December 9, 2019
One more year!!
This was supposed to be a reflection on my 17 years at ASMS having proudly and somewhat loudly proclaimed last summer that this was to be my final year. I was headed home to read 1,700 books on my Kindle, lavish attention on dogs, a cat and a bird and instead of collecting cookbooks, I would have the time to really use them. Then...juniors asked me to stay...faculty wondered why I was doing this...and I came to my senses. But that didn’t mean I got out of going down memory lane for the newsletter. So, here are some thoughts as I slowly move towards retirement in 2021:
What I hope to retain: Good ASMS friends! Students and adults!
What I wish I could take with me: My gorgeous views looking through my walls of glass.
My most embarrassing moment: Lip-syncing to I Got you Babe in the auditorium – I was Cher, Dr. Rambo was Sonny. How did I ever agree to that? Hopefully, there are no pictures!
What I’m most proud of: Changing the ASMS library from a collection of other schools’ discarded books to a library of current and classic materials including new fiction, relevant nonfiction, access to JSTOR for students and faculty, computers for our classes to come and research topics, and our program of having laptops available for students to check out.
Ms. Mollise
ASMS Librarian
Sign up to meet ASMS Alumna next week!
Group Meetings
Amber Jackson (class of 2015)
Program Manager
at Microsoft
Dec. 16 and 17
Choose from 15 meeting slots.
Up to 4 students per slot
Bedsole 125 (conference room)

There is also a group lunch for up to 20 students in the Admin. Building Board Room on Dec. 16.

Meet with Amber in a small group, hear her story, and receive personalized advice for your college and career!

Learn more about Amber here .

Click the button to sign up!
The deadline to sign up is this Thursday, Dec. 12.
Lunch and Learn
Anna Word (class of 2014)
Cancer Immunology
Researcher at Yale
Dec. 18
Media Room
Bring Your own Lunch.

Meet Anna, hear her story, and engage in a friendly large group discussion on topics like gaining experience in research, pursuing a career in research, preparing for college, and making the most of your time at ASMS. Come with questions!! 

Learn more about Anna here .

Click the button to sign up!
The deadline to sign up is this Thursday, Dec. 12.
Fun and Games! In French!
French Club is hosting a board game event on Friday, December 13 from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM in Ms. Hoequist's room. There will be French board games, snacks, and drinks!
The 2020 Special Projects Book is now available!
Music is in the Air
On Tuesday, Dec. 10, the ASMS bands and choirs will perform their Winter concert during the 12:45 PM Assembly. Later that evening at 6:00 PM, they will perform again at Bellingrath Gardens for Magic Christmas in Lights.
Stay Health, Happy, and Warm
From the Nurse’s desk: Santa needs a little help with the stocking stuffers this year! Some ideas are:
1. Warm socks
2. Gloves /scarf
3. Shampoo/conditioner
4. Body wash
5. Deodorant
6. Mouth wash/toothpaste
7. New towels/wash clothes
8. Toothbrush/floss
9. Cough drops
10. Facial tissues
Please speak with your student regarding their clothing attire. If they did not bring long pants or a coat to school in August, please send one back after the Christmas break.Thank you so much! - Nurse Kathy
Goodies and Treats needed
SGA is asking parents to donate desserts for winter formal on Saturday 12/14. Some suggestions include brownies, cookie trays, and cupcakes. Please comment on the post in the Parent Association Facebook page if you would like to help and what you will be donating.
Thank you!
Good News
ASMS Community raises over $14,000 on Giving Tuesday
THANK YOU to the whole ASMS community for your support and generosity on Giving Tuesday and for helping us surpass our goal!

Because of you, we will be able to fund the following initiatives:
1) New AV in the Auditorium
2) Upgraded campus wifi
3) 2nd and 3rd floor girls dorm renovations
4) Updated school website

The new AV for the auditorium was installed last week!

Read the full story about the day's success.
ASMS computer science faculty member, Ms. Gray, went to the SIGSCE conference last year with funding from a grant she was awarded. There is a photo of her on the front page of the website!  Can you find her? Click here and select #2!
Design in Mind
The students in Mrs. Brewer's Visual Mathematics class started off the Winter term studying classical Euclidean ruler and compass constructions by drawing regular polygons. They then extended that knowledge by constructing Islamic geometric patterns using only the same simple tools: ruler and compass.
Designs from Mrs. Brewer's Visual Mathematics class
Mari Swindle, Junior
Julia Nelson, Senior
Silas Burch, Senior
Beata Casiday, Senior
Beata Cassidy, Senior
Want to learn how to make your own? Sign up for Mrs. Brewer's Geometric Design Special Project this year!
School Calendar
Parent Association Winter Term Fundraisers
The Parent Association is offering an assortment of fundraisers during the winter term / holiday season to raise additional funds for our students and school.
ASMS Ornaments, 2020 Senior Ornaments, Tumblers & Blankets
  • Click here to see pictures.
  • Deadline to receive by Thanksgiving Break: 12 p.m. (Noon) on Tuesday, Nov. 19 (They'll be sent home with your student).
  • Deadline to receive your items by Holiday Break: 12 p.m. (Noon) on Tuesday, Dec. 17.
Yankee Candle
Now through January 8, 2020
  • Our link!
  • You MUST order through this link for us to receive the fundraising match. We make 40% profit on items sold.
  • All Online Purchases will ship direct to the purchaser or address you assign for shipping.
Now until the until end of school year
  • Our link!
  • We will earn funds from your shopping for e-gift cards and everyday items.
  • You receive discounts while raising funds for our school.
  • To shop, you MUST go to link as your starting point. Once you click on the retailer you wish to purchase e-gift cards or shop from, you will be redirected to their official website but in order for FlipGive to trace purchases, be sure to start with the link.
Join the PA competition!
Now through 12 p.m. (Noon), Monday, November 11th
  • All students received information about a student drive to recruit parents to join Parent Association.
  • The winning hall will be decided based on which one has the largest % of members at the end of the competition, and the winning hall (boys & girls combined) will win hall points.
To have your dates featured in Dragon News, e-mail