Welcome to Brainstorms!, the monthly e-newsletter of the MSU Science Math Resource Center. We share cool opportunities for Montana STEM educators of all grade levels, subjects and settings, including upcoming professional development workshops through MSU and our partners; grant applications and STEM resources; STEM events and contests for students; and more.
Whether you teach science, technology, engineering, mathematics or something else related, this newsletter is for you. Please forward to a colleague and encourage them to subscribe – including your school administrators and school counselors, too!
Fall STEM professional development
MSU Research in Action Series (FREE!)
Join the SMRC for a free after-school workshop series that will connect you with MSU researchers to talk about their story in science and their research. We are hoping to work with teachers to consider how you can use the stories and research to create a unique experience for your students. You can register for each monthly workshop separately. OPI renewal units are available for participating.
The first workshop is Thursday, Sept. 22 from 4pm to 5pm and will feature MSU biochemist Emily Dieter.
The September session will be most appropriate for high school teachers; future sessions will be great for elementary and middle school teachers. Learn more and register.
Local Data, Local Phenomena
We are hosting a Saturday workshop series in Bozeman this fall with the theme of water, soil, and air. Our goal is to present lesson ideas, tools, and resources about local phenomena using local data.
The cost to participate in the 3-workshop series is $100 and in addition to the resources, you will receive materials to gather data related to the workshops.
Montana recently joined Computer Science Teacher Association as the final state to have a chapter -- come check out this new opportunity for Computer Science.
We are very excited to continue the state-wide push for computer science education that began with the creation of the Montana CS Standards by creating Montana’s largest computer science department. CSTA Montana will hold virtual and regional in-person meetings throughout the year to provide opportunities for networking, sharing resources, engaging in professional development, discussing best practices, and learning new content. Our first virtual meeting will take place Wednesday, September 28, 4:30 – 6:30PM MT. We hope to see you all there! Visit montana.csteachers.org or contact montana@csteachers.org with any questions.
Come find Science Math Resource Center this fall in Helena and Missoula
Staff from the Science Math Resource Center will be presenting at the MFPE meeting in Helena Oct. 20-21 and at the School Science and Mathematics Association meeting in Missoula Oct. 27-29. Hope to see you there!
In Helena at MFPE, we will present
In Missoula at SSMA, we will present
- Engaging with Coffee: A teachers' experience with authentic inquiry and identity development [Thursday, Oct. 27 at 1pm]
- Exploring Pre-service Teachers' Visual Multiplication Methods [Thursday, Oct. 27, 2:30pm]
- Bring Kites to your STEM Classroom with NASA AREN [Saturday, Oct. 29, 9am]
- Designing a Research in Action Series: Stories of STEM Researchers and Student Affective Measures [Saturday, Oct. 29, 9:30am]
- Culturally Responsive Energy Engineering Research Experience for Elementary Teachers [Saturday, Oct. 29, 11am]
Science Olympiad 2022-23 will be March 8, 2023 at MSU
The date for the Science Olympiad state tournament has been set: Wednesday, March 8, 2023 at MSU. More than 1,000 middle and high school students participate each year in this academic team-based competition featuring contests in biology, chemistry, Earth science, engineering, science inquiry and more. If you are new to Science Olympiad, be sure to attend our video-on-demand session at the MFPE meeting in October; you can also check out last year's presentation for new coaches.
Research Experience for Teachers – join us next summer!
Meaningful • Game changer • Mind-blowing
These are just some of the terms used by teachers to describe their summer experience in MSU’s RET, or Research Experience for Teachers, funded by the National Science Foundation to build bridges between elementary teachers and university researchers.
MSU’s summer cohort included 7 classroom teachers and four pre-service teachers (MSU education students).
For six weeks, the group worked in MSU laboratories; helped create classroom materials tied to science standards and Montana’s Indian Education for All; and met representatives from industry. The theme of the program was Culturally Responsive Energy Engineering Education in Rural/Reservation Elementary Schools.
10-12 more participants will be recruited for next summer’s cohort, with an emphasis on those who teach upper elementary. The six-week program includes a stipend of $6,000; travel support; on-campus housing and meals; and an allowance to purchase classroom supplies. Applications will be open in late fall with a due date in February 2023.
To be notified when application materials are posted, sign up here
Desmos is interactive and well-scaffolded, particularly with animations so that students can really “feel” and understand what is happening in the math. Additionally, there are activities that use computation and play to engage students. This amazing tool also bridges both math and science, and enables teachers to create a classroom for their students. And, recently they unveiled an Algebra 1 curriculum for the 2022-2023 school year for any math teachers out there! Science teachers, their tools also support data literacy and can provide great resources for your data analysis units. Create a free teacher account and check out their classroom activity section!
Do you know a Montana STEM teacher interested in cool opportunities? Please share this newsletter so they can follow along for next year! Or, they can subscribe at bit.ly/smrc-news