June 6, 2023

Dear Angela,

Today the DC Council unanimously passed my bill to push down rent increases on rent-controlled units for two years. After many discussions with renters, tenant advocates and attorneys, landlords, agencies, and Council colleagues, I worked with Councilmembers Pinto and Lewis George to craft the bill that we landed on today, with the help of Councilmembers Frumin, Parker, and Nadeau.

Here's what this means:

Starting July 1st, for anyone living in rent-controlled units, your rent cannot be increased more than 6% this year (and no more than 12% over two years). For seniors and residents who are disabled, your rent cannot be increased more than 4% this year (and no more than 8% over two years). For anyone living in a rent-controlled unit who has already faced increases higher than 6% or 4% this year, the two-year cap will cover you to even out the increases over time.

I believe today's bill effectively balances the impact of staggering inflation costs on renters with landlords' rising costs of providing housing. If you have any questions about this bill, please feel free to email the Committee on Housing for help at Housing@dccouncil.gov or call (202) 727-8270.



Need to reach me or a member of my team?

My office is available to you. Connect with me and my staff via phone or email. Please call my personal office at (202) 724-8174, or my committee office at (202) 727-8270, or email any of my team members. If you have a moment, please take my 3-question constituent survey here.



Robert White | Councilmember | rwhite@dccouncil.gov

Angela Fowlkes | Chief of Staff | afowlkes@dccouncil.gov

Katie Whitehouse | Legislative Director | kwhitehouse@dccouncil.gov

Andre Strickland | Constituent Services Director | astrickland@dccouncil.gov

Devon Haynes | Communications Director | dhaynes@dccouncil.gov

Lisa Wright | Legislative Assistant | lwright@dccouncil.gov

Sam Walden | Office Manager | swalden@dccouncil.gov




Shawn Hilgendorf | Committee Director | shilgendorf@dccouncil.gov

Sean Cuddihy | Deputy Committee Director | scuddihy@dccouncil.gov

Neah Evering | Legislative Counsel | nevering@dccouncil.gov

Caitlin Cocilova | Legislative Counsel | ccocilova@dccouncil.gov

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Robert C. White, Jr. Councilmember, At-Large | Council of the District of Columbia
Phone: (202) 724-8174 | Fax: (202) 727-8210 | www.RobertWhiteAtLarge.com