- $300,000,000,000
- Advertising Investment
- Unknown to World Famous
- Eye-Catching Logos
- Brand Promises
- Customized Practice Brochures
A clue: “Agencies Agree; 2021 Was A Record Year For Ad Spending, With More Growth Expected In 2022.”
The question is...
What is the amount forecasted for “2022 U.S. ad marketplace investment, driven by digital media, specifically social, search and video?”1
Is this factoid surprising, almost $1000 for each U.S. citizen? Imagine how your local food bank could support more families with fractions of these immense advertising resources.
While nondescript generic canned goods are unworthy of mention, prosperous global brands invest heavily in eliciting aspirational feelings which shape consumer behavior. For comparison, contemplate this branding awareness continuum:
While none have Apple’s financial resources, keen observers discern and apply priceless lessons. ’Tis fair to say, brand identity and trust are influential catalysts, including yours.
Eye-catching logos capture attention. If yours is a source of pride, intentional promotion increases visibility. Alternatively, is a refresh overdue? With new and decade’s old practices, we develop high-impact branding visuals, delighting in seeing plentiful benefits brought to life. The co-creation process is easy and display possibilities exciting.
Brand Promise is the next building block, key words succinctly expressing your mission.
Expect More, Pay Less – The Happiest Place on Earth – A Diamond is Forever
Better Sound through Research – Eat Fresh – You’re in Good Hands
Who guessed… Target, Disney, DeBeers, Bose, Subway and Allstate?
If your Brand Promise speaks volumes, spread the word daily. If time for (re)invention, Just Do It and what we may co-create in minutes or hours (not months) will deliver perpetual results.
If Locally Owned & Operated, capitalize on your practice’s competitive advantage, as Shop Local issue described:
“This Influential Idea’s rationale:
“In cities nationwide, large and small, Shop Local campaigns are increasingly popular and important. While big box stores and online merchants become more dominant, many consumers eagerly support locally owned and operated businesses.
“In this context, as a hearing care provider with numerous competitors, it is important that your current patients and targeted prospects know your practice is locally owned and operated. With the growing market share of big boxes, retail chains and online sellers, it is imperative to differentiate. From community exposure to patient experience excellence, especially for practices with impressive longevity, there are many reasons Why extra awareness of homegrown roots is in your best interest.”
“While your locally owned and operated practice capitalizes on strategically competitive advantages, it should consistently increase awareness of the essential ways your trusted hearing care empowers patients to improve their quality of life.
“This Influential Idea’s rationale:
“As each patients’ hearing loss and plan of care are unique, so is your practice. While you aspire to expertly deliver solutions by discovering their personal stories, how well do you tell your own? With differentiation goals paramount, from your perspective, how are your sound advice, continuity of care and client experiences ideally described?
“To get your Influential practice brochure In Sight and In Mind requires a practical way to develop it. By recognizing content patterns in co-creating 100’s of versions with collaborators nationwide, our nifty design guide exhibits popular content modules. Take delight in not having to reinvent the wheel when proven winners from others lead the way. Beyond core selections, we suggest integrating other components which promote your distinct practice identity. From specialized services to pricing transparency or admirable support of good causes, highlighting exceptional aspects is worthy.”
To further showcase branding bona fides, your business cards, appointment reminder cards, envelopes and letterhead should sync. Time for an update?
In the spirit of branding brainstorming, I’m often asked what HDI’s branding visual represents. To help celebrate next week’s 100th Practice Growth Insights, I’ll humbly reflect on High Definition Impressions.
Bruce Essman
High Definition Impressions (HDI)
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