Wednesday, January 15, 2025!

Both the City of Los Angeles and Pasadena/Altadena have phone numbers for those needing help with animals left behind in fire zones

L.A. CITY: 213-270-8155

Eaton Fire (Pasadena, Altadena, etc.): 626-577-3752

Click the photo below to hear Judie Mancuso on KFI with Mark Thompson yesterday discussing our coalition's rescue efforts and some of the obstacles faced by the local residents who were evacuated and rescue teams.

Breaking news!

The City of Los Angeles heard our cries for help. They have now implemented the Shelterly software system and engaged with their disaster response team. Shelterly was created for animal disaster response after the CAMP fires (Paradise, CA) of 2018.

Up until now, rescue efforts for animals has been disjointed and conducted as best as possible by various rescue organizations and individuals. With this centralized number and system in place, rescue efforts will now have a chance to be organized and systematic.

The next step needed that we are begging LA for is to deploy enough rescue teams on the ground to reach every animal left behind.

It is now impossible to get into the burn areas due to the heavy national guard presence, which is even stopping the press.

We will continue to send out updates as we get more information.

Click the picture below to watch Judie's segment on KTLA Channel 5 discussing the need for organization and boots on the ground for animal rescue in L.A.

On behalf of the Social Compassion and SCIL teams and all the animals, we thank you for your support in this time of desperate need! Our hearts our broken for all of the tragic loss.

Judie Mancuso, founder/CEO/president

Social Compassion in Legislation


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