Dates to Remember
*Please always check Friday updates and CK
emails for the most up to date information.
Exploration Classes:
Tuesdays: Spanish
Wednesdays: ASL
Thursdays: Yoga
October 1 - Tuition Due, please refer to the 2024-2025 tuition schedule
October 4 - Happy Birthday Ms.Denisse, Orange Dragons Co-Teacher
October 6 - Happy Birthday Mr.Jaecus, All CK Dragon Teacher
October 9 - Winter Solstice Parent Meeting - 9am // If you can help with Winter Solstice as a parent volunteer please come to this meeting to learn more about the stations available and to help spread the word!
October 11 - Parents Knight Out - Parents Knight Out (6pm - 8pm) - see email for more details
October 14 - CLOSED - Indigenous Peoples' Day
October 15 - Sci-Wiz-A-Lot
October 16 - Spirit Day: Super Hero Day!
October 17 - Happy Birthday Ms.Nancy, Purple Dragons Co-Teacher
October 17 - Happy Birthday Ms.Olivia, Red Dragons Department Head
October 21 - CK Magic Show!
October 31 - Halloween Parade, 9am - 11am (Trick or Trunk!)
- We are in need of TRUNK DECORATORS, please see email for more information.
October 31 - Early Dismissal @ 2:45pm - Due to the surrounding neighborhood and street closures we have early dismissal on Halloween Day.