March 18, 2024


ACR 86 passes the full legislature!


We are thrilled to announce that ACR 86 passed its final hurdle today on the Senate floor, setting the stage for more action to save animals' lives.


We are sponsoring or supporting important bills this year, including six that are a direct response to ACR 86. What we need most from you right now is a donation of any size to help cover the costs associated with moving these bills forward.

Thank you in advance! 

Sacramento, Calif., March 18, 2024 –  Today, ACR 86, the Pet Crisis Response Act, authored by Assemblymember Ash Kalra, coauthored by a bipartisan group of 16 legislators, and sponsored by Social Compassion in Legislation, passed the Senate with a unanimous vote of 40-0. The bill was presented by Senator Susan Eggman, who shared her passion about saving animals and recent real-world examples of the problem from her district.

The full legislature has thus officially confirmed what we've been saying for years: California has a pet overpopulation crisis that requires an immediate political response.

ACR 86 creates a framework for the state to take a multifaceted approach to addressing this monumental problem, and for us, the animal-loving community, to mobilize to ensure that the important bills SCIL is sponsoring or supporting this year get signed into law.


"We thank Assemblymember Kalra and the entire legislature for treating this critical issue with the sense of urgency it requires," said Judie Mancuso, Founder and President of Social Compassion in Legislation. "We also thank the many veterinarians, RVTs, shelter professionals, and the rescue community for their collaboration and recognition of ACR 86. There is so much to be done to help save the hundreds of thousands of dogs and cats languishing in our state's animal shelters and on our streets, awaiting a death sentence they do not deserve. The passage of this resolution gives us the momentum to continue addressing the problem from multiple angles." 


SCIL is proud to be sponsoring four ACR 86-related bills:

  • AB 1983 will provide funding for spay and neuter through a tax check-off program
  • AB 2012 will ensure that shelters report their intake and outcome data to the state, and that the data is made available to the public 
  • AB 2133 will expand spay and neuter capacity within the veterinary profession 
  • AB 2425 will tighten up breeder regulations and require shelters to list adoptable animals

SCIL is also supporting AB 2216, which will curb restrictions on pets in rental housing - a major reason why owners relinquish their pets, and SB 1233, which will develop standards and guidelines for high-quality, high-volume spay and neuter surgical techniques and implement them in California veterinary medical school coursework. 


"As SCIL's in-house lobbyist, I look forward to working with the legislature to get our sponsored and supported bills to the Governor's desk," said Nickolaus Sackett, Director of Legislative Affairs. “Along the way, each bill will require public support. Legislators need to hear directly from Californians up and down the state that they expect meaningful action to reduce pet overpopulation and save animal lives starting today.”


You can read the full text of the resolution here.


To read more about the ACR 86-related bills SCIL is sponsoring this year, click here.


As always, your donations of any size are welcome, and every dollar will be put to good use!

How to Support

Reminder: If you supported our bills in 2023 and want to do the same in 2024, you must go through the sign-on process again, since these are all new bills.

Thank you in advance! 

Now is the time for you to engage and have your voices heard. Your support letters cannot arrive soon enough.


To send a support letter for our sponsored bills, simply follow the steps below.  


Click on our 'How-to-Help' page, then:


·      Choose the button to show if you are sending as an Individual, Group, or Both.

·      Click on individual bills you want to support, or click the box "Click here to support ALL bills". The bills you click to support will be checked. Then click the "Next" button at the bottom of the page.

·      Fill in your information.

·      Click "Send Support".


You don't have to do anything else! We will produce your letter(s) and ensure that they are received by the right legislators and committees.


***Remember, if you are an organization, you must follow the instructions to register as an organization. The committees have requirements that must be met to get your support registered in the committee analysis, which is very important. 


Alternatively, organizations can send their letter, which must be on organization letterhead and signed, as a pdf to [email protected]


It took years to finally end the cruel pony rides in Griffith Park.

Now we need to make our voices heard to keep them shut down.

If you don’t want a new pony ride business, a petting zoo or a fake “sanctuary” in Griffith Park, this is your LAST opportunity to have your voice heard. 


The Griffith Park pony rides were finally shut down in 2022 after years of protests over the animal cruelty involved in the business. The for-profit animal industry has been working ever since to have the site used for a new business that also involves animals. They have been showing up in large numbers to put pressure on Commissioners to bring back pony rides or install some new business that also uses live animals for entertainment.  


The L.A. Department of Recreation and Parks has contracted a consulting company to survey Griffith Park users about how the site should be used. Several options are being considered, including non-animal uses, which is of course the way to go.



The survey is available to the public and the deadline to participate is March 22, 2024


Note that the “sanctuary” included in the options is not a real sanctuary but rather a venture that would use animals for profit. Below are some suggested responses to keep Griffith Park entertainment free of animal exploitation.


When asked, what would you like to see in the space of the pony rides? 


Non-animal model 

When asked if you would favor pony rides for children in Griffith Park again?  

Strongly oppose 

Next a list of proposals that some people have suggested:

Please choose "Not appealing" for any model that involves animals.Even animals on display.


Having read more, what would you like to see at the site of the former Pony Rides in Griffith Park? 


Non-animal model  


Thank you so much,

Judie Mancuso, Founder/CEO/President

Social Compassion in Legislation

Social Compassion in Legislation
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