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February 27, 2024

Breaking News: I am running for

Laguna Beach City Council!

Dear friends,

I am excited to announce that I am running for Laguna Beach City Council.

As you know from past emails, I have been working for many years to make Laguna Beach a leader in terms of animal and environmental protections.

You may recall that I led the charge to preemptively ban the sale of mill-bred animals in my hometown in 2012, five years before SCIL was able to kick puppy mills out of pet shops throughout the state.

In 2020, I helped educate the city council about the dangers bleed-out rat poisons pose to every animal on the food chain, before it voted 5-0 to ban the use of anticoagulant bait on all city property. That campaign led to my appointment to the Environmental Sustainability Committee, of which I have been Vice-Chair for five years. Our committee’s successes include banning the sale of balloons and single-use plastics in the city and, most recently, ending the use of glyphosate in fuel modification zones, an effort I spearheaded.

I hope to work with my council colleagues to make bold strides in climate resilience and protections for all our amazing local wildlife and marine life. We absolutely can make Laguna a model for compassionate, forward-looking cities across California and beyond.

There won’t be any change to my role with SCIL during the campaign or over the next four years, if I am elected. I’ll still be here, working day and night to build the broadest possible coalitions to pass laws that protect the planet and all the creatures we share it with.

If you’d like to follow my campaign, please go to my website and sign up to receive emails.

I am very much looking forward to serving my community in a new capacity, while continuing all the incredible work we have been doing together with SCIL for 17 years now!

All my best and gratitude,


Social Compassion in Legislation
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