Thank You!
To our sponsors, presenters,
volunteers and attendees
who particpated in:

 We can't even begin to describe the enormous positive response and support that we have received from our recent Demand Change Project 2013. Over 700 attendees participated this past weekend over the many different events.
We will be sending out more pictures, videos and surveys soon.  
Main Session/Panel Highlights 
Over 350 attendees participated in the Friday/Saturday sessions, panels and breakouts for professionals and community members.
Plenary Lunch Session 
Thank you to Carlson and the Women's Foundation of Minnesota for an interactive, educational and entertaining plenary session.
Segeant John Bandemer, Vednita Carter, Ramsey County Attorney Choi, and  Lee Roper-Batker
VIP Party  Seven Awardees Recognized 
Congratulations to seven awardees recognized for the exemplary work to end sex trafficking.
Senator Sandy Pappas,  MN DFL Senator
Jeff Bauer, Director of Public Policy and Civic Engagement ,The Family Partnership
Lynne Johnson, Policy/Advocacy Director Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation
Chuck Derry, Gender Violence Institute & MN MAN Action Network
Laura Lederer, President Global Centurion
Kristy Childs, Founder & Executive Director, Veronica's Voice
Lee Roper-Batker, president and CEO of the Women's Foundation of Minnesota

Chuck Derry accepting his award

Minneapolis Rally/Healing Walk

275 people showed up to unite in solidarity to honor victims of sex trafficking and shed light on the commercial sexual exploitation of women and girls in the Minneapolis strip clubs.
Special thanks to Hennepin County Commissioner Gail Dorfman, Minneapolis City Attorney Susan Segal, Minneapolis Police Sergeant Grant Snyder, Cordelia Anderson, St. Paul Police Sergeant John Bandemer, and Chuck Derry.
Victory Benefit Concert 
Another 450 people came out to show their support of the brave Breaking Free ladies who put together an awesome show of spoken word, dance and vocal performances. They were amazing! Thank you to Sha Cage, Kawan Powers, and Tiffany Carter for all of their help!

  and Dawna Johnson & TRU SERVA Rocked the HOUSE!

Thank you to everyone for making this event  
a huge success!

In collaboration with:

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Thank you to our Major Event Sponsors

Minnesota Department of Health

Women's Foundation/MN Girls Are Not For Sale


Wooddale Church

PAK Properties

Halverson Blaiser Group

Patrick & Twiss Butler


Carlson Family Foundation

Scott Equipment Company

Zonta Club of Minneapolis

Demand Abolition/
Hunt Alternatives

Venture Exepeditions

Coalition Against the Trafficking of Women

Joyce McFarland of the Minneapolis Foundation Richard & Joyce McFarland Fund

and many more.......