January 2020 | Volume 12 | Issue 1
A Message From Supervisor Walkinshaw
Honored. That’s the simplest and best way to describe how it feels to have the opportunity to serve you as the Braddock District Supervisor. Alongside the incredibly talented staff we’ve put together, I look forward to the opportunity to work with you to make our amazing community even better over the next four years.
I thought I’d start by sharing the values that will guide our work here in the Braddock District Office. These are the values I hope to embody as your Supervisor and the values I expect our staff to uphold.
- Respect -- We treat the constituents we serve, our colleagues in County government, and each other with respect at all times, especially when it is most difficult to do so. Our work is too important to waste time and energy with bickering or infighting.
- Accountability -- We take personal responsibility for constituent matters and avoid the tendency to shift blame or responsibility. When there is a mistake, we accept responsibility, learn from it, and get on with our work.
- Discipline -- We are effective and efficient in all that we do, holding ourselves to a high standard of excellence. We recognize that attention to detail can be the difference between success and failure.
- Inclusion -- We represent a diverse community and our decision-making will be far better if we put in the work to bring underrepresented and traditionally-marginalized groups to the table. Our responsibility is to help ensure that everyone feels not just welcome, but part of the process.
- Growth -- We seek to continually improve as individuals and as a team by developing our knowledge of the community and relevant laws and ordinances. We are constantly working to develop the competence needed to perform all aspects of our work.
- Responsiveness -- We respond to all correspondence and communications in a timely fashion, especially from our constituents. A timely response to an inquiry gives the constituent peace of mind that we care and will try to solve their problem.
- Joy -- We take our work seriously, but not ourselves. We’ve chosen a difficult line of work that can be stressful and filled with inevitable frustrations. Maintaining a sense of humor and enjoying ourselves is key to our success.
I plan to spend my first year in office visiting as many neighborhoods and communities as possible, so I can learn what matters to you and where you feel we can improve as a county. So please contact us at
if you'd like to
invite me to speak to your civic association, homeowners association, or community group.
Finally, I want to thank my predecessor, Supervisor John C. Cook. John and I are from different political parties, but I have deep admiration for the enormous service he provided over his decade in office. Serving in public office is an honor, but it is also a sacrifice. John sacrificed countless hours in service to our community and has a lot to be proud of. On a personal note, he could not have been more helpful during the transition period and, thanks in part to his assistance, we were ready to serve you on day one. I wish him all the best and plan to continue to draw on him for advice and counsel moving forward.
James Walkinshaw
Braddock District Supervisor
Update on Metrobus Service Disruption
As many of you are aware, an ongoing work stoppage at Metro’s Cinder Bed Road facility has led to the cancellation of several area bus routes for nearly three months. I share your deep frustration with the inconvenience and additional commuting costs this disruption has caused many of our neighbors. Although Fairfax County and members of the Board of Supervisors do not have direct jurisdiction over WMATA and the Metrobus system, I am committed to using any leverage I have to get our buses moving. That’s why I have publicly and repeatedly called on WMATA General Manager Paul Wiedefeld to get actively involved in the negotiating process by encouraging the contractor, Transdev, to return to the table and bargain in good faith with the workers. It is my understanding that negotiations will resume on January 14.
My predecessor, former Braddock Supervisor John Cook, introduced and passed a resolution of the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission calling on our Northern Virginia representatives to the WMATA Board to work to get WMATA and its General Manager more actively engaged to end the work stoppage. I intend to use my position as a member of the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission to ensure that resolution is acted upon. On my first day in office, I arranged to speak to Arlington Board Chair and WMATA Board Member Christian Dorsey. I expressed our community’s collective frustration with the seemingly-interminable work stoppage and urged him to get his fellow Board members and the WMATA GM to pressure Transdev to negotiate and bring this nightmare to an end. At next week’s meeting of the Board of Supervisors, I will move to ensure that Fairfax County taxpayers do not pay Metro for the bus service they have failed to provide. As I said, I appreciate and share the deep frustration many of you have with this situation. But know that I will work each and every day to highlight this issue and restore service so your commute can return to normal.
James Walkinshaw
Braddock District Supervisor
Walkinshaw in the Community
Supervisor-Elect Walkinshaw, Chief of Staff Frank Anderson, and the Balbuena family enjoyed the annual Taste of Braddock event on December 12, 2019.
Supervisor-Elect Walkinshaw met with immigrant community members at the CASA in Action offices on December 18, 2019.
Supervisor Walkinshaw and Chairman McKay met with representatives of the Fairfax Professional Firefighters and Paramedics, SEIU VA 512, FEA,
other employee groups on January 6, 2020.
From left to right: Joon Park, Brian Garcia, Marcia Pape, Frank Anderson, Linda Bufano, James Walkinshaw and Ann Sharp.
Frank Anderson, Chief of Staff:
Office Management, Legislative Committee, and County Budget.
: Frank.Anderson@Fairfaxcounty.gov
Ann Sharp, Senior Staff Assistant for Constituent Services:
Braddock District Council, Homeowners Associations and Civic Associations, George Mason University and Northern Virginia Community College, Code Compliance and Health Code Violations, Road Maintenance, Traffic Calming and Parking Districts, Pedestrian and Bicycle Connectivity, Utilities and Public Works, Public Safety and Crime, Animal Control, and County History.
: Ann.Sharp@Fairfaxcounty.gov
Marcia Pape, Senior Legislative Assistant for Land Use:
Land Use, Housing, and Affordable/Workforce Housing, Zoning Applications, Development Process, Storm water, Transportation and Transit Projects, and Braddock Road Improvement Project.
Linda Bufano, Senior Legislative Assistant:
Diversion First, Human Services, Mental Health, Suicide Prevention, and Domestic Violence/ Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention, Tax Issues, Community Non-Profit Organizations, Disability Services, Seniors, Aging in Place and Older Adults Committee, Braddock Nights Concert Series and Arts in the Park Kids' Series, and the Arts.
: Linda.Bufano@Fairfaxcounty.gov
Brian Garcia, Communications Director:
Public Relations, Media Inquiries, Website and Social Media Administrator, Braddock Beacon Newsletters and Walkinshaw Advisories, Climate Change, Environment (parks, trails and watersheds), and LatinX and African-American Community Outreach
: Brian.Garcia@Fairfaxcounty.gov
Joon Park, Staff Aide:
Scheduler, Braddock Hall Reservations, Appointments to Boards, Authorities and Commissions, and Asian & Pacific Islander American Community Outreach
: Joon.Park@Fairfaxcounty.gov
Boards, Authorities and Commissions Vacancies
Braddock District Planning Commissioner
Supervisor Walkinshaw is seeking a community member to serve as the Braddock District representative on the Fairfax County Planning Commission. The mission of the Fairfax County Planning Commission is to provide the Board of Supervisors and/or the Board of Zoning Appeals with recommendations on land use policies and plans that will result in orderly, balanced, and equitable county growth. In short, the Planning Commission advises the Board on all matters related to land use in Fairfax County. There are 12 members on the Commission, one member appointed by each district Supervisor and three at-large members appointed by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors.
Serving on the Planning Commission requires a high level of commitment to ensure that the concerns of residents, applicants, and county staff are considered and conflicts are resolved before land use cases go to the Board of Supervisors for final consideration. The Planning Commission holds regular public hearings on Wednesday and Thursday evenings beginning at 7:30 p.m. Although the average length of meetings is about three hours, public hearings typically last until all testimony and discussion is complete. In Fiscal Year 2019, the Planning Commission held 40 regular meetings and heard from a total of 301 speakers. The latest meeting adjournment in FY 2019 was at 2:37 a.m.! In addition to their regular meetings, the Planning Commission also holds an occasional Saturday or off-meeting night seminar or workshop. Occasional field visits or tours are also organized.
If you have an interest in getting involved in the county’s land use process and serving as a Planning Commissioner, please send your resume and a 500-word statement of interest to
by close of business Friday, January 17th. You are encouraged to address what personal and professional experiences or training you have in planning and/or land use that would benefit the Braddock District and the Planning Commission as a whole. Please include “Application for Planning Commissioner” in the subject line.
Oversight Committee on Distracted and Impaired Driving
The purpose of the Oversight Committee on Distracted and Impaired Driving is to reduce the number of critical injury crashes and reduce the number of fatal crashes related to impaired, drowsy, and distracted driving. It ensures that the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors will be adequately and appropriately informed about impaired, drowsy, and distracted driving matters within Fairfax County; which can impact public safety and mobility. If you are interested, please submit a resume and 500-word statement of interest to
close of business Friday, January 17th.
Commission for Women
The purpose of the Commission for Women is to promote the full equality of women and girls in Fairfax County. If you are interested, please submit a resume and 500-word statement of interest to
close of business Friday, January 17th
Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board
The purpose of the Community Service Board is to ensure and oversee the establishment and operation of local mental health, intellectual disabilities, and substance abuse programs. If you are interested, please submit a resume and 500-word statement of interest to
close of business Friday, January 17th
Environmental Quality Advisory Council
The purpose of the EQAC is to advise the Board of Supervisors on environmental matters through ongoing review of the quality of the County's physical environment and to advocate and promote environmental preservation, protection, and enhancement. If you are interested, please submit a resume and 500-word statement of interest to
by c
lose of business Friday, January 17th
Letter From Megan McLaughlin
Braddock District School Board Member
Greetings Braddock District residents,
As your magisterial School Board Member for the past eight years, I am excited to begin a new partnership with Supervisor Walkinshaw in service to our community. Like many residents, my husband and I chose to raise our three sons in Fairfax County because of its outstanding public school system and overall quality of life. Without question, strong schools create strong neighborhoods and strong communities. As a former social worker, college admissions officer, and the daughter of a retired public school teacher, I am deeply committed to ensuring every child in Fairfax County has an opportunity to thrive and succeed in our public schools.
This year, I am serving as our Board’s Budget Chair. Please note that FCPS’ annual budget exceeds $3 billion, with approximately $2 billion coming from County tax revenue. FCPS is also the 10th largest school system in the nation, with almost 190,000 students, and 28,000+ full-time employees. As such, it is critically important that the School Board and the Board of Supervisors work collaboratively to ensure our schools and county services are managed with the greatest degree of efficiency and effectiveness. Therefore, your public input is particularly valuable to us.
f you currently do not receive my e-communications with updates about our schools and my community office hours but would like to have them, please click on
this link
and follow the prompts to subscribe/select “School Board Member Megan McLaughlin” or any other FCPS news sources you wish to receive.
f you have future questions or concerns about FCPS, please call my office phone number to speak with my assistant Cristy Coffey at (571) 423-1064, or you can email us at:
It is an honor to represent you on the School Board!
Megan McLaughlin
Braddock District School Board Member
Citizen of the Month
Larry Velte
Larry Velte has demonstrated great dedication to his country and community throughout his life and years of service. Larry served honorably in the Department of Defense, first in the United States Army for 24 years, followed by 22 years as a civilian. During Larry’s volunteer efforts he has served in the Kings Park West Community Association as a member of the Board of Directors and occasionally as President. He has volunteered in the association since 2004. Larry has also served as a Council member since 2012, with the organization Fairfax FISH (For Immediate Sympathetic Help). FISH is a church-based, all- volunteer nonprofit organization providing emergency financial assistance and food deliveries to households in our area experiencing unexpected difficulties. FISH operates in close collaboration with Fairfax County’ s Coordinated Services Planning agency. Additionally, Larry has served as Council and Board member with SCFB (Shepard’s Center of Fairfax-Burke) since 2015. SCFB is a volunteer faith community-based nonprofit providing services and programs for senior citizens in the Fairfax Burke area.
Winter Weather Driving Tips
According to the Virginia Department of Transportation, even experienced drivers can find their nerves and skills tested by winter road conditions. Please see tips below to help you drive safely in winter. Before driving, know the current road conditions and forecast. For statewide highway information, call 511 or go to
; Make sure your vehicle is ready for winter; Check brakes and tires; Check battery and ignition system; Check antifreeze and thermostat; Check windshield wipers and de-icing, washer fluid; Check headlights, tail and brake lights, blinkers and emergency flashers; Check exhaust system, heater and defroster; Check oil; Properly lubricate door locks that may be prone to freezing; Clear snow and ice from vehicle’s roof, hood and trunk and especially from windows, mirrors and lights; Always wear your seat belt; Leave a few minutes early; Start out slowly in the lowest gear recommended by your vehicle’s manufacturer (Find in vehicle’s owner manual); Be aware of potentially icy areas such as shady spots and bridges; Keep a safe distance of at least five seconds behind other vehicles and trucks plowing the road; Don’t pass a snowplow or spreader; Keep an emergency winter driving kit in car; Drive smart; Dial 511 for real-time traffic information—anytime you need it, anywhere you are! Find more information
Chief Roessler’s Statement on the Formation of School Resource Officer Community Review Committee
The mission of the Fairfax County Police Department is to prevent and fight crime. Through our highly engaged community, we maintain our reputation as the safest major jurisdiction in the United States. A few weeks ago, the Chairman of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, Sharon Bulova, formed a committee comprised of community stakeholders to assist me and the Superintendent of the Fairfax County Public Schools, Dr. Scott Braband, in an effort to co-produce a revision to our Memorandum of Understanding for the role of police officers who serve as School Resource Officers in all our middle and high schools. I fully support this endeavor as we are all focused on keeping our children safe in their learning environments. We will collectively revise our policies and ensure those policies have the best interests of our children at heart. Our children’s safety is of paramount importance.
The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) today announced that the agency has signed a contract with Trane to replace more than 9,600 highway lights with light-emitting diode (LED) products, improving roadway visibility and energy efficiency. Significant outcomes of this lighting modernization project will include:
Improving drivers’ ability to see objects at night, such as pedestrians, animals or debris
Reducing crash risks as fewer light replacements mean fewer roadway work zones
Saving taxpayer dollars through energy efficiency and longer product life
Consuming 11 million fewer kilowatt-hours per year following replacement
Aligned with Governor Ralph Northam’s 2018 Energy Plan and Executive Order 43, as well as the VDOT Business Plan, the lighting upgrade will reduce highway lights’ energy consumption by 50% and improve the light lifetime from five years to 15 or more years.
Give Together with Volunteer Fairfax
Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “
Everybody can be great, because anybody can serve.
” On Monday, January 20th, 2020 Volunteer Fairfax will be commemorating Dr. King with our 11th annual family volunteering event Give Together. Volunteer Fairfax would like to cordially invite you to attend this year’s event. Give Together is geared towards elementary-aged children and their families and was created to instill community involvement at a young age. Projects will range from designing Valentine’s Day cards for youth in the Foster care system, making cat adoption kits, creating snack packs for children who receive free or reduced lunch, and creating fleece lap blankets for veterans. Give Together will take place at the Pozez Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia, 8900 Little River Turnpike, Fairfax. We will have three different shifts to help maximize the impact we can make on this day Shift 1 (9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.) and Shift 2 (11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) and Shift 3 (1:30 p.m. until 3:00 p.m.).
Registration opened as of December 6th, 2019 on the Volunteer Fairfax
Where & When?
Free income tax service begins February 1 – April 15, 2020.
The Mason District Governmental Center begins on January 30 and is located at 6507 Columbia Pike, Annandale, 22003. Their hours are Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays 9:30 am – 1 pm; Monday & Thursday, 1 pm – 8 pm (Closed February 17); and Saturdays, 9 am – 1 pm. Optional appointments, by appointment only, are Tuesdays and Wednesdays, please call 571-281-8532. The Mott Community Center, 12111 Braddock Road, Fairfax hours are Thursdays 9:30 am – 1:30 pm; and Saturdays (Closed February 15) 1 pm – 5 pm.
What to bring
Please bring your ID(s), Social Security Card(s), tax documents and prior year’s tax returns.
Who can Participate
AARP TAXAIDE is for taxpayers with low and middle income; all ages welcome, with special attention to seniors; FREE, quality, and confidential service. Federal, VA & some MD and DC tax returns prepared & electronically filed Free of charge. Tax questions can be answered and will be provided by dedicated IRS-certified volunteers. AARP TAXAIDE is a program of the AARP Foundation, offered in conjunction with the IRS. For additional AARP TAXAIDE locations, please contact our office (703) 425-9300 or
New Program - Handy Helper
This free service will help seniors in the Fairfax and Burke communities with minor home repairs, housekeeping, and limited yard work. Actions can include replacing light bulbs, filters and batteries, hanging pictures and curtains, small house cleaning actions, and trimming, planting, and raking in the yard. Plumbing and electrical work can not be offered. Materials and supplies should be provided by the client and requests should be submitted well in advance of the needed service. All work will be accomplished by SCFB volunteers. If you would like to receive such service, contact Barry Wickersham at 703 359 2918, aowbrw@verizon.net.
Dementia Caregiver Support
Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month from 12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. to provide information and encouragement to those caring for someone with dementia. This could be the spouse, other family member or a friend who would like to learn more about providing care giving to a person with a disorder that affects memory and cognition and may also impact behavior and physical abilities. Please contact the SCFB office or Eileen Thompson at
or at (703) 451-8626 to receive further information and to register.
Wednesday at the Movies
SCFB offers a monthly visit to a cinema in the area to view a selected movie. The day chosen is the second Wednesday of each month and the cinema is the Cinema Arts Theater on Pickett Road. The cinema offers discounted tickets on Wednesdays. The group meets after the movie outside the cinema to discuss the merits of the featured film. Transportation is provided for those needing it. Full details, including the selected movie if one calls the week of the second Wednesday of the month, can be obtained from the SCFB office at 703 323 4788.
Get Retirement Ready
Get Retirement Ready, Saturday, January 11, 10:00 am – 12:30 pm with Jeremiah Burke. He will talk about the “Seven Smart Strategies for A Successful Retirement" at Kings Park Library. Registration is necessary, click
to register.
3D Printing for Adults
Monday, January 13 from 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm at the Kings Park Library.
Registration is necessary, click
to register.
Financial Planning Consultation Sessions
Wednesday, January 15, 22 and 29, 4:00 – 4:30 pm, 4:30 – 5:30 pm, 5:30 – 6:00 pm. Meet 30 minutes with a “certified financial planner” professional. Registration is required, click
For more events check out the Kings Park Library’s calendar of events
Aging In Place
Understanding Vulnerability & Risk in the Older Adult Population, by Alicea Ardito, MSW, LMSW, Therapist/Counselor, Northern Virginia Older Adult Counseling. Wednesday, January 15 @1 pm, Kings Park Library Meeting room, 9002 Burke Lake Road.
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
(OLLI) at George Mason University, located at 4210 Roberts Rd., Fairfax, offers diverse social, intellectual and cultural experiences, including more than 100 daytime courses and special events without homework, exams or grades. The mid-winter term is four weeks and classes are held in Fairfax, Reston and Loudoun County. You must be a member to register. For membership and registration go to
or call 703-503-3384.
Lunch N' Life
The next Shepherd's Center of Fairfax-Burke (SCFB) Lunch and Life event will be held at The Church of the Good Shepherd, 9350 Braddock Rd., Burke, VA 22032 on Thursday, January 16, 2019 from 12 noon to 2 PM. The luncheon entertainment will be by the Barbershop Quartet, "Just Four Grins". Come enjoy a delicious catered lunch and lively entertainment. Cost: Lunch and Entertainment - $10.00 per person. Please contact Bea Stephenson for reservations at 703-273-5730.
2,100 Election Officers Needed for the March 3 Democratic Presidential Primary
Fairfax County is the largest voting jurisdiction in Virginia with 243 precincts. It takes thousands of enthusiastic and trained election officers to ensure that we have efficient and well-run elections.
Compensation begins at $175, although officers also may volunteer their time. The Office of Elections is also seeking bilingual officers who speak Korean or Vietnamese. Bilingual speakers are especially needed in: Annandale, Centreville and Falls Church.
On Election Day, officers will set up voting equipment, check photo IDs and check names on the electronic poll book. Provide assistance and instructions for using the voting machines and tabulate the results at the close of the polls.
Election officers must be registered to vote in Virginia.
Become a Fairfax County Census Partner
The 2020 Census is fast approaching and Fairfax County needs your help encouraging your neighbors to participate. The Census only happens once every ten years, and it’s crucial that everyone is counted. It’s estimated that Northern Virginia loses $1,200 in potential annual funding for every resident who does not respond to the Census. That is money the County could lose for education, healthcare, housing, infrastructure, roads and a host of other services that the government provides. By becoming a Fairfax County Census Partner, your organization, business or faith community can make a real difference. Sign up to be a Partner Organization
. Share information about the importance of the Census 2020 across your networks (updates will be provided to you); Encourage everyone to participate in the Census 2020 between March-May 2020. The benefits of becoming a Census Partner include receiving regular updates on the 2020 Census to be shared with your network; and Access to the Fairfax County Partner Communications toolkit, which includes posters, fact sheets and other flyers in multiple languages.
Stuff the Bus Food Drive Kicks Off January 18
Stuff the Bus
the county’s post-holiday food drive, now in its ninth year – hits the road in the fight against hunger in Fairfax County beginning January 18 and continuing weekly through February 15, 2020. Stuff the Bus will visit local grocery stores to collect donated food and household items. Since launching in 2011, the campaign has collected more than 281,500 pounds of food to benefit local nonprofit food pantries, resulting in 200,000 meals for those in need. Statistics show the need for food is great, and demand only becomes more acute during the winter months. In Fairfax County, more than 75,000 residents live below the federal poverty level and 4.2 percent of residents access the federal SNAP program for food assistance. New this year, nonprofit Helping Hungry Kids is hosting a second donation site at the Fresh World international supermarket in Herndon. This is part of a pilot program to expand access to foods that are more culturally reflective of the communities’ food provider organizations serve. The program aligns with the objectives
ne Fairfax
, a joint social and racial equity policy of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors and School
Board. Fast ran buses staffed by MV Transportation will visit Fresh World and several other local grocery stores during the donation period to collect cash and food donations to benefit 11 different nonprofits. Donation hours vary by location. See the full list of dates and locations by clicking
. Listed below are 2 of the locations closest to or in the Braddock District. Visit the following Stuff the Bus locations to drop off your food or cash donations during the specified donation hours:
Saturday, February 8
Annandale Giant
7137 Columbia Pike
Annandale, VA 22003
Donation hours 9:30 am-4 pm
Benefitting ACCA (Annandale Christian Community for Action)
Fairfax Walmart
11181 Lee Highway
Fairfax, VA 22031
Donation hours 11 am-4 pm
Benefitting Britepaths
Fairfax County Awards Solar Power Purchase Agreement Contracts, Launches Large-Scale Renewable Energy Initiative
Solar Arrays Could Help County Avoid Millions in Electricity Costs
FAIRFAX, Va. – Dec. 10, 2019 – Today, Fairfax County government officials announced contracts with multiple solar power purchase agreement (PPA) service providers. The contracts will allow for the installation of solar photovoltaic arrays at Fairfax County government, school, and park sites, providing the potential for both substantial cost avoidance and environmental benefits over time. This is the largest solar PPA initiative by a local municipality in Virginia to date.
Solar PPAs are attractive financing mechanisms for the purchase of renewable energy by government entities because they allow for the purchase of solar-generated electricity from on-site arrays without upfront installation or ongoing operational costs. The solar PPA service provider is responsible for installation, management and maintenance costs.
The contracts include favorable electricity rates that in most cases are fixed for the duration of the contracts. As a result, this initiative could potentially yield over $60 million in electricity cost avoidance over the terms of the contracts. Reinvesting the cost savings in energy efficiency and additional renewable energy opportunities will help generate further savings.
If you would like to read more, please click
Join the Friends of Lake Accotink Park (FLAP)
Volunteers are needed to help clean the park the 2
Sunday of every month. Join them on January 12th from 9 am to 11 am as they pick up trash in the park. Long sleeves, gloves, boots, and long pants are encouraged. There are several meeting locations:
-Lake Accotink Trail entrance – Ellet and Inverchapel Road
-Lake Accotink Marina
-Lake Accotink Trail entrance – End of Danbury Forest/Lonsdale Drive
-Lake Accotink Trail entrance – Queensbury and Hatteras
DONATIONS: Mail to FLAP P.O. Box 1203 Springfield VA 22151
Mary Keeser
Friends of Lake Accotink Park-FLAP
Braddock District Land Use and Environment Committee Meeting
Tuesday, January 21 at 7:30 pm – Braddock Hall
Board of Supervisors – Rezoning Application for 9730 Maury Road, Fairfax
Tuesday, January 28 at 4 pm – Government Center Auditorium
Board of Supervisors Hearing on Rezoning Proposal for 9730 Maury Road Scheduled for January 28
Virendra Bery and Amit Bery have submitted an application to rezone 2.32 acres at 9730 Maury Road, Fairfax, from the R-1 District to the R-3 District to build 5 single-family dwellings. This property is currently developed with one house. The proposal would extend the existing Maury Court eastward to a new cul-de-sac on the subject property. Three of the proposed lots would be oriented toward the relocated cul-de-sac. The other two lots would be located on and accessed from Maury Drive.
The application states that the proposed lots would average 13,160 square feet in size. The architectural design and materials would be compatible with the surrounding area, and the materials would include brick, stone, and/or HardiePlank siding. On-site stormwater management is proposed with individual treatment facilities on each new property. An interior outlot has been proposed to act as a tree save area for the development. A five-foot-wide sidewalk is proposed on both sides of the extension of Maury Court and curb/gutter would be provided. Frontage improvements would also connect existing curb/gutter and sidewalk along Maury Road.
The Planning Commission held a hearing on this application on October 16. Commissioners raised a number of questions and concerns regarding storm water, tree save, and the location of two of the houses. Following the hearing, the applicants made several revisions to their plans. One house has been relocated to the northeast corner of the property and away from the natural storm water runoff path through the center area. The offsite storm water that currently sheet flows across the property would be captured in a 30-inch pipe that would connect to the existing downstream inlet. Onsite storm water would be captured in a common bio-retention facility on the western edge of the site near that storm water inlet that connects to an offsite dry pond. The applicants will be providing $20,000 to the future Homeowners Association for maintenance of the common areas and the bio-retention facilities. A proffer was also added to require copies of subdivision plans and any major inserts or revisions to those plans to be provided to the Braddock District Supervisor and Planning Commissioner for the purpose of administrative review and comment. These changes are captured in an addendum to the staff report which is available
. Based on these improvements, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the rezoning application.
Because the Board of Supervisors does not consider land use cases in November and December of election years, a hearing before the Board of Supervisors has been scheduled for 4 pm on January 28. To testify before the Board of Supervisors, click
The Fairfax County Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) hears and makes decisions on requests for variances (relief from specific zoning regulations such as lot width, building height, or minimum yard requirements) and Special Use Permits. It meets on Wednesdays beginning at 9 am in the Board Auditorium of the Fairfax County Government Center, 12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax. BZA meetings are also aired live on the county government's cable TV
Channel 16
. Residents who have concerns about an application are encouraged to submit a letter for the record or testify at the hearing on the case. You may register to testify
. These matters will not come before the Board of Supervisors but will be decided by the BZA. Staff reports are normally available two weeks before the scheduled hearing.
Haze Hookah Café 2 – 9565 Braddock Road, Fairfax
SP 2019-BR-082
The applicant is seeking a Special Permit for a Commercial Indoor Recreation Use to open a hookah lounge within the Twinbrooke Shopping Center on Braddock Road. The proposed use would occupy 2,000 feet of existing space and would not serve food or alcohol. There would be four employees and approximately 150 patrons daily. No impact on AM peak hour traffic is expected, and the applicant predicts approximately 30 PM peak hour trips. The proposed hours of operation are from 12 pm to 1 am Sunday through Thursday and from 12 pm to 2 am on Friday and Saturday. The applicant operates a similar use in a shopping center off Route 50 in Chantilly. The BZA held a hearing on this application on December 4, during which 11 individuals offered testimony and BZA members raised a number of questions. In order to give staff time to respond, the decision in this case was deferred until January 15 at 9 am. The record remains open for additional written comments, which may be submitted to:
. Additional i
nformation, including a map of the site and staff report, may be found
Ana Vargas – 7803 Harwood Place, Springfield
SPA 2014-BR-111
The applicant is seeking to amend the previous approval for a home child care facility to permit modifications to the development conditions. At the applicant’s request, this application was rescheduled to go before the BZA on February 12. Information, including a map of the site and staff report, when available, may be found
If you have any further questions regarding these land use cases or any other issues of concern to you, please email
or call us at 703-425-9300.