Bread of Life Weekly Enews 9/26/24

Bread of Life

Women’s Bible Study

"Getting the Most Out of Angels"

In the unseen realms of God's Universe powerful beings called Angels dwell. This study tells us how and when and why God created Angels.

First meeting on Tuesday, October 8th at 630PM at the church. We will meet the second Tuesday of the month at 630PM going forward. We will be doing a study on angels. 

Got any pumpkins??

We are looking to pledge carved pumpkins for this year’s Minot Parks Pumpkin Walk at Woodland Trail (October 11th & 12th). We are in need of some pumpkins for this. If you will have some around then that you’d be willing to donate for bread of life to carve please contact the church office.

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Men’s Bible Study & Breakfast

Saturday October 12th


Join us for a time of conversation, fellowship and Bible study. 

Community Outreach Project:

The Community Outreach Committee project for October is asking for items to help fill the Lutheran Campus Ministry food pantry. These Items assist students on campus in need. We will present them with them at the LCM Chili Feed being held at our church on Sunday, October 13th. You can drop off your items in the designated tote in the narthex or bring them to the chili feed. Thank you!

Peanut Butter                         Noodles

90 second microwave rice or meal packs

Spaghetti Sauce                    Fruit cups

Canned Chicken                      Pop Tarts

Easy Mac & Cheese                Granola Bars

Men & Women Deodorant

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BOL Vendor Show-

BOL Women will host a vendor show on Saturday, October 19th 9-1 in the multipurpose room.

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2024-25 Faith Formation Registration @ BOL!

Summer is flying by which means registration for faith formation programming for Wednesday church school (preschool - 5th grade), Wednesday confirmation (6th - 10th grade) and Sunday school (preschool - 5th grade) is here! Wednesday programming will begin September 18th. Sunday school start date tbd. 

Wednesday Church School and Confirmation meets 6:45-7:30pm

Sunday School meets 10:15-11am. 

Click here to register for FaithFormation

Lutheran Campus Ministry at Minot State

 is collecting gently used cold weather items for an upcoming giveaway on campus. We have many students who come from warmer climates who are not prepared for our lovely North Dakota winters. As you clean your closets, please consider dropping them off at the front desk of the Wellness Center (Located on 11th Ave, entering the door directly under the skyway, on the side of the street with the giant rock). We’ll begin having it available for students at the end of September. 

Worship Helpers

We have created a calendar for worship helpers.

Greeter/Usher- Welcome people as they enter, hand out bulletins, usher people to Communion, give guests welcome bag.

Reader- Read the readings (Pastor reads the gospel) *If you would like the readings prior to service, please contact Hiedi in the office.

Communion Server- Distribute the wine saying "The Blood of Christ shed for you."

Acolyte- Light altar candles and Christ candle 10 minutes before worship begins and extinguish following worship.

Worship helpers for this week

9/28 & 9/29:

Helpers for 9/28

Greeter/Usher: Andy Radford

Reader: Open

Communion Server: Jaydon Schon

Acolyte: Jaydon Schon

Helpers for 9/29

Greeter/Usher: Kerstens

Reader: Laurie Honadel

Communion Server: Laurie Honadel

Acolyte: Kerstens

Fellowship Server:

Worship Helpers

for next week 10/5 & 10/6

Helpers for 10/5

Greeter/Usher: Vetters

Reader: Vetters

Communion Server: Maxine Juelich

Acolyte: Vetters

Helpers for 10/6

Greeter/Usher: Dale & Dolly Ellis

Reader: Susan Thompson

Communion Server: Susan Thompson

Acolyte: Dale & Dolly Ellis

Fellowship Server:

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Trunk or Treat 

Wednesday October 30th (6-7:30pm) 

A sign up to display a "trunk" is in the back of the sanctuary. This year's trunk or treat will be held indoors.

Welcome Table Meal at Broadway Circle

Saturday October 26th 

We are looking for 5-10 Bread of Life volunteers to help serve the Welcome Table meal to 50+ individuals. All the food is provided, help is needed preparing and serving. Prep, serving, and clean up runs from 8:30am to 12:30pm. A sign up for this service opportunity is in the church entrance. Check with Pr. Patrick for more info. 

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Fall Turkey Dinner

to be held on Sunday November 3rd

The Bread of Life Turkey Dinner will be held on Sunday November 3rd from 11am-1pm. Sign ups to help can be found on the table in the back of the sanctuary. Check in with Cody Roteliuk for more info.  

How about them apples?  

We're looking for apples for our Turkey Dinner apple crisp. If you have an over abundance of apples this year we'd gladly take them! Contact Cody or Pr. Patrick.  

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Wednesday Evening Meal Sign Up:

With our Wednesday evening Faith Formation and Confirmation kicking off on September 18th, we will need families to sign up to make, serve, and clean up after the Wednesday evening meal again this year. Below is a link to sign up for Wednesday evening meal prep/serve/clean up. More details are on the sign-up form.

click to sign up to make/serve/clean up Wednesday evening meal

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Loose Change offerings:

Goes to the Fresh Start Kit Ministry for residents leaving the Youth Correctional Center and the ND State Penitentiary.

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Upcoming Church Projects:

For anyone interested in giving towards the carpet and paint project happening at BOL later in 2024, there is now a carpet fund option to choose under the "Give" tab on our website. You may also give through the regular offering—just designate carpet fund on the memo line. 

We currently have funds to put towards this project in Memorials, Thrivent Dollars, Building Improvement Fund, etc. The Stewardship Team has also set a goal of raising an additional $10,000 through congregational giving. Thank you for supporting this project however you are able!

Our Lady of Grace

food pantry is looking for donations of plastic grocery bags and egg cartons. If you have any to donate, please bring them to the church, and we will make sure they get to the food pantry.

Bread of Life is Hiring!!!

We are looking to fill a couple of positions, Music Ministry Coordinator and Sunday School Ministry Coordinator. If you or someone you know is interested, click the links below for information and job descriptions.

Click for info on Music Ministry Coordinator

Click Here for Sunay School Ministry Coordinator

Offering Information:

Text to give “bolminot” to 77977 or at the link: 

Click here then click the give tab

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Calendar of events and building use:

If you have an upcoming event you'd like to put on the Bread of Life calendar, please let Hiedi in the office know, and she can get it added for you.

You can find the Bread of Life calendar of events by clicking the link below:

Click for Bread of Life Calendar

Upcoming Fellowship

  • October 5th 830AM at the shop
  • October 19th 630PM at Applebees

Prairie Faith Devotions

Prairie Faith Devotions Link

Check out Prairie Faith Devotions, found on Facebook. Just click the link. Each weekday, a pastor or deacon from the Western North Dakota Synod shares a short devotion. You are invited to add this devotion to your faith practices.

Gas Stamps

As always, we are looking for gas stamps. We get many requests for donated gas stamps to help folks in need with getting to appointments and getting to work.

Noon Bible Study

All are invited to join our noon Bible Study group on Tuesdays at noon at the church.

Please remember in your prayers......

 Healing: Mary Probst; Brian Fugate; Kate Nathe; Marlene Taylor; Clay Ceynar, friend of Cody; Danielle Bratton, granddaughter of Delores Bratton; Ryan; Ray Mock; Janis Neameyer, sister of Dale Ellis; Scott Osborn; Dan Wenzel; Cathy Douglass; Ed Volk, brother of Donna Herslip; Emmett Pratt; Sutton Hennessey; Lila Striefel; Tessa; Linda Randolph; Tenley Johnson; Kevin Ward; LuAnn Getzlaff; Glenda Schroeder, friend of Clay Rein; Darrell Desilets, brother in law of Cody; Jeannie Jackson, mother of Amanda Kreutzbender; Emma Jo, great niece of Carmen Fricke; Jon Nissen; Ryker Gardiner, great grandson of Colleen Sherven; Gayle, sister of Maxine Juelich; Charlie Brydon, cousin of Maxine Juelich; Ron DeMers; Nicole Mobley, niece of Dale & Dolly Ellis; Melissa Godejohn;

Health Concerns: Kitty Olson; Denise Sundean, daughter of Delores Bratton; Clay Rein; Laurie Christen, niece of Lila Striefel;

Edgewood Vista: Bev Larson, Clay Rein, Jenny Gates; ProHealth Home Care: Mary Ann Fitchner; The View: Lila Striefel; MapleView Memory Care: Bev Helstedt; Garrison: Marvel Bakken; Missouri Slope: Alie Conger; At Home: Dick Slaaen, Marian Crawford

Douglas Trinity Lutheran:

Healing: Marion Narum; Linda Delzer; Tenley Johnson; Michael Kolden; Lorraine Nelson; Sherie Heine; Jeff Krueger; Florene Knudtson; Phyllis Narum; Gregory Nelson; Lyn Koppinger; Kent Kolden; Gloria Lies; and Karla Hankel