I first went to the Club, I had no idea what they did, but when I started working I realized the impact they had on kids who came in just like me when I was growing up, getting in trouble and sometimes not knowing where my next meal was coming from.

And now, I come here every day, knowing I can help them work through many of the same challenges I faced. I am forever grateful for the people here who showed me the way, especially Mr. Moore, CJ and Mr. Jones. I am so blessed and fortunate, and I feel like a dad when kids come back to say thank you. I love them all, and I don’t want any of them to go through what I did.”  

Joseph Johnson

We love and appreciate you Mr. Johnson, for your hard work and for being such a big part of our success in Building Brighter Futures for young people here in Mt. Vernon! 

Budding Artists Paint Pumpkins 

One of our favorite After School Program activities is to offer our kids opportunities to participate in hands-on, interactive learning exercises that are fun, fulfilling and educational.


Recently, our youth members enjoyed a pumpkin painting activity sponsored by the Greater Hudson Valley (NY) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated, through their "Books Alive" program, a literacy initiative designed to bring books to life for children that incorporates interactive storytelling, dramatizations, and creative activities to engage young learners and foster a love for reading. This program works in partnership with The Links, Incorporated, to promote literacy and creativity.


Please join us in sharing our gratitude to the good people at the Links for all they do for our kids!

Community Partner Spotlight: PCSB Foundation 

We are very fortunate to have a group of special people who grew up with the Club and continue to support us today. But there is one man from a Mount Vernon family with deep roots in our community who has remained committed to our kids. That man is Joe Roberto, Chairman of the PCSB Foundation.

Not long after the Boys Club of Mount Vernon opened in 1912 to accommodate for the lack of organized facilities serving youth in our city, Joe’s father, Antonio and uncles became members. In the late 1950’s, his son Joe and his brother Anthony followed in their footsteps.

As a proud alum, Joe started working as a banker, and eventually became President and CEO of PCSB Bank, one of the largest and most successful banks in the Hudson Valley. Under the leadership of Mr. Roberto, beginning in 2012, he led the evolution at PCSB Bank to become a full commercial bank, serving municipalities and a wide range of businesses in the lower Hudson Valley. In 2017, keeping with a recognized tradition of charity and community service, the PCSB Community Foundation  was founded to identify and provide donations to nonprofit organizations in the region, including BGCMVNY. 

The PCSB Community Foundation and its commitment to our community reflects our unique standing of being a good neighbor, and when I think of Mount Vernon and my childhood - literally growing up at the Club - it is a constant reminder that the values I learned back then remain true today.

I am very pleased to be in this position to give back to the Club and help them fulfill their mission, and our mission at the Foundation is to support not-for-profits that demonstrate the ability to provide exceptional services to communities like Mount Vernon and throughout the Lower Hudson Valley.”

                                                                                  Joe Roberto

Chairman, PCSB Community Foundation

Thank you, Joe, for always being there for the Club, and for continuing the legacy of your family as true community leaders!

Spotlight on Club Alumni: Isaiah Moore

In this edition of our newsletter, we shine a bright light on a young man who grew up at the Club with his Dad, and became a son turned success story, Isaiah Moore. 


At the age of 5, Isaiah became a member of the Club where his father Lowes Moore worked as Executive Director. Between his Junior and Senior years in high school, he was honored as BGCMV Youth of the Year, and finished in the top 3 of the New York statewide honorees in his senior year


Isaiah started work as a volunteer coach in 2009 with the Mount Vernon Development Program which later became the Mount Vernon Elite AAU basketball program. He is still involved as a coach there. He also coaches at the MVP Summer Basketball Camp, and has been there since 2012. He recently started working at Rye Country Day School as a Junior Varsity Assistant Coach.  

“If it wasn’t for my dad, James Jones, my Grandfather Lloyd Wallace, Mr. Johnson & especially Calvin Jones, I wouldn’t be the man I am today.


Mr. Jones taught me one thing that I live by today – Give everyone the same opportunity that I gave you - a chance to reach their own goals and be there to support them every step of the way.”


We hope you join us as we salute Isaiah as a rising star and coach who exemplifies who we are as a member of this special family and community! 

Calendar of Events

Friday, December 13th

Holiday Celebration

6:00pm - 8:00pm

Boys & Girls Club of Mount Vernon


December 23rd, 27th, 30th

January 2nd, 3rd

11:00am - 4:00pm

Bring a Friend to the Club Days

Boys & Girls Club of Mount Vernon


Monday, January 6th

Club Programs Resume


Monday, January 20th

Martin Luther King Day

Club Closed

Friday Feb 14th

Valentines Day Celebration

3:30pm - 6:00pm

Boys & Girls Club of Mount Vernon

Monday, Friday Feb 17th

Presidents Day

Club Closed


Tuesday-Friday, February 18th - 21st

Mid-Winter Break


Bring a Friend to the Club Week

Friday, February 28th

Black History Month Celebration

Boys & Girls Club of Mount Vernon

Boys & Girls Club of Mount Vernon
Board of Directors
Robert Potack
CEO, Unitex
Fred B. Powers, III
Vice President 
Managing Director, Powers Private Equity
Joseph Roberto 
Chairman, President, and CEO of PCSB Bank
Rhonda Fountain
Owner, RLF Marketing

Edward Shaw
Human Resources Chair, Governance Chair
Former CEO, W: Starpoint Solutions

Joe Simone
Strategic Planning Chair      
President/CEO, Simone Development

Laura R. Lavan
Resource Development Chair

Lucy Amicucci
Chief Corporate Responsibility Officer
Union County Savings Bank
Joseph Armentano 
Chief Executive Officer, Paraco
Dan Aronson
Accountant, CDC Management Corp

Jordan Brooks
Executive Vice President, Castoleum Corp.
Mario Bruni
President, Bruni and Campisi
Jayson Brustman

Khalid David
CEO, TracFlo Inc.
Tom DeCaro
Co-founder, Benchmark Title Company 

Lisa Giuffra Diaz

Managing Partner, Founder, Turf Advisory

Richard Gossett

CEO, Global 530

Jennifer Hippolyte-Thomas

Independent Education Management


Robert Kestenbaum

CEO, York International Agency, LLC

Cynthia Davida Lamptey

Translator, United Nations Secretariat

David Lederman

Former Executive, Barclay’s Bank

Jack McArdle

Vice President, Arthur J Gallagher & Company

Luciana Miranda

Managing Director, Bank of America


Kyle Munoz

Owner, Munoz and Munoz Insurance

Anthony Paolercio Jr

President, Michael Anthony Holdings

Haley Pilgrim


John A. Rapaport Esq.

General Counsel, Component Assembly Systems


Bonnie Rudin

Educator Advocate


Fred Schwam

Former President/CEO, American Christmas

Rhonda Sealey, LMSW

Borough Manager, NYC Children’s Services


JB Smoove

Actor, Comedian, Producer, Entrepreneur


Todd Wood

Advisor, Bernstein Private Wealth Management