Leigh Leopards are delighted to confirm that Homes Together Ltd have agreed a two-year main shirt sponsorship, which will be the highest sponsorship deal ever in the Club history.

Homes Together Ltd, who sponsored Blake Ferguson during the 2022 season, specialise in providing residential care for young adults with learning and physical disabilities, autism and visual impairments.


Homes Together’s owner Steve Jones said: “As a lifelong Leigh supporter, nothing gave me greater pride last season than seeing the club promoted into the Super League. Having been born and bred within half-a-mile of Hilton Park, Leigh Rugby has always been my biggest sporting passion. Seeing them not just promoted last season but the manner of it reminded me of the heady days of Murphy, Woods and Martyn. I had wondered for some time how we might support the club and having spoken to Derek and been impressed by his infectious enthusiasm and passion and a synergy was born. We came up with a shirt sponsorship idea that fits perfectly with the innovations that he is looking to introduce."


“Linking a rugby team which embodies skill, strength, speed and toughness with an organisation that deals with people with physical and learning difficulties is, we feel, ground-breaking and hopefully helps to change perceptions of disability. This is the start of an incredible partnership which I am eager to see unfold.”


David Ashton-Jones, Managing Director from Homes Together said: “We are proud of the new partnership between Leigh Leopards and Homes Together.

Watching Leigh throw the instruction book out of the window and make a positive statement towards their future ambitions, has similarities with our own intent in pushing the message of strength and positivity around disability. What better way to do that than to sponsor a team in such a powerful sport as Rugby League and a team that has been close to our hearts for a very long time. Whilst the business is based in Harrogate, Leigh has a special place in our hearts, and we are determined to help this rugby club and the town in any way we can."

“The next chapter is extremely exciting!” 

Leigh Leopards owner Derek Beaumont revealed the back story to this record-breaking sponsorship, which followed Thursday’s successful rebrand launch, and emphasised the importance of sponsor relationships with the Leigh board, office staff and the club’s general manager, Karen Roberts.


Mr Beaumont said: “To walk out of the presentation to my box in the stadium, where we were based, and see Karen anxious to talk to me about a proposition she had received to be on the front of the shirt was a shock I hadn’t expected."

“You won’t believe this!" Karen exclaimed. She was so excited and rightly so. "Homes Together want to be on the front of the shirt, they love it so much, and the whole rebrand.”

The first step was to seek agreement with Dale Halliwell from PPS Design and Build Ltd, who as main shirt sponsors for 2022, had an option for next year. As was revealed yesterday, PPS Design and Build are now exclusive sponsors of the club’s training kit, for all the Leopards teams in 2023.

“I wouldn’t have had the discussion with Dale unless firstly it was a significant investment and secondly it was a brand and partner that was befitting,” Mr Beaumont explained.

“This smashed both of those objectives out of the park. As I have said in last night’s release, Dale was outstanding in paving the way. Rather than stepping back, he did one of the best side steps we have seen off field at the club, saying ‘keep the same value, put me on the training kit to make way for this.’ He didn’t even ask who the proposal was from and won’t know until reading this release."

“Karen has a fantastic relationship with David and Steve from Homes Together, and I have spoken to them a couple of times, but not at length, in their box that they have at the games. Karen already had an invitation from them to have lunch in Harrogate before anything was known about the rebrand. We discussed that morning the terms and off she went to the meeting to ratify everything. When I spoke with Steve to finalise the points you could sense the passion, even over a phone call. It’s rather apt that it’s yet another Leigh person, that’s achieved great success in life, who wants to be able to put some of that back into the company and has felt motivated by our actions that the rugby club is the vehicle through which to achieve that.

Their values mirror those of our club and me and my wife on a personal level. The help that Homes Together afford to those less fortunate than many and the experiences and quality of life improvement they provide is overwhelming."


“Once agreed, I jumped in the car and headed to our kit suppliers, Ellgren in Dewsbury, who were only too happy to make an express kit to turn up with. Class by them. I arrived at the Ivy in Harrogate and decided to enter in the shirt. As I didn’t know where they were sitting, I had to roam around. I was turning heads and could hear vivid comments about the shirt. As I found them next to a table of ladies, I was disturbed prior to the normal handshake by one of the ladies saying ‘wow, look at your shirt that’s amazing. Karen intercepted and explained what it was. They wanted to take a picture which we politely declined, given we needed to protect the news."


“It was a worthy trip for the Club’s biggest ever sponsor in its history, even though I was going on holiday the following morning. It deserved such an occasion and having spoken to them for a couple of hours I am really excited about what they will bring to the Club and our community.”

Mr Beaumont added: “It’s fantastic to work shoulder to shoulder with fellow successful Leigh people and to have Leigh people on our training and our principal kits and as main club sponsor makes me proud of what our town can achieve. I would like to thank Homes Together for their backing of the Club and trust in what we deliver in our community, coupled with our mirrored values. I am really excited how together we can create change in our community."

“The rugby will take care of everything in the end, but it’s important that our values are mirrored by our partners, and this is a clear indication of that.”

Homes Together Ltd can be found at www.homestogether.co.uk for more details.

Steve & Derek Beaumont                           David Ashton-Jones with Karen Roberts and Steve Jones                 David & Derek Beaumont