Bread of Life Weekly Enews 12/1/22

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Minot Area Homeless Coalition Giving Tree

is in the narthex. Grab a tag or two, return wrapped package with a detachable tag marked.

Ex: family #1-mom etc…..

Please return to the office no later than

December 11th

Bread of Life CHURCH APP

Did you know Bread of Life has a church app?? 

Go to the app store and download the “my church app by pushpay”. Set Bread of Life as your home church by searching for “bolminot app”. Or text “bolminot app” to 833-344-5300.   

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Poinsettia Plants…We are again asking for poinsettia plants for our Christmas services. The plan is to order the plants and have them delivered to the church. Cost for a plant is $17.00 and payment must accompany your order. Please make checks payable to Bread of Life. Orders must be to the church office as soon as possible, no later than December 11th. Please include the following information with your order.


  • Number of Plants ($17.00 each)
  • In Loving Memory of (deceased)
  • In Honor of (living)
  • OR a gift to the glory of God
  • Given by
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Bread of Life will have their turn to serve LCM Soup TO Go at MSU on December 6th from 10-1. We will need 6 volunteers and monetary donations to support this cause. We would also like to have cookies or bars individually packaged to go with the soup. Please NO PEANUT BUTTER OR NUTS!

Christmas Eve Service:

We will hold one service Christmas Eve at 5PM. There will be NO service Christmas Day (Sunday)

Bread of Life Note Cards:

There are Bread of Life note cards available for sale in the narthex. They are $1 each. Please put your money in the envelope in the box. This is on the honor system.  

Middle/High School Youth

“Mock in”

will be held on December 22nd from 6PM-Midnight! Make plans to attend!

Lille Julaften 


Lille Julaften or Little Christmas Eve is the celebration before the celebration in Norway. 

Come and learn how Norwegians celebrate Christmas. Sunday, Dec. 4th at the Sons of Norway - Thor Lodge, Scandinavian Heritage Center - Lower Level, 1020 S. Broadway. Begins at 2pm. Open to the public. Free of charge.

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This Week's Worship Helpers: 

Just a reminder the worship helpers for this week are:

Saturday 12/3

  • Usher/Greeter: Dan & Sandy Gilbertson 
  • Reader: Judy Mock
  • Communion Server: Judy Mock
  • Acolyte (Candles): Gilbertsons

Sunday 12/4

  • Usher/Greeter: Carmen Fricke
  • Reader: Kara Vetter
  • Communion Server: Ryan & Kara Vetter
  • Acolyte (Candles): Carmen Fricke
  • Fellowship Server:

Next Week's Worship Helpers: 

Saturday 12/10

  • Usher/Greeter: Ray & Judy Mock  
  • Reader: Tracey Lawson
  • Communion Server: Tracey Lawson 
  • Acolyte (Candles): Mocks

Sunday 12/11

  • Usher/Greeter: Cody & Rod Roteliuk
  • Reader: Linda Langmaack
  • Communion Server: Terry & Peggy Quinlen
  • Acolyte (Candles): Jovie Rafferty
  • Fellowship Server: Michelle Schoenberg

Offering Information:

Text to give “bolminot” to 77977 or at the link: 

Click here then click the give tab

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Loose Change offerings will be for our youth service project of serving meals to the local homeless shelters. 


We are still asking individuals/families to sign up to provide Wednesday evening meals. We have most of the weeks filled through the end of the year but will need families to sign up for the open weeks in the new year.  Click the link below to sign up and get all the details:

Wednesday Night Meal Sign Up

Fellowship Servers ~ We are looking for volunteers to sign up to bring bars/cookies/treats and make and serve coffee/juice for fellowship after Sunday service. There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board in the narthex.

Prairie Faith Devotions

Prairie Faith Devotions Link

Check out Prairie Faith Devotions, found on Facebook. Just click the link. Each weekday, a pastor or deacon from the Western North Dakota Synod shares a short devotion. You are invited to add this devotion to your faith practices.

Noon Bible Study

All are invited to join our noon Bible Study group on Tuesdays at noon. You are welcome to join in person or via zoom. You will receive an email on Mondays with the zoom link attached.

Tuesday Bible Study - Finding Our Place at the Manger

(An Adult Advent Study, November 29th - December 20th)

We see the nativity scene throughout the Advent season, on greeting cards, under Christmas trees, or brightly illuminated on the lawns of public places. This scene depicts a romanticized version of Jesus’ birth narratives found in Matthew and Luke, complete with wise men who traveled long distances to join the shepherds and holy family. Yet these paintings or figurines can lead to a glossed-over experience of the individual characters and their importance in our lives.

The purpose of this study is to look beyond the presentation of the nativity scene so that participants can find their place at the manger. Each session of this four-session study will examine what we know about those who were there to witness the birth of Jesus: Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, and the wise men. Throughout each session, participants will not only look at these characters in Scripture but also how they speak to us in our modern context so that we may find where we fit in as we await the joy of Jesus’ birth. 


This Advent Study will only be offered on Tuesday's at noon. There will not be any books that go with this study.    

Upcoming Fellowship:

Everyone is welcome! Just show up at the place, date, and time. No need to call.  

Fellowship Breakfast: Dec 3rd 830 Perkins

Fellowship Supper: Dec 17th 630 28 Tastes & Taps

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REM ND Meals

Would you be willing to help serve a meal? Provide entertainment or an activity?? Please contact Tammy to help with our REM meals. The meals take place once a month at the church on Wednesdays from 10-noon.

REM ND is a group of individuals with different abilities who get together on Wednesdays at the church. Please consider helping with this stewardship opportuinty.

Mark your calendars for these upcoming events at Bread of Life:

  • Bread of Life Serves LCM Soup-TO GO Dec 6th
  • Youth Mock-in December 22nd 6PM-Midnight

Please remember in your prayers…

Healing: Gayle, sister of Maxine Juelich; Tara Nathe's Uncle John; Martha Schepp, friend of Larry & Donna Herslip; Steve Lodoen brother in law of Diane Kersten; Ron McCarty; Charlie Brydon, cousin of Maxine Juelich; MaryAnn Fitchner; Ron DeMers; Robert Ellis, brother of Dale Ellis; Nicole Mobley, niece of Dale & Dolly Ellis; Lila Striefel; Carmen Ruud, friend of Cody; Delton, brother of Wanda Olson; Lester Larson, father of Kathy Sveet; Kayla Lambrecht; Melissa Godejohn; Janice Hewitt; Ardis Neshem; Mavis Bolte;

Health Concerns; Mel Diers; Kitty Olson; Denise Sundean, daughter of Delores Bratton; Julie Bonner; Clay Rein; Jan Lawson; Samantha Redding; Laurie Christen niece of Lila Striefel,  

Trinity Homes: Alie Conger; Edgewood Vista: Bev Larson, Clay Rein; Elison: Angie Guvakosky, Morris Ludwig; Somerset Court: Ardis Neshem, ProHealth Home Care: Mary Ann Fitchner; Wellington; Jan Lawson; The View; Lila Striefel; MapleView Memory Care: Bev Helstedt; Garrison: Marvel Bakken; At Home: Dick Slaaen, Marian Crawford; With Daughter in Devils Lake: Mavis Bolte


Douglas Trinity Lutheran:

Healing: Florene Knudtson; Phyllis Narum, Gregory Nelson, Lyn Koppinger, Kent Kolden, Isabel Groninger, Gloria Lies, Alvin Magandy, Julie Narum, and Karla Hankel