March 2024

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Welcome to Brainstorms!, the monthly e-newsletter of the MSU Science Math Resource Center. We share cool opportunities for Montana STEM educators of all grade levels, subjects and settings, including upcoming professional development workshops through MSU and our partners; grant applications and STEM resources; STEM events and contests for students; and more. 

Please forward to a colleague and encourage them to subscribe – including your school administrators and school counselors, too! For questions or ideas, contact the MSU Science Math Resource Center.

STEM Summer Institute 2024

Keynote speakers announced; Presenter applications due March 31 

Educators, plan to join us on the MSU campus this summer for the sixth annual STEM Summer Institute featuring keynote speakers Paul Andersen of Bozeman Science and Ann Marie Reinhold of MSU. This is Montana's premiere STEM conference for educators, featuring compelling workshops and breakout sessions, shared meals and networking, exhibitor booths with lots of freebies and inspiring speakers.

SSI 2024 is Aug. 5-7, 2024 with early bird registration discounts through March 31.

Please also consider presenting a session: We encourage Presenter Proposals from K-12 teachers, informal and home school educators, school leaders, teacher educators, and other STEM enthusiasts. This year's conference theme of "STEM Across the Curriculum" is built around 3 strands: 

  1. Planning STEM Learning Environments 
  2. Implementing Ready-To-Use STEM-Based Projects 
  3. Reimagining STEM Learning 

Presenter applications are due March 31 (see link on main page)


The STEM Summer Institute is hosted by the MSU Science Math Resource Center, School Services of Montana and many partner organizations.

Register by March 31 to save 15%

Apply for a free educational kit from MSU for World Quantum Day

World Quantum Day is an international event held on April 14 to generate interest in quantum science and technologies. Quantum is the science of atoms and particles, which are the building blocks of the universe. Scientists have used quantum mechanics to create technology we use every day, such as the chips in smartphones. What exciting technology will be discovered next?

Our goal is to help Montana educators and youth engage in the work of quantum science through lesson kits for teachers to use on or near World Quantum Day. No expertise in quantum science is required. The kit is most appropriate for teachers of middle and high school students.

Application deadline is March 16, 2024. Visit for more information. For questions, contact Elizabeth Green at All resources will also be available for free download.

This work is supported by MSU's Applied Quantum Core.

Apply for a free summer NASA workshop with ties to MSU: Exploring Surface Temperature using a NASA AREN TerraROVER   

Join the AEROKATS and ROVER Education Network for three virtual sessions in May to learn new ways your students can explore how surface materials impact local temperatures and produce phenomena such as the Urban Heat Island Effect.

Use GLOBE measurement protocols, discover lessons from My NASA Data, and learn how to operate and use a NASA/AREN TerraROVER to collect and analyze your own surface temperature data.

  • May 14th - 16th (three sessions ONLINE)
  • 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM MT
  • All training materials provided (including a TerraROVER)
  • Opportunity for ongoing PD with additional resources

Teams should apply by March 22, 2024

Please also notify Suzi Taylor at MSU if you apply. Visit the AREN project at MSU Website.

Prepare for Citizen Science Month in April

Citizen science month is coming soon; here are some resources that will help you prepare

MSU Summer Math Camp

June 17 – June 20, 2024


Students entering 6-9th grade in Fall 2024 

$220 (includes lunch and snacks) 


The Science Math Resource Center offers an in-person day camp on the MSU campus with mathematics and problem-solving sessions, university lab tours, and engaging STEM activities. Students entering 6th through 9th grade in Fall 2024, with a love for advanced mathematical concepts are encouraged to enroll.   

New this year! Montana families traveling from outside the Bozeman area to attend camp are welcome to use MSU’s summer housing, an affordable option to Bozeman’s summer housing challenge. Details coming soon... 

Registration Now Open! 

Partner programs and opportunities

Free Aerospace program for Montana high school students

The Montana Aerospace Scholars (MAS) is a two-phase program for high school students to take part in an extracurricular experience that immerses them in aerospace-related activities. MAS is offered through NASA partnerships with the Montana Learning Center at Canyon Ferry Lake and the Northwest Earth & Space Sciences Pathways program. Phase 1 is remote; Phase 2 is at the MLC campus and includes activities such as learning how to fly a plane, engaging in engineering challenges, partaking in aerospace-industry tours, and interacting with NASA personnel. Students will also spend time observing objects in the night sky at our state-of-the-art observatory, featuring the largest public access telescope in Montana (weather permitting).

Encourage students to apply for this FREE program.

Learn more here

Applications are due March 1 but please reach out to Ryan Hannahoe at if this date has passed and you have an interested student.

Register now for MT Environmental Education Association Annual Conference

Join MEEA in Billings for spectacular sessions, inspiring field trips, networking events you actually want to go to, and more. Dr. Shane Doyle is the keynote speaker.

March 15-17, 2024 – Billings, MT MSUB-Billings




  • Friday: Social at ZOO Montana! Whole and half day PD – BEETLES training, PLT, more...
  • Saturday: Lunch Keynote Speaker Shane Doyle, Plus - Weaving Fire Ecology and the Mann Gulch 75th Commemoration, Aquatic Macros Explorations at Audubon Center, IEFA Outside, Mindfulness Education, and more…
  • Sunday: Field Trips: Pictograph Cave Tour, John H. Dove Site Tour

Exhibitor booth spaces are still available. Sign up on Registration Page  or contact Emily Chilcoat

Learn more about MEEA at:

Ready, STEM, Go! 

Inspirations & Resources for Out-of-School Time Virtual Conference 

March 27-28 from 8am-12 pm MST

Register HERE 

For organizations and professionals dedicated to serving youth beyond the traditional school hours, this cost-free conference serves as a platform to connect and unite engaging STEM opportunities from across the nation. Through professional development, resource sharing, networking, and insightful guest speakers, we aim to amplify innovative solutions that enhance out-of-school-time (OST) programs that serve K-12 youth.

Free Professional Virtual Coaching for Out-of-School Educators

ACRES is a nationally recognized virtual coaching program that builds knowledge and skills so afterschool educators, librarians and anyone who works with youth in out-of-school settings can confidently facilitate STEM experiences for youth. Participating in the ACRES series will help afterschool educators build facilitation skills and confidence in STEM. Cohorts start in April and May.

The program leaders with the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance tell us they've never had a participant from Montana, and they want to change that! Check it out and apply!


  • One cohort begins April 16 and runs for three sessions. Use COHORT ID: AC330PQ
  • Another cohort begins May 8 and runs for three sessions. Use COHORT ID: AC362PQ

Contact for more information

Paid summer nanoscience workshop for middle school teachers

The Nanoscience Institute for Middle School Teachers (NanoSIMST) is a PAID workshop for teachers to engage in nanoscience and technology, discover nano lessons to engage students and learn about several resources in the field.

The Montana Nanotechnology Facility (MONT) based at MSU is sponsoring several Montana teachers' attendance at the virtual workshop, July 15-19. MONT will provide a $500 stipend on completion of the workshop along with an additional $300 for classroom implementation. 

This workshop is hosted by our colleagues at nano@stanford, Stanford University's nano experts, with guest instructors from MONT and other universities across our NNCI network. 

The application deadline is April 26. Learn more here. Download the workshop informational flyer here.

New from MSU: Club for high school students interested in becoming a rural teacher

The MSU Rural Pathways Program is starting a Bridge to College initiative whereby current high school students are invited to be part of an online professional learning community called the Future Rural Educators' Club, led by Glendive Superintendent Stephen Schreibeis. The club will meet virtually 1-2 times per month and participation in the club enables students to apply for additional opportunities such as paid campus visits.  If you have any questions, please contact Marcie Reuer at

Paid summer experience for high school teachers interested in plants

Seed Your Future is seeking 30 high school science educators for an expenses-paid immersive professional development experience. Plant science, horticulture, and floriculture offer fascinating, engaging, and relevant contexts for science teaching and learning. This immersive professional development experience is designed to support the modification of science lessons to align with the NGSS and inspire students with the power of plants. DEADLINE MARCH 8. Learn more

Prepare for the total solar eclipse on April 8

Although Montana is not in the path of totality, we will still experience a partial eclipse and be able to take part in observations. NASA offers many resources to teach about eclipses and take part on April 8. We recommend Eclipse Soundscapes, which will capture audio recordings and mutli-sensory observations right before, during and after the eclipse. Your students can play the role of observers and contribute their findings to NASA!

Do you know a Montana STEM teacher interested in cool opportunities? Please share this newsletter so they can follow along for next year. Or, they can subscribe at
