137th EDITION
Camelot Teacher of the Month
Ms. Suzie
Ms. Suzie has been working in the field of Early Childhood Education for ten years. She strives to provide support and care with unyielding dedication to her families and also obtains certification in RIE methods and Montessori philosophies. She enjoys painting and photography, going to art exhibits and libraries. On the weekend Ms.Suzie spends time with her father playing board games together, their favorite is chess! Ms.Suzie is also a professional roller derby player - her team is the Los Angeles Derby Dolls.
Ms. Suzie has a profound passion for teaching and her style is unique. Possessing an eclectic background and specialized training, she has an extensive background in working with children on the autism spectrum where she worked as an instructor & early interventionist. She has studied Sign Language and has taught ASL to infants and toddlers. Ms. Suzie is trilingual and (fun fact!) attended preschool in Costa Rica!

Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Snack: Ice cream with cookies
Favorite Book: "I want my hat back" By: Jon Klassen
Favorite TV Show: Criminal Minds

Word of the Month

Career of the Month

Sport of the Month

Roller Derby

Artist of the Month

Frida Kahlo
Frida Kahlo de Rivera was a Mexican artist best known for her self-portraits. Her paintings are strongly influenced by Mexican folk culture, and use lots of bright colors and dramatic symbolism. 

Frida was proud of her Mexican heritage. She was inspired by traditional Mexican art which is wonderfully colorful, bright, patterned, symbolic art. It is full of feathers, flowers, dancing, music, and texture. She often featured animals in her self-portraits, such as monkeys, parrots, a hairless dog, and a deer. The 'Self Portrait with Monkey' (1938) shows Frida standing in front of trees and leaves wearing a traditional Mexican blouse and necklace, along with an elaborate hairstyle that also reflects her heritage.
April Dates to Remember

Please always check our main calendar linked HERE to stay
up to date on current and future important days.

April 1 - Tuition Due

April 1 - Parent Appreciation Day

April 2 - Happy Birthday Ms.Laritza

April 7 - Aqua Dragons and Blue Dragons Celebrating Ramadan! Don't forget if you want to volunteer to do an activity with your child's class please let us know!

April 11 - 15 - Camelot CLOSED for SPRING BREAK

April 22 - Happy Birthday Ms.Mi Mi
"This collaboration helps provide our children with another chance at life. Our blood drive data reports that we registered 37 donors and were able to collect a total of 26 units of blood, which can potentially help save up to 52 lives!

Children’s Hospital Los Angeles treats over 500,000 children every year. These children require over 2,000 units of blood each month to successfully complete their treatments. Maintaining a safe and adequate blood supply for our patients is a demanding undertaking. Fortunately, thanks to the great help from the Camelot Kids family, we can continue to fulfill our promise to treat some of the bravest children in the nation and fulfill our mission of building hope and healthier futures for our patients."

Our next blood drive is May 25th and if you recently gave blood this past session your are then eligible to donate again! Thank you to our entire CK community!
May Dates to Remember

Please always check our main calendar linked HERE to stay
up to date on current and future important days.

May 1 - Tuition Due

May 5 - Happy Birthday Mr.Kevin

May 8 - Mothers Day

May 25 - CHLA Blood Drive (8am - 2pm)

May 30 - CLOSED Memorial Day


Our Summer Serenade is back this year - June 24th 6-10pm. After missing it for the past 2 years we are excited to be able to celebrate once again our incredible community after our end of year Graduation Show.

We will need a lot of help from parents to make this celebration a huge success so keep an eye out for more information on how you can help.

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